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Everything posted by PogMoThoin

  1. I know its out when its ready but is there any sort of time-frame for the first release? Any chance it'll be out before christmas or are we talking about next year?
  2. What about the new dvd drives I've had to buy because of Suckurom?
  3. I have a legit copy of the game on disk but I've used the no-dvd crack as I blame Securom drm for fucking up my dvd drives so quickly. I'm now playing the beta's as they add this in a legit way plus they run so much better than 1.04
  4. Make the ArmA2.cfg file read only, I had to do this as it kept starting with pp set to disabled and I had to re-enable it to high every time
  5. There's a new beta patch out today, is the latest version compatible with this new beta?
  6. PogMoThoin

    Why can I have 10000 view distance, but not...

    Without giving any stats thats impossible to answer
  7. Thank You, this is exacly what I need. As a TrackIR user I've always had Post processing disabled because of the blur You get when turning quickly or running, its quite nauseating. Before I got the TrackIR I always used high PP as I like the Depth of Field effect. Now I can use PP again Keep up the good work m8
  8. PogMoThoin

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....................Karma :D
  9. Play the game then once You've made changes to Your controls make the config files in Documents read only so it can't be changed by the game
  10. PogMoThoin

    Why is next patch taking so long?

    Huge improvements for me, 5-10fps gains with he latest beta. Seriously. Things are looking good for 1.05
  11. PogMoThoin

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Some guys from our crew. I got shot myself very quickly with sub 20fps while recording, so I recorded while spectating BattlingCheese cZEhLtuQoNA -SvBjZxWIqE
  12. You need to open the port for it as well 2303 UDP
  13. PogMoThoin

    COOP 1-8 Terror from the Seas

    Excellent mission, a few of us tried it this evening and were well impressed. Keep up the good work. Have You any more neat 6-15 coop missions like this or can anyone suggest some?
  14. PogMoThoin

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    I guarantee what they are aiming at is that MW3 will be console only and they'll blame piracy
  15. PogMoThoin

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    The only reason theyre doing this is to sell map packs. Bet there'll be 50,000+ cancelled pre-orders by morning, its already getting one star reviews on Amazon and its not even out
  16. Eh, no. You'd need to add a graphics card.....if one would fit
  17. PogMoThoin

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    Consoles have max 16player, pcs have had 64player...................till now. So You'rer getting exactly the same, sucks huh?
  18. PogMoThoin

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    Another game fcuked up by consoles, consoles have ruined pc gaming with their shoddy ports, pay for Dlc and now this shít Well, they've just lost a sale
  19. PogMoThoin

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    This explains why the Sahrani caa1 mod runs much smoother than Chernarus, no constant loading of the plants2_tree.pbo or structures.pbo as the map is less dense in plants and buildings. Now I've only 4GB ram (wow, I just said it, 4GB is loads), there must be a way we can add the most used .pbo's to a 1GB ramdisk or force the game to load them to ram. Hope BI are watching, this is an idea for the next patch Nice work qwertz
  20. PogMoThoin

    Drunkest Guy ever goes for more beer!

    OMG, thats fcukin hillarious
  21. What size is Your Arma II folder? My Arma II folder is 11.4GB with a few addons and the CAA1 mod
  22. Whens this going to be ready? How far off are we?
  23. PogMoThoin

    Lisbon Treaty II. Ireland votes Yes?!!?

    Being Irish I can tell You that the only reason this was shot down the first time was in protest at the Governments failures. It was gladly accepted the second time when the opposition parties joined the campaign to ensure people voted for it the second time. We Irish owe alot to Europe and now realise this
  24. With the release and big letdown of Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising (in fact only the console gamers are happy with it, good for them), I feel that now (as in the next 2 weeks) is the perfect time for BI to release another patch to renew interest in Arma II. It doesn't even need to fix much, just show that BI are commited to their community and are looking to make this great game even better. Is there one in the pipeline? Soon? I've found on our own server the amount of players of this game has fallen dramatically in the last few weeks. We're barely getting enough players for a good mission now.
  25. PogMoThoin

    Question about server bandwidth

    Doubt a standard network card would handle many connections, 8-10 max. Also You got the problem of the modem/router supplied by Your isp (usually the cheapest one available) not being able for too many connections either. You'd never get the performance of what a proper host offer with a proper dedicated server and proper network gear