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About dummy_01

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  1. Hi there TractorKing, I am currently looking for the sound files my self. I want to use some of the ArmA 2speech-files in a mission I am working on. I have dePBO'ed the files "sounds", "music" and "soundsmissions" found in the AddOns folder of ArmA 2, but did not find what I was looking for. Then I dePBO'ed the "campaign" and "missions" files, wondering if maybe the sounds where not all in one place, but perhaps loacted in the missions where they are used. Well, still no success, but I on the way I did find the "Alpha" sound that you want. :) There are two Alpha commands: hc_065 (ordinary voice) hc_065n (loud voice) This is the folder structure: missions/data/sounds/HC To get the sounds you must dePBO the "mission.pbo" you find in AddOns folder. The sounds are in .wss-format, so you probably need a converter to listen to the sounds. All the sounds in "HC" are single word commands. I'm not done searching for the sounds, but as of right now I fear they are scattered in folders all over - NOT collected all in the same place... :(
  2. Thank you, again! Yes, I'm sure I will learn the SQF syntax, eventually.
  3. That worked! :D Thank you! Yes, you're right. I was mixing SQS and SQF. Don't know much about scripting. Learning new stuff everyday. The outro-file is named "outro.sqf", but contains lots of cut-and-paste code.
  4. For my outro I want to the camera to show the player getting away. At the end of my mission the player enters a vehicle and drives away. I use a trigger to activate the ending and outro. The outro starts when the player has driven about a hundred meters from where he entered the vehicle. To accomplish what I want in my camera script I make the camera target the player and I give the camera's position relative to the player. Like so: _camera camSetTarget player; _camera camSetRelPos [0,10,5]; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 @camCommitted _camera ~2 However, when the outro starts the camera is at the point where the player entered the vehicle - not where the player is. :( It is like the player got left behind (invisible) at the point where he entered the car. I can not solve this problem by exchanging "player" with the name of the car in the script, because the player has the choice between several vehicles for his escape. Any good ideas on how to accomplish what I want for this outro?
  5. I want to make a mission where you have to cut the electricity. However, using sachtel charges only cuts the wires. I want the whole tower to come down! Please, BIS, can you make it possible for us to destroy the metal towers with sacthel charges, not only cut the wires? It is such an anti-climax to only have the wires gone after a huge explosion, that SHOULD have brought the entire tower down. Please?
  6. YES! That worked! The ArmA 2 community is so great. I knew nothing about editing a few months ago. But now I actually enjoy playing around in the editor more than playing the game. If the mission I'm working on is ever released it sure will have a long list of names in the aknowledgement section. Big Dawg KS beeing on top of that list. This isn't the first time you have solved editing problems for me. Thank you so much! ..off to editing now. :)
  7. Then do you use setUnitPos instead of setMarkerPos? A script-snippet would be much appreciated... :)
  8. Does this work on units also? Would it be possible to place a soldier on some remote part of the island and then teleport him to the location you want him to be, at the time you him to appear? Just like a spawn script?
  9. I was originally using SQS, as found in mr Murrays editing guide. Then after reading lots of forum posts I started mixing it (not knowing there was a difference). When I get home I will rename my script file spawn.sqf and copy and paste your code. Once again, thank you!
  10. Yellow text, what do I mean? This: This OPFOR soldier was spawned in ArmA 2 editor using: _grp = createGroup east; _unit = "RUS_Soldier1" createUnit [position GL, _grp]; exit where GL is the name of a game logic. I am standing in front of the OPFOR and he does not attack. Not even if I shoot his leg. But if it works in ArmA 2 for you, kylania, then that is helpful anyway. Then I know my problem is not the code, but to be found elsewhere. I'll be tinkering some more with this. Spawning a single soldier can't be THAT hard! I'll post my results in this thread should I succeed. Then maybe som other newbie can avoid doing the same mistake. Also, I didn't know the syntax had changed. So thanks, BigDawg, I will experiment some with the new syntax as well. I have seen something looking like what F2k Sel wrote in other forum posts, when looking for some code to steal. I've read Mr. murrays guide, and learned a lot from this forum post /tutorial: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=7329 ...but it appears syntax has changed since then.
  11. Thanks, but I'm sorry. That didn't work. :( Still yellow text. Still not attacking BLUFOR. I also tried to give position with a marker instead of gamelogic: spawn.sqs _grp = createGroup east; _unit = "RUS_Soldier1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "marker1", _grp]; exit ...but with same result. Does the script above work for others?
  12. How can I spawn him into another east group and still acomplish what I want? I want just one soldier. Not two or more. :(
  13. Thanks, but I don't think the problem is caused by a lack of command center. There is already both OPFOR and BLUFOR soldiers on the map before the spawn takes place.
  14. I have a script that spawns a single OPFOR soldier with location determined by a gamelogic. spawn.sqs: _unit1 = "RUS_Soldier1" createUnit [position GL, group GL]; exit GL is the name of a gamelogic (gamelogic-object-gamelogic) I placed on the map where I want the soldier to appear. I use a trigger to call the script. Condition: BLUFOR present. And on activation: [] exec spawn.sqs Now everything works fine. The BLUFOR soldier runs in to the trigger area and the OPFOR soldier is spawned. But he only stands there. He dosen't attack. Not even if you shoot him. I notice that the text that identifies the spawned soldier is yellow. An OPFOR usually has red text, and BLUFOR has green. What does yellow mean? As an experiment I placed an OPFOR soldier named GL on the map instead of the gamelogic. Then the spawned soldier was hostile to BLUFOR and the text was red. I then placed a BLUFOR soldier named GL on the map instead of the gamelogic. Then the spawned soldier was hostile to OPFOR and the text was green. This leads me to belive that spawned soldiers inherit side from the group the belong to. So, what side is gamelogic? Can you decide what side you want it to be? I tried to put this in the gamelogics init field: East = side this and East = side GL but both returned the message missing ; :( I also tried GL setFriend [WEST,0] Still with no success. I don't think that this is a HQ center thing. There is already both OPFOR and BLUFOR soldiers on the map before spawn time. I would appreciate any help on this.
  15. I have a problem with the AI soldiers. They seem very fond of the full auto setting on their rifle. I think this must be a bug. It makes sense to use full auto at short range. But my AI soldiers seem to be using full auto at all ranges. :( On full auto they very fast run out of ammo. I can't find any command to tell them to use single shot only. Does it even exist? Is it possible to limit their behaviour through scripting, maybe? I mostly play SP in the editor, so I would be OK with that. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.