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Everything posted by Daweedxxx

  1. anybody thinking of making a PA J3 Cub or maybe even a Super Cub?
  2. Daweedxxx

    Why no rivers???

    Why does Chernorus not have a single river flowing through it? I mean its in a region full of mountains and forests, even some lakes.... yet there are no rivers! Is it too tough to create them? To me it would seem it would be as easy as creating a lake or the sea that surrounds Cherno. If BIS was going for so much realism in the first place, they should have made terrain as realistic as possible. I think they forgot or just got lazy when it came to making at least one major river in the map.
  3. Well i wish you luck in finishing that Wilga! I'm looking forward to your release.
  4. is there any way to get aircraft in Dogs of War? I've seen people on the forums mentioning that they were able to get choppers and whatnot but i can't seem to be able to build anything that flies. The AI commander already has one aircraft factory and i built another one, and then another and i still can't build shit! What do i have to do to get in the air??? Dam BIS you really suck at the signle player missions!
  5. Thanks for agreeing IceBreakr! Yeah you could really have some fun with airborne civ transport like that.
  6. Daweedxxx

    Aircraft addons

    hey guys some of you mentioned some civllian planes in your posts... like the Piper Cub and such. Any chance you guys still have to links to them or the file itself? I've been dying to fly around the map in a small civ aircraft. Dave
  7. Daweedxxx

    Piper Warrior II

    Hey Gnat, sweet work! I've been trying to download this plane but the file doesn't seem to be there anymore. Any word on when it would be avaiable for download? Also.... what's the chance that you'd make a Piper Cub in the future? Or have you already made one? Thanks Dave
  8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone know of any civilian or vintage military aircraft available for download for Arma2? I would love to float around Chernorussia in a Piper Cub or a Cessna 182 and maybe even do some low passes in a P-51 Mustang over the airfields and such. So... any onfo out there on addons like that? Is anyone taking requests? All help appreciated. Dave
  9. Daweedxxx


    ok so i recently downloaded and installed teamspeak (Teamspeak2) because so many servers nowadays require it... i still don't know why. Anyways... i have no idea how to use it. I mean yes, it seems simple; you just pu in the server ip and password and connect. So far, though i haven't been able to connect to any server that i tried, and there's over 5 that i have tried. Most of the servers list a port number as well but i don't know where to input that value as there are no fields for in in the Teamspeak "Connect" screen. Does anyone have some answers for me? Are there guides or something that show how to connect through TS? Thanks is advance. Weed
  10. Daweedxxx

    Aircraft in Dogs of War?

    awesome jeff. thanks for that info. now i have some motivation to finish this darn mission :)
  11. Daweedxxx

    ArmA 2 worth buying?

    I say buy it if you can deal with the glitches and imperfections. You probably don't have to upgrade your computer all that much as i noticed that the demo is a lot slower and glitchier than the real thing. I have a Dell Studio Xps laptop (2.4ghz core 2 duo, 4gigs of ram) that i use to play the game and i play on normal/high settings with very good gameplay. This is a good game, probably better than original OFP but like i said it has plenty of things that should be worked on ( aka stupid AI and numerous glitches in campaign mode). Im playing Dogs of War now without my #4 (O'Hara) because he's stuck in prone position at the FOB, unable to move.
  12. Daweedxxx

    Commander mode???

    Yeah i tried that as well and it does not work for me. This game is too damn buggy. I woulda been done the single player already if it wasn't for all this crap that gets in the way.
  13. Daweedxxx

    Commander mode???

    Campaign question Ok i got to the mission (Badlands) where i'm helping NAPA retake some towns from the Chedaki and Russians.. they put me in as Commander. I was able to retake the first town (Novy Sobor) with the disposal of my available units. All of the friendly AI units though, have suffered casualties and i have no idea how to rearm and replenish their squads. Any ideas??? p.s. I've already set up a base and built up whatever is available, also reqruited units... but those units go straight to my squad and i can't find a way to transfer them to other firendly squads. I did find that the "disband" option allows the units to leave my squad, but once they do that, they just stand around and do not join any of the other squads. Any help much appreciated Daweed