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Everything posted by ray243

  1. Thanks. And I again, would like to thank you for your hard work. Enjoy your holiday!
  2. Mando, I know you are very busy, but if you do not mind, answer my question please.
  3. Including the orange that fills the screen? Also, is it possible to edit the explosion size and radius? For example I want it the size of a nuke or GBU. If you don't mind, can you add a cinematic video of it flying off like the SCUD missile made for Arma 1? Or is it possible for me to add that to the missile? And is it possible for you to update the scud missile camera to look like a TV guided missile? Its okay if you disagree to everything I've said.
  4. I can't seem to place units inside, the groups tab shows me nothing! Help please!
  5. Ahhh, thanks. I buy you a beer next time.
  6. Call me a dumbass or whatever you want but how do I place that?
  7. Mando, is it normal if I get a big orange screen when I am viewing from the scud missile from the scud launcher?
  8. So when will there be one for arma 2?
  9. So this is only for OA?
  10. ray243


    To everyone:
  11. My friend asked me to go to page 50+ and apparently there is some arguments. Why is everyone so pissed over some tools?
  12. Everytime I tick it, it automatically unticks!(for OA)
  13. How did you fix the error? BTW, I can't seem to use my gasmask, even when I changed my userconfig. I equipped it, and I see a black bar meant for those accessories
  14. Er, I'm not too sure. But I know I'm using the OA version of ACE and downloaded the cba from armaholic.
  15. Er, I'm using CO.( Or is it OA? Cause I have Arma 2 mixed in it....but seems a little buggy)
  16. I get this error: Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found when starting up with ACE.
  17. ray243

    OA problems (little help)

    Hey, sorry to bump this, but after activating my ACE, I get this error. What do I do?
  18. Is this for Arma 2, OA, or Combined operations?
  19. So er, this is for OA I suppose?
  20. ray243

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    It seems to crash when I use them in OA. And it crashes randomly.....
  21. Nice one! Is it for OA or arma 2?
  22. ray243


    So is that a vehicle or item?
  23. I don't quite get you, and I have already placed the correct directory in the right box.
  24. Argh, I forgotten how to go to auto config url! I'm at kelly heroes Ace2 arrowhead +Arma 2 but when I go check for addons, it says: please check your Arma2(2) folder settings. If you did set your Arma2(2) folder restart the application. I restart it, but it shows the same thing!
  25. Finally! Thank you! But somehow, I have crashes randomly....