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Everything posted by PogMoThoin

  1. PogMoThoin

    [OA] [Co09]Into Hell V1.0

    Very nice mission, we added lots more enemies, a Hummvee, an ammobox at the base and changed a rifleman to an extra medic as we play in veteran and don't last long :D It'll be default mission on our dedi server for the evening,, come join us
  2. PogMoThoin

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Reposting this: http://l33t-str33t.net/Arma2TrackIrProfile.rar Link now works, I rebuilt my server a few weeks ago and completely forgot about it. Its not exactly the same as when I posted it before, I've reduced the deadzone on zoom very slightly.
  3. Can we get a beta support in parameters checkbox, when I change the path to the .exe in settings I get an error.
  4. Right ctrl and m brings up tha gps, most valuable tip You need
  5. PogMoThoin

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    krAYUiSE4ZI Watch in 1080p on Youtube
  6. You need 1.52.71816 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101221 You should try the beta patch, big improvements if You got a quad. They've added the optimisations Arma2 got in 1.07. It uses much more ram and uses much more cpu power giving smoother performance http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=102731
  7. Is it over the net? If it is, its not like the peer-to-peer console shite, He'd need to open the ports in the firewall so You can connect to his game. He'd host a server called "myserver" with password "mypass", You then search for it by name in the server browser and as long as the ports are opened and pointing to his pc You will be able to connect. If You're both on lan the firewall won't be blocking You
  8. PogMoThoin

    Joystick detected but not working

    Did You map the controls? Thrust: Slider Left/Right Turn: DO NOT MAP Bank Left/Right: X axis Nose Down/Up: Y axis Left/Right Pedal: Z axis (twist)
  9. PogMoThoin

    Interested in this game so I must ask

    Subtle as a sledgehammer as usual Tanky :bounce3:
  10. Very nice mission, I had a while at it this evening, the only thing is that its not random enough, its always the same village for me and respawn in different locations surrounding it, tried about 8 times always same. I've still not defeated it, I'll be back when I do
  11. PogMoThoin

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    Having your pagefile on an SSD as opposed to mechanical drive wouldn't make Your pc any faster. How often does it page? Not that often, Windows only uses Your pagefile when it runs out of ram and when minimising applications not being used in a while. Forcing it to use the ram is faster
  12. PogMoThoin

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    You not have any mechanical sata drives in Your pc?
  13. PogMoThoin

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    Why do You want paging at all, disable it and make it use ram, ram is much quicker. There are lots of reports of SSD's dying in less than 3 months when the pagefile is on them, its early days for this tech.
  14. PogMoThoin

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    The advantage of an SSD is not the speed, its only a little faster than my 4 year old 2x36GB raptors in raid 0 that do ~150MB/s, but its the access time. As there's no moving parts, no disk to spin to position, the seek time is virtually zero compared to a few miliseconds. I've Arma+OA+mods on a 40G SSD and it makes a huge difference to a mechanical drive ---------- Post added at 10:05 ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 ---------- I hope not the pagefile :eek:, SSD's have limited writes, don't let your OS page on it or it won't last long. Pagefile should be disabled if You've enough ram, or moved to a mechanical drive. You shouldn't defrag an SSD either, they don't need it as the seek time is zero but it reduces the lifespan of the SSD
  15. My fps goes from average 50-60 on Takistan to 30-35 on Zarabad. Much like Cherno it lags because of all the buildings, though not as bad
  16. Video memory on very high is for a 2GB gpu, try high, thats for upto 1GB. Also try 10.4 cats, I've had nothing but issues with 10.5 and 10.6 (I've crossfire) but my problems dissapeared whan I downgraded To properly uninstall the driver the correct way; Download the driver and have it on Your desktop. Install driver sweeper (might as well save Your desktop icon positions with it), uninstall the driver in Add/remove programs in control panel, reboot and as booting to Windows keep clicking f8 to select save mode. In safe mode run driver sweeper to remove all traces, then reboot to normal windows and install the driver needing a further reboot after. Driver here
  17. I'm sure thats the idea, they want You testing the beta with the vanilla game
  18. Hold on, Arma2 got over 40 patches (including all beta's), show me another developer who cares as much as this. BIS are the saving grace for pc gaming these days, makes up for all the poor games and shoddy console ports other devs churn out year after year. Its easy for devs to release a bug free game when they're making it for a defined set of 4 year old hardware (consoles) Don't let the door hit You on the way out
  19. Your cpu could be bottleknecking, during missions it has lots of other stuff to do
  20. Finally got Arrowhead to play nice with crossfire by heeding those in this thread, I uninstalled 10.6, ran driver sweeper in safe mode and installed 10.4, then I renamed the beta .exe to Arma2. Now I get serious performance, 70-80% cpu usage and both gpu cores being used. Both 10.5 and 10.6 break Arma2 performance and caused me nothing but grief, couldn't play any game with the second of my two screens enabled, Arma2 wouldn't recover from alt+tab, lots of issues.
  21. PogMoThoin

    Allow to lower your weapon while moving

    You do, double click ctrl
  22. PogMoThoin

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Ammo crate bug still exists, some of us got it today, though not as often. It usually happens with the deployed ammo crate, not the one at the base for some reason
  23. I renamed my default profile to _default, made a copy of my Arma2 profile and named that default, now the default profile is the same as the Arma2 one so Operation Arrowhead uses default. I'll change things back as soon as Natural Point release the game title update including it.
  24. Check Your root arma directory, there should be a Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch shortcut, right click it and send it to your desktop
  25. PogMoThoin

    OA: CO10 Zargabad Push

    Yes, it happened us 3 times we tried the first released version on wed night and once when we tried last nite. It just locks up both client and server. I'll try again later (or morn), the server is running domi with about 8 playing at the moment