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About adamdf

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. by marker is that just a marker(f6)?
  2. Ok how would you spawn the group that follow these waypoints?
  3. Iv read a lot of stuff on here about spawning ai, but its all a bit much to process, was wondering if someone who knows how to spawn ai could give some clear step by step instructions on how do a simple trigger activated spawn. If i had a USMC Rifleman, controlled by player, and 2 triggers, one to spawn troops on activation and the other as spawn location, how exactly would i set it up so that when player moves into the first triggerzone a USMC Infantry Group Spawn at the second trigger and move to a waypoint. Any help with this would be great as its the last big problem im having with the arma2 editor
  4. this inflame true; this doesnt seem to work
  5. How to you make an object be on fire at mission start?
  6. adamdf

    wit's end

    Iv spent a while now writing my own notes on how to do things in Arma 2 Editor. Was thinking about putting them on here for everyone. Alot just basic stuff and alot about the ACM and SOM modules. If anyone wants a read over let me know, could use the feedback.
  7. You can place an enemy soldier, set his probablility of presence to 0% and group your civilians to him. You can do this for every civi group. Your troops will engage them like enemies and if you give any civilians guns they will shoot back
  8. adamdf

    wit's end

    You can literally do anything on the editor, why dont you learn how to use that, its really good when you get to grips with it, plus there is template scripts on Armaholic.com for nearly anything
  9. Make a trigger zone and set to activation: opfor not present in the on act; "1" objstatus "DONE"; obj1 = true when there are no opfor left in the tirgger, you will get a msg saying objective complete. Also if you click effects in the trigger options you can add text when the trigger is activated e.g "objective complete, all enemies are eliminated" hope this helps
  10. adamdf

    Spawn AI script?

    Check this thread mate, if you still cant make sense of it, send me a private message, and ill try to explain it and send you a working example. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73393 the ACM really is superb when you get into the nitty gritty of it
  11. Just to say RIP31st, im really looking forward to this mod, kepp up the good work, hopefully we'll all get a shot of this soon
  12. What kinda markers? Just the F6 markers in the editor? and ifso do you place them in a sequence, eg 4 markers 1-4 to define a parameter Also how would i set a trigger so that any OPFOR that enter it die
  13. Well if its any help to you i can use blender 3d rather well, and can export any models in 3ds or obj format, im not great at texturing, but im fairly good at modelling, i also use zbrush for normal mapping. If that any help to you mate
  14. What format do you need the models to be? 3DS?
  15. Cheers Goliath Is it possible to set a triggerzone where nothing will spawn while using the ACM? I have a mission set up, using the reinforcements script and the ACM, i basically wanna make a USMC base where nothing will spawn.