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Everything posted by noradbase

  1. Turning off texture acceleration in dxdiag seems to get rid of the anomaly errors for me as well, but it does reduce performance, and visual quality seems reduced too, better then nothing though.
  2. Yeah you nailed my feelings. I didn't buy the game right away, saw it was 3 patches in already and figured it's good enough to play through. Buy it, install it, play a few missions, then the first city and kaboom! Can't play, that's it. Feels like I dropped 50 bucks to play a demo version. Seeing how big this thread is, and how widespread this issue is, even if it takes them a while to fix it, they could at least have someone say, "yeah, sorry it's taking so long, but we are aware of this and we are working." That alone would make me feel better, if they just say they got people on it. Right now I feel like I'm in the dark.
  3. I played without anti aliasing, I also tried turing AF off, textures using high, normal, and low, patch 1.02 and patch 1.03. I don't use catalyst AI, and I don't have crossfire, and everytime if it's a big city level it will eventually happen.
  4. Alright quick update, I tried uninstalling, reinstalling and only upgrading to 1.02 patch instead of the latest and still had the same issue. I tried just to play through it and deal with it, however it eventually blue screened and the computer restarted. Is there any word of when this is going to be resolved if it is being dealt with at all? Is there an official bug submission site or tracker or anything for this? As of now the game is essentially unplayable for me, I only bought it a day ago so maybe I could try to return it.
  5. Hi, I have the same visual anomaly mentioned, most noticeable in city levels. I tried lowering the texture and all that stuff and it still happens, although in country levels it's usually alright. Is there any fix beyond win7 since I don't have access to it, and don't feel like changing my operating system just for one visual bug. Also, is this bug being tracked by the devs at all, anybody know? I have dual core 2.93, 4 gigs ddr3, ati 512 4850, and arma2 with 1.03 patch. WinXP