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Cool Breeze-ICON

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About Cool Breeze-ICON

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi ACE2 guru's, If I look at another player their unit type is displayed i.e. "Squad Leader", do you know how to turn this off and is it handled server or user side? Thanks Cool Breeze
  2. Hi ACE2 guru's, If I look at another player their unit type is displayed i.e. "Squad Leader", do you know how to turn this off and is it handled server or user side? Thanks Cool Breeze
  3. Hi F2 guru's, When running the ACE version and I look at another player their unit type is displayed i.e. "Squad Leader", do you know how to turn this off? Thanks Cool Breeze
  4. Hi, I have installed Six Updater 0.1.9 and gone through the web based install/update (option 1). The first issue I have is that when the second dos window appears it tries to load the web page (http://localhost:16333/main) and fails. I manual load the following page Not sure if this is causing other issues but it seems to work. I follow the instructions and install CBA, ACE and ACEX. I load Arma 2 and ACE loads with version 0.1.182 :) I need to update to the latest version and after pressing option 2 it tells me that there is nothing to update, see below. I think someone is telling me porky pies as the rest of my clan have version 0.1.184. :mad: Hope someone can help? :D Thanks Cool Breeze
  5. Hi Fer, Am I right in believing that the standard re-spawn script does not re-spawn you back at base with your existing weapon load-outs? If yes to above, then I have used the Revive/Re-spawn script and set it to no revive's. This is working ok and re-spawns me at base with weapon load-outs. The problem I have is that I would like to use the AI skill selector and when I turn this function on the revive script does not work, instead when I select the no-revive option the game loads up and a hint tells me I have 2 lives. Has anybody experienced this problem and does anyone have a solution??? Thanks Cool Breeze
  6. Hi Tajin, I am having trouble cutting this in to my mission. Basically I would like to run coding that is in a players initialization line at mission start and then re-run the same coding after they re-spawn. I have copied the t-respawn.sqf and have saved it in a folder within my mission folder, I also updated any reference to the "t-respawn.sqf" file. The players initialization line was:- I have now changed it to:- I tested this in the editor but no joy, eventually this will go on a dedicated server. A couple of questions:- 1. Is this script ok to use for what I am after, if yes please can you help? 2. Will this/can this re-spawn the player back at base? Go gentle with me!!! :bounce3: Thanks Cool Breeze
  7. Cool Breeze-ICON

    Revive Script

    Thanks for that Norin, But I need to be able to pull injured troops out of harms way so that medics can do their job, so should I:- 1. Use the revive script and add the battlefield simulation module, I think there maybe some problems with this though? 2. Not use revive script as I just want the re-spawn part and just re-spawn the old way and accept that players will have to check weapon load-outs when they re-spawn. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks Cool Breeze
  8. Cool Breeze-ICON

    Revive Script

    Hi All, Can I drag/carry injured players if I set the game to "no revive"? Thanks Cool Breeze
  9. Hi All, Am I right in believing that the standard re-spawn script does not re-spawn you back at base with your existing weapon load-outs? If yes to above, then I have used the Revive/Re-spawn script and set it to no revive's. This is working ok and re-spawns me at base with weapon load-outs. The problem I have is that I would like to use the AI skill selector and when I turn this function on the revive script does not work. Has anybody experienced this problem and does anyone have a solution??? Thanks Cool Breeze
  10. Hi All, For some reason the following setting in the description.ext file do not work correctly:- respawn = 1; If I am right in thinking that:- 1 = Respawn as a seagull 2 = Respawn just where you died (you will not keep your gear) 3 = Respawn at base marker 4 = Respawn in your group (if no AI slots are left, you become a seagull) I have set this to 1 and tested it on a hosted PC, when I die I do not spawn as a seagull I get taken to the de-briefing screen? If I set it to 2, I re-spawn at the insertion point with all my weapons. If I set it to 3, I re-spawn at the insertion point with all my weapons. revive_init.sqf description.ext Can anyone help? Cool Breeze
  11. Hi Fer/Galzohar I re-extracted the latest version again and swapped out one of the weapons. I opened the mission in editor and re-saved then previewed the mission. At first nothing then after 10-15sec I hear "shit out of ammo"; success!!! I guess it just takes time to filter through all units in the F2 template. I have now successfully started adding and modifying kit for my new mission. Thanks Cool Breeze
  12. Hi All, Has anybody had issue's with the "@ShackTac_assignGear.sqf" as it doesn't seem to be working for me. I have the latest version of F2 and I am simply changing the USMC equipment for the "_rifleGL" to "M16A4_GL" from "M4A1_HWS_GL". i.e. _rifleGL = "M16A4_GL"; When I preview this in the editor as an FTL nothing has changed? Can anyone help? Thanks Cool Breeze
  13. Cool Breeze-ICON

    Crrc manual ammo refill

    Hi All, Just an update on this. I have used the attach to code to attach an ammo crate to the CRRC. Works well and looks great! Add the following into the initialization field:- clearWeaponCargo this; clearMagazineCargo this; NAMEOFAMMOCRATE attachTo [NAMEOFBOAT, [0,-0.4,-0.3],""]; Ammo crate type was "Local basic ammo". Thanks Cool Breeze
  14. Cool Breeze-ICON

    Enable Backpack?

    Hi Psykedeeli, All you need to do is copy the following into a new text file and call it "prep_backpack.sqf":- Then copy the following into another new text file and call it "x_backpack.sqf":- Save both of these files in a new folder in your mission folder as follows:- \MISSION_NAME\Cust_scripts\Backpack\ NOTE:- I HAVE STRUCTURED MY FOLDERS DIFFERENTLY THAN NORRIN ORIGINALLY INTENDED. SEARCH THROUGH "x_backpack.sqf" TO SEE FILE LOCATIONS. Finally in you mission create a trigger as follows:- ACTIVATION = NONE SET TO = REPEATEDLY TYPE = NONE CONDITION = local player ON ACT. = handle = [true] execVM "Cust_scripts\Backpack\prep_backpack.sqf"; Finish, :yay: Hope this helps, Thanks Cool Breeze-ICON
  15. Hi Shk, Ok, tried the modification out and my findings are:- 1. I had to re-arrange tasks in the init.sqf file in ascending order to show in the correctly order in the briefing screen. This was no issue and actual makes more sense. 2. Using the code bellow now display's the fancy task hint with task title once it has been completed which is good. 3. There is no hint at the start of the mission telling you that task 1 has been assigned. 4. For some reason there is still an issue where once task 1 has been completed it assigns task 2 before showing you that task 1 is accomplished. Hope this helps again, you are very close. I will upload my mission and post you the link. Thanks Cool Breeze-ICON