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Everything posted by Killam

  1. Killam

    UAV useless

    The point of having a UAV on the battlefield is to give you situational awareness. As far as I can tell the one in the game is just a model aircraft for crashing and making you dizzy when you try to view the camera. Pointless. why do you have to micro management every aspect of this game. Why can't the UAV operator paint you the picture for intelligence purposes? Please find me the enemy...yes sir? Why cant that happen? I might not want to operate it, so why can't I ask the UAV operator to do it for me....don't we have an army of trained Defence personnel to assist us?. At times it feels like amatuer hour in the game. Come on guys make us feel like we are part of a well oiled machine, instead of surrounded by dumb people!
  2. Killam

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    The enemy vehicles shoot me fine, but my friendly crew as gunners (in a vehicle) and myself as driver is very hit and miss. This is very frustrating as I have to micro manage the vehicle crew by swapping between gunner and driver all the time and go in and out of first to third person view as well when swapping.....driving me nuts! Why can't the friendly crew be as good as the enemy in shooting back? They are a gunner crew they should be better than me in shooting! My gunner crew often just ignore a vehicle right in front of them (while they happily shoot us!) and my right click to target the enemies is so random? even for vehicles right in front of us? My squad on foot is now fine in 1.03 and I enjoy that part on the game (good work guys...finially). But using vechiles is frustrating and so random, yet I feel I have to use them to take over towns in 'dogs of war' because of so much enemy armour. There needs to be some work in letting the AI follow roads more easily as they often fall behind because of hitting trees, walls and houses? are the crews trained to drive these vehicles? If I could slap the gun crew I would....idiots Makes it hard to enjoy the game when they are that dumb and you have to micro manage them to survive. I would prefer they do the vehicle fighting and just drop my squad off on foot when I get to the destination. Isn't that what a vehicle crew do? I will persist...as the game does shine at times and I do get enjoyment from it. Just please oh please continue to patch this game to improve it as it has such potential that is starting to now become a reality.