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Everything posted by warcaster

  1. First of all, I want to give props for the dev team for the constant support for both Arma 2 and OA. The performance hitches that plagued launch have for the most part been largely dealt with. It's pleasant to see my unchanged computer being able to handle a lot more action that probably would resulted in crashes a year ago. But....The AI.... It's still largely frustrating to work with. Vehicle pathing is still fubar...in several cases vehicles opting to run drive through trees when there are clear roads nearby. It becomes a chore when your convoy is too busy playing bumpercars with themselves. Don't get me started on Choppers. Infantry AI has improved significantly....Props again, but is still in certain cases just as irritating as vehicle AI. Set a group to an assault a town, It'll do it beautifully with suppression and flanking techniques done better than I've ever seen. Tell that same group to defend that town however; and they will act as if sitting ducks in an ambush in every other occasional. Infantry AI can also be terribly sluggish or overly cautious when you want to move. In my opinion the "danger mode" should be tweaked to be a bit more fluid than it is right now. In all honesty, I love this game and despite the extreme gripes, I wouldn't have bought OA if I hadn't thought Arma 2 even throughout it's hitches was bad. I kinda feel however the focus on DLC is a bad direction when there are so many problems with the singleplayer right now. New toys are always nice, but in the end I would much rather pay for a patch that fixed these problems than new units right now.
  2. I've patched to 1.07. I have consistent trouble directing my AI forces -APC's fail to follow engagement orders - Disembarking infantry from helicopters tend to exit the helicopter before it's safety close enough to the ground, resulting in fall deaths. - Helicopters Not taking off when ordered to move -Infantry randomly shifting to extremely slow movement. Sometimes its a random "danger mode toggle" or they start walking. - AT infantry switching weapons erratically. - Rare occasions in where directed transports sometimes refuse to move, or go in the opposite direction. I still very much new to the game and understand there are sometimes flaws with the AI. But I've seen people still perform efficiently and effectively with the AI command. Is there some kind of documentation that explains or at least gives guidance on how to command AI forces? I've done the tutorial.
  3. warcaster

    How do I command AI effectively?

    Thank you everyone, this has proved helpful. ---------- Post added at 05:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 AM ---------- One more thing. My APCs when ordered to engage a foe sometimes just run up to it and stand in front of it without opening fire. What is exactly happening with the AI? and how can I avoid it.
  4. warcaster

    The ArmA 2 tips 'n trick thread

    Hey i just wanted to say, I really appreciate this page, a scrub like me who's been playing since release is still trying to get over the learning curve.
  5. warcaster

    Commanding AI squads?

    Hi, i just purchased this game recently. I'm having a rediculous amount of time taking advantage of the command system whether i'm leading a squad or an army. I've been practicing for days in single player warfare, but i haven't been able to do much more than just command danger mode and move. Is there any like specific guide, or set of hints/tips where I can pick up some better effiency on commanding? Also in particular, could I can explanation on how to use Anti Tank Infantry?
  6. warcaster

    Commanding AI squads?

    I really apreciate the response, But i've already watched and seen both vids and rotkeps guide.