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About thierry007

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  • Interests
    Gaming Walking with my dog.
  • Occupation
    Nothing yet
  1. thierry007

    Sci-Fi Arma 2 Mod

    More info of MW random tho lol and Some other stuff that MAY be usefell (Mw comes from the Battletech series so macross like mechs may come from battletech many if not all MW mechs are from the Battletech universe =p ) About weapons MW mostly has Gauss ( magnetic accelerated Projectiles ) PPC: Some high damage weapon that may cause over heating at you and Enemy. Lasers: - Pulse beam and Charge lasers) Various Missles/rockets: from short to long ranged ones. Some flares to light up Things. Artillery beacons. Ballistic weapons : Mostly machine guns and Shot gun like weapons Also includes the Gauss type weapons And the Long tom Artillery ( A heavy and High damage type of weapon But fires in an arc I may have missed some weapon types but this is all i remember. Btw that Beetle mech looks sweet and big =p
  2. thierry007

    Sci-Fi Arma 2 Mod

    That could be yeah But Remember MW comes from a Much Bigger mech series.. I cant remember the other games but Most mechs come from the Series MW was made of But i thought of Advantages and DIs atvantages for All mech's The Gundam types Fewer weapons same power as MW mechs but Faster the MW mechs slow More Weapons Good armor but weak at the rear (the Gundam types could use thier boosters and speed to get to their rear and blast em apart
  3. Boomerang is too slow for people when you get from the forets side if the base is at the dam so javelins and smaws are handy for your suqad then =D
  4. thierry007

    Sci-Fi Arma 2 Mod

    That sounds good to me wouldnt anger me i guess and hijacking them if theyre Empty is always possible =D + opfor as MW would pwn =p
  5. thierry007

    Anti-Cheat for ArmA 2?

    A anti hack/cheat guard is needed but nothing steam bound please ( as its annoying =p ) most Mp only games ( looking at games like perfect world) have something called hack shield maybe it could get converted somehow to work on this too? or have some auto scan wich detetcs abnormalities ( like in inventory a player with unlimited javelins) can get banned.. from Mp for lets say 2 days or something
  6. thierry007

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Wow spetz Thats so not cool.. male's could also belong in the kicthens... But on topic Femalechars should be possible i say but it would also need a way for the Mp char your playing to have the same face/gender as your char's would need hella lot of work i guess (and its hard to explain what i mean)
  7. thierry007

    SOM and Arty module

    Hmmm you could also put the code for MLRS on radio alpha trigger and make it repeatable( it has a button for once or repeatably ) thats what i found out tho
  8. you can digitaly buy games and eceive em physicaly never heard of internet stores? ( like the Dutch bol.com ) Download buying stuff from the internet is too old =p if your power gets cut of ( black out etc) you lost your money but never got the game.. =p
  9. thierry007

    How is the best way to start playing MP?

    I find it also hard to start playing on MP half of the servers have no map the good ones as everyone says (old farts etc) are always empty or 300+ ping Heh but its good that ya find a good server to play on =p
  10. thierry007

    Being rambo is unrealistic Eh?

    chuck norris doesnt use guns s he doesnt count =p ( he destroys a tank by poiting so reason 2 for nout counting since if he sneezes america blows p if he farts the world dies yeehaw ) But Simo Häyhä pwns hes my hero =p Now i say if you think your a good sniper try what simo Did sniping with a mosin nagant without scope at -20C
  11. thierry007

    Missing some basic radio messages

    Incomming should be used when they spot a tank firing or a rocket or javelin from long range =p they just should shout Grenade when a grenade comes your way and Frag out when they throw one
  12. thierry007

    Do You find ArmA Infinite Land Spooky?

    i think im going to look there too? what is west again? =p i think im going to place enemy apcs and jeeps and send im in there too =D ( if its possible or is Destroy player waypoit enough for them to follwo me in to the infinite lands and beyond! btw if your lazy get a squad mate and let hime drive forward forever (if your squad leder and in vehicle it was possible i think)
  13. Okay.. nowi would only need to find the evidence i guess dead doc sova is one but he aint on any tree in krastonav (as the radio messages say no truck between krastonav and the other town too ( base was at the dam but boomerang didnt come =p the radio said thati shouldnt engage until bommerang came but the base was dead already ( saw a man in the woods near it was looking for sentrys then i spotted a recon squad with brdm with rocket on it then saw the base from distance and called arty =p ( 1 apc and 2 remained and i found nikiton or something)
  14. thierry007

    Sci-Fi Arma 2 Mod

    Gigan that one seems sweet but Pandora beetle doesnt ring a bell tho Heh =p i found this its of a mod i guess but the pictures mioght give ideas for aircraft =p : http://www.3drt.com/3dm/fighters-fleet/fight_fleet-shots.htm
  15. thierry007

    Aircraft steering

    Ive seen real apaches done such a thing i think.. or is there a way to hover to the ground safely to fire the rockets atleast decently? i only need to know why the SU aircraft need an entire runway to get 5m in the air? and a A-10 only half (of the biggest one) and i still cant figure the flaps up and down thing i know thyere needed for lift but most planes dont need em? (and it takes long to use em ) edit ohh wait Sorry didnt see your post Alex ( i must have posted mine while shorty after yours =p )