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Everything posted by PogMoThoin

  1. PogMoThoin

    co08 - Ghost Town (ACE / Isla Duala)

    Nice mission, 3 of us tried it a few times with AI disabled and very nearly made it. Will try again tomorrow.
  2. PogMoThoin

    Repeat message of the day on dedi server?

    That could be what I'm looking for whisper, thanks. I'll check it out later on
  3. Is it possible to get the console to repeat the message set in the server.cfg?
  4. PogMoThoin

    Repeat message of the day on dedi server?

    Already done that, I'd like the full thing repeated tho if possible. Another thing, I've set a rotation for about a dozen missions, is there any way to randomise them? BI, are You watching? You've not spent much time on the dedicated server side of things, it takes 40-50 secs for the #missions command to give a response. Pathetic, too slow. How about a spectating admin logged in, as in logged in but not playing, invisible. There is lots of improvements could be made here, even the clientside server browser is poor, no favorites, no remembering the last played, not features I need myself (I play on our own server only) but they should be there.
  5. PogMoThoin

    Air vehicles in Arma 2

    The latest patch is 1.05, why are You on 1.02?
  6. PogMoThoin

    Arma2server.exe mod launcher

    Figured out how to get Yoma to do it
  7. Is there such a thing? I'm using the parameters in a shortcut and its kinda messy, would prefer a launcher like alpinestars as we're constatly changing missions and require changing mods regularly
  8. PogMoThoin

    co08 - Operation Underdog

    Played these with kdjac, both updated missions defaulted to night for everyone, is is supposed to be? All screenshots You posted show day. Night is impossible Great missions btw
  9. Everyone playing Domi Ace on our dedi server still geting mismatch errors even though everyones (well those in our group of regulars) got the same version as the server. All updated today through Yoma
  10. I admin a dedi server and since this evenings update everyones getting mismatch popups for CBA, Ace and ACE_X. All have the same version using YAS. Whats goin on?
  11. PogMoThoin

    The ArmA 2 tips 'n trick thread

    Right ctrl + m keeps Your gps out until You zoom with a scoped weapon
  12. There are lots of us watching in the background, very few post here though @ The Blink, Looking great, Keep up the good work
  13. I run a dedicated server but when I click ban in the server control menu nothing gets added to the ban.txt. If I add my user id amnually I get banned, so it is reading from it. Its not a permissions issue as the file is set to read & write by all. Anyone any ideas?
  14. PogMoThoin

    Dedicated Server not writing to ban.txt

    Ya, #exec ban works fine
  15. Any chance of adding some high energy drugs/party pills
  16. The fatigue could do with being relaxed a little, its a great feature but I feel its a little too restrictive. There's also an issue where if You're not a pilot, You black out in the jets I know these effects are put in for realism, but its a game ffs
  17. Its set by the mission i think
  18. PogMoThoin

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    Why can't BI fix the chopper throttle issue so that it uses the full range, not start at 50%.
  19. PogMoThoin

    Setting waypoints for the GPS?

    Right ctrl + m will keep Your gps visible
  20. PogMoThoin

    1.05 released

    Had to fully reinstall the game on the server, its worked this time. It seems to be the 1.04 arma2server.exe that caused the probs, when its not there 1.05 installs fine.
  21. PogMoThoin

    1.05 released

    Seems everyone is playing this, I'll ask this again How do I update the server without .pbo errors, I can see loads of servers running 1.05 online when I run this from my normal pc, but I'm getting .pbo errors when I try install the patch
  22. PogMoThoin

    1.05 released

    Can You not just use the normal windows patch? This includes a new arma2server.exe, will updating the patch on a dedi server not work? The game files are the same as a normal install, just launched with the arma2server.exe
  23. PogMoThoin

    1.05 released

    Is there a server side patch or does the same one do it? Edit: Aaaaaaah, shouldn't have tried, all I got was .pbo errors, even when run as admin, now I'm stuck with a half patched dedi server
  24. PogMoThoin

    Comedian Robin Williams plays A1/A2???

    The image I've got in my head of him has him blowing up shít in the base during Domination and team killing everyone with an evil laugh