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Everything posted by ray243

  1. The german battleship is still WIP right? Also, there will be more newer static weapons for axis and allies right?
  2. ray243


    I do not know how there is no thread on this. Yes, I searched it. I just watched it. It is amazing! Unlike anything I have seen. All the scenes are just done so nicely. And Mr Nolan did it again! I'm going to watch it again because its too awesome, and he deserve my cash. BTW, keep out the spoilers or spoiler tag it.
  3. ray243

    Phalanx and Ak-630 CIWS

    If I sync this to the mando script, can I get in?
  4. The guy in the first picture seems to have a hige amount of phong....
  5. Odd, I only see the tac glasses, gasmask, balacava and aviator glasses. What happen to the others?
  6. But what about non-ACE items? Like the black shades. Aren't those already in the US special weapons crate? What about the other ACE gear? The russian GP5 gasmask or the beret?
  7. Is it possible to allow my player to wear the gasmask when I go preview my edit? Also, how can I add more items into the game(not in my profile), like the black shades, reading glasses etc.
  8. So, I am making a convoy mission. There are 2 DSHKM trucks, 1 in the front and 1 in the rear, and in the middle are 2 SUVs filled with mercenaries. Now, I have gotten them to get inside the empty suvs, but I simply do not know how to actually have them move in a 'line' from point A to B. Which they will get attack(which is the easy part). So how do I set a waypoint to ensure that there is 1 machinegun truck in front, and 1 at the rear, and in the middle are 2 suvs?
  9. Now I have everything done, only left with the convoy moving off to x location in a tight line formation. And this is the point, where I'm clueless. And of course, vehicle 1 and 2 have the same distance through out the journey ---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ---------- I have gotten the convoy part done! I used waypoints though. Anyone knows how I can keep the distance between all three vehicles the same? And also, I couldn't get the VIP in the middle vehicle, a SUV, since everyone is connected to the first vehicle. How do I get the VIP to get in the middle vehicle?
  10. I see. Don't mind me, I'm a dumbass
  11. I don't know, but in the countless amounts of naval exercises, there are ships firing rockets into the air, like a MLRS system. Something like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBU-1000
  12. Sorry for the bump, but I sort of get a error nuke explosion......I only see the 'mushroom' part of the mushroom cloud explosion, and no 'stem'. But somehow, when using loki's nuke, i see the full effect. Anyone got this problem? Turns out there I have missing texture for lk's nuke also.
  13. So the full VTE? And can I use it on singleplayer?
  14. Lol GNAT, why are there shredded paper exploding? Also, Modern ships have a sort of rocket barrage or artillery weapon......will you add those? Also, why are there flares on the ship?
  15. Er, so this version is the one on armaholic, with all the ported stuff?
  16. Okay, I'm sorry, but I am a dumbass. I do not know anything about sqf. Only thing I know is triggers or anything ingame. 1 final question as well, if I got a VIP to walk into the SUV, how do I make sure the convoy only move off after the VIP got in the suv?
  17. Amazing! I thought you guys stop working! But you guys are great at everything! Its funny, I thought the dlc would be an obstacle for you guys.......
  18. I'm sorry for bumping, but if I want a fully pack suv do I just change assignAsDriver to assignAsseat 1,2,3,4.......?
  19. If I set an IED to an object using attachto, how do I make sure it disappears after my trigger is activated?
  20. I've searched this forum, but couldn't find anything close to it. I recently went to play VBS2 lite, and found out that you could change your position(EG. from gunner to driver) ingame. It would be great for people playing in singleplayer where the AI would just do nothing. Why didn't BIS added this?
  21. ray243

    Changing positions ingame?

    Yeah, I'm sorry for not stating clearly, but I meant air vehicles.