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10 Good

About comrade67

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  1. comrade67

    (SP)HellFish Day 01

    Yep, no errors. I've never had a problem with it with 1.03.
  2. comrade67

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    Ouch, I'm in the next-to-geezer category at the ripe young age of 41, less than a month away from 42.
  3. comrade67

    War can be pleasant sometimes..

    Gotta like the Britney Spears music in the background. It really sets the mood. :p
  4. comrade67

    Co06 Clear The Way

    I dl'd this one the other day, but haven't gotten to it yet. I'll be sure to post some feedback. Thanks in advance for posting it.
  5. comrade67

    (SP)HellFish Day 01

    Wow, what a bloodbath!!!! I haven't made it through this one on expert yet, but having a great time trying. Excellent work!
  6. comrade67

    Trial by Fire

    Just played this mission tonight for the first time. I had a lot more fun playing this than the single-player campaign. It's definitely a bit of a challenge on Vet, but I managed to complete it okay. Best part was taking up a position on the southern hill behind a small pile of rocks with a nice overview of the village. I was able to provide great covering fire and mow down a number of targets. Good fun!
  7. comrade67

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    So far, the game has potential brilliance, but is plagued by bizarre triggers that don't always work. I've been playing the single-player campaign thus far and almost feel as though my character has little or no bearing on the outcome of each mission, except for blowing up the communications site in the first mission. Completion of many of the "mini" missions seems random. Too often I'm not even given the chance to attempt the mission. In the case of transporting captured brass, our truck gets ambushed and we have no way of avoiding it, hence failure of that mission. I just don't get it. What could I have done? It's stuff like this that's extremely baffling and frustrating. Most of the time, I hardly see any combat whatsoever, not that I expect it to be like a beach landing at Normandy. I dunno, I read this game was supposed to be like Oblivion with modern combat. I'm just not seeing it thus far. Nonetheless, I'll keep plugging along in hopes the game gets better.