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Everything posted by ray243

  1. Are you guys planning to add in frontgripes?
  2. ray243


    haha.....I get your joke
  3. ray243

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    I thought there were female soldiers in vbs2?
  4. ray243


    Hmm, interesting.....and last but not least, any cool and unique actions for the pilot/gunner/crew? Like bombays and stuff like that? Unfortunately, all I can think of is bombays.
  5. Are they classified as gunboats, missileboats or simply patrol boats?
  6. ray243


    Will this plane have gunner positions, bomb targeter positions?
  7. ray243

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    I also want to see a sort of jumbo jets dlc. From C17 globemaster to E-3 sentries, and 747s too!
  8. Seeing the screenies, we are too ahead into the future.
  9. ray243


    How bout we have cows or sheeps instead of bombs. Too bad Peta will notice it clearly.
  10. ray243

    RH SMG pack 1.0

    Yeah, sounded as though something out of modern warfare.
  11. ray243

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Navy warships. I don't know why the devs never thought of that, but it would be a great dlc. Who wouldn't want Cruisers, destroyers, and submarines?
  12. ray243


    Would be nice to have other bomb options, the normal bombs and the FOAB!
  13. ray243

    Stryker Armor Strength

    But what about the uparmoured humvees? In OA, all it takes is one rpg.
  14. ray243

    Stryker Armor Strength

    I'm pretty sure even a modern humvee can survive a RPG hit. Why does everything in Arma have a tendency to go up in flames like in a Michael bay movie?
  15. Amazing, and thanks for answering!
  16. ray243

    New aircraft damage? Please?

    Also, is it possible to have landing failures? I've seen videos where everything seems to go smooth, and then the jet touches down, and 1-5 seconds later, the wheel flies off and very bad stuff happens.
  17. But wouldn't BIS get pissed?
  18. Also, I somehow crash when I change my position to gunner position.
  19. Is it possible to get this to wrok with arma 2 alone?
  20. ray243

    Gun myths

    I hate it when hollywood goes tacticool like modernwarfare. Flashlight? check Suppressor? check Hand Grip? check Grenade launcher? Check PEQ laser? check Rails? check Scopes? check And the list goes on and on.
  21. Why isn't there any big boeing 747/Passenger jets/C17 globemaster/C5 galaxy/kc135 jets?
  22. ray243

    New aircraft damage? Please?

    woah, GLT, don't overwork yourself.......
  23. ray243

    New aircraft damage? Please?

    Arma 2 is like battlefield, touch trees or walls= big explosion.