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Everything posted by ray243

  1. So, I am frustrated because the AI fires at my vehicle at the very start. How can I make AI hold fire until my vehicle reach a certain spot? This also applies to foot soldiers as well.
  2. Is it just me or the movement seems jerky?
  3. ray243


    Here guys, I found out that there wasn't a thread, so I decided to make one! Link to livestream: http://www.gametrailers.com/netstorage/e3/e3-live.html Will update OP as time pass.
  4. BTW OP, you should really take a look at World in Conflict. It seems that its the closest to Arma in terms of realism. The fire support is done really well. And so are the units. And also, maybe give a option to have 'special' moves? Much like in world in conflict, how you use use smoke nades and fire special weapons for some vehicles. So, what do you think? Or instead of the traditional RTS, why not try the world in conflict style RTS? Or maybe have a big base to produce units, and several small FOBs around? I know you likely won't change, but just a suggestion. And you probably think this is dumb.
  5. ray243


    POSTAL 3 looks shitty. Source is fucking old.
  6. ray243


    I came after watching the battlefield 3 gameplay.
  7. Doesn't work for me. Press Shift-L multiple times. And I get a error saying ACE_config is corrupted or something. Is it linked to this?
  8. Where is it located under? Can't find it ingame.
  9. Is it possible to get some gameplay footage on the UAV?
  10. Not my mission, but I've played it. Its really cool, the compound is very accurate as well. So far, I have no complains. So, you guys should all give it a try. Hoping the creator will make a COOP version somewhere in the future. Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14186 All credits goes to Razorback!
  11. ray243

    User mission requests!

    I'm looking for a hostage/raid mission involving special forces units with mk18s, or some SWAT team units, raiding a huge compound/house/mansion/complex. Either with real enemy units or targets.
  12. So now we can finally fly like a UAV and not like a drunk pilot? Awesome!
  13. Will there be any difference between Arma 2's drone and RKSL's drone?
  14. ray243

    RH Mk18 pack 1.1 for OA / CO

    Didn't the UKF weapons had working flashlight and laser as well? If I remember, its Shift+L.
  15. Is it possible to use those profile items(helmets etc.) in the game? I want to outfit some soldiers with different helmets. I think its possible, since ACE already had the gasmask.
  16. It seems like its happening too early or too fast, and most of us doesn't seem to like the futuristic style. I mean, Comanches? Aren't they supposed to be cancelled? Hmmm, I don't know about you guys but it just doesn't works for me. But I'll still buy it, for the modern day mods and etc. What do you guys think?
  17. ray243

    Updates for Arma 2?

    I'm pretty sure that these concern some of us that plays Arma 2. Will there still be a constant stream of patches/updates/fixes even after Arma 3 is released?
  18. ray243

    daveygarys Rangers

    I have no idea on packing.
  19. ray243

    daveygarys Rangers

    Its okay, its not your fault. :) I understand that you have difficulty doing what I wanted. But all I wanted was a answer to that, and now that you have given me the answer, I thank you.
  20. ray243

    daveygarys Rangers

    I don't want to do that everytime ingame, I want it to come with the addon. Sorry for not explaining.
  21. ray243

    daveygarys Rangers

    I was thinking more of guns, like having m4s instead of SCARs.
  22. ray243

    daveygarys Rangers

    I don't want to sound like a annoying twat but can you answer this? Please? Thank you!