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About PVTParts

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  1. Has anyone tried the -cpucount=8 command script for their i7? Any luck with that? Somehow I think it has more to do with the GPU than the processor, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Anyone tried it?
  2. Sound isn't my problem, random CTD/freezing is. I was hoping -openal would help, but if it doesn't use it, then there's no point in adding that command line. Should I just be resolved to waiting for the next drivers or the 1.04 patch? I saw that delevero's CTD error has a due date of 8/24. Got my fingers crossed.
  3. arma 2 doesn't use OPENAL, does it? I can be wrong, happens often actually. Have you had any luck with the -openal command script? Are you still CTD with the CD version? Or have non-Steam users had this issue too...
  4. I tried adjusting my LocalVRAM value in the cfg: Deleted the cfg file Set the in-game video memory to Default Changed the LocalVRAM to 939524096 (half of my gtx 295) Changed the cfg to read-only I challenged it with helo flyovers of the two largest cities in the editor, 3rd and 1st person, zooming in and out, no crash. Then made a helo battle with 30 helos and 15 riflemen. No crash! Then I started "Razor Two" and hopped in a HMMV and drove north. "Arma2.exe has stopped working" CTD. I was able to play for the longest stretch yet, about 1 hour without error. Can I blame Vista64? The gtx 295? The i7 950? The lack of patch 1.04? I'll be patient cause this game rules. Anything else work for anyone? I've tried everything on this thread and many others. Do I really have to drop the gfx settings to 'low' to let me play this game? .......................... Not that dropping them to 'low' has fixed anything. It doesn't seem to matter what the graphics settings in-game are, except for video memory - default. Still CTD or freezes in MP and SP. MP faster. Thoughts beyond my past efforts?
  5. The i7/gtx 295 bug is killing me too. Cranked my fan speed to 85%, background processes all off except the necessities, tried in single-gpu mode, -maxmem=2047 and -winxp prompts, drivers 190.38, nvidia SLI patch, nHancer, all for nothing. It let me play longer but still CTD/freeze. Will try to modify my cfg file localVRAM option to half of my GPU. Has anyone turned off their processor hyperthreading? Any luck? Same specs as first post, even Mobo. Just as frustrated. C'mon 1.04 patch.