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Posts posted by munchie

  1. AHEM!




    Compare the number of positive threads/posts to the number of negative threads/posts and you'll see what I mean.

    Edit: Hm... Given the way that this discussion is going, would it possibly be more appropriate for this to be merged with the official DR thread?

    Never mind, W0lle thought the same.

    Whats that prove than acept that arma has got more problems than ofpdr!

    take of your glasses ......... it's alright i won't bother!:yay:

  2. What? He's right. Most of us here were/are extremely disappointed with Dragon Rising. I no longer even put the OFP prefix to it, as it's not justified at all by the game.

    nice to know you bought it!....but you don't get it do you .......it runs stable out of the box for most of the peeps who has bought it! if you have tried the new Ai mod that is about you will understand what is coming in future to this game think it's easy and somewhat linear or narrow give it a go, love to see your skills against this mod if its it's to hard you can turn it down to easy if it's to hard.Like i said this ofpdr is a cousin to the origanal, like arma is a stepbrother to the origanal. Arma has years to sort itself out and still failing alot of peeps over that time,godsake don't blame me just because as a consumer i'm voicing my opinion!

    Take of your glasses and see the light brother!:yay:

    ---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

    It is trolling dude. Were talking about the next ARMA here not a shitty arcade title. So please go back to your cm forum instead as its so good.

    should check your own forums there is no other arma except OA and maybe a console port?

    ---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

  3. Arma 1 and 2 feel like OFP because they play like OFP, the same movement system, free head and third person as well as enviroment and things of that nature.

    The fact that it runs the same engine is what makes it feel like the original and only Operation Flashpoint and for those reasons is why the bastard child DR will never feel like OFP.

    As for performance well of course, DR has far less complex model, environment and shaders as well as less happening in the background, it better run smooth for less specs.

    Tell me something, have you scanned your computer for viruses, de-fragged and things like that? If not then you should, you may find things running smoother and may fix some of the bugs you are having.

    I own arma1 gold adition, arma2, ofp etc, ofp was sweet the story line sucked you in loved it even with the bugs and not so hot graphics (by todays standards) could not put me off played it for ages, to loose one team member was like loseing one of your family etc. was not even worried about patches or updates because there was so much there to enjoy in it. arma came along with the same layout as ofp but some how was different and has never been the same since in my opion cm might have the name but does that make arma1/2, ofp 2/3 i don't think so with countless patches going on arma1/2 and still not running right on a lot of peeps pc's even if it was still called ofp, would you be happy with it now if you were on the 3rd installment of ofp i don't think so,like i said the mod comunity have kept this game alive and they have done some great stuff! So i have supported bohemia by buying there games and was hoping they would sort there stuff out by giving me a game i could play out of the box but alas after upgraiding my pc to a quad core etc and found i still could not run it to be enjoyable i bought ofpdr, i look on this game as a cousin to the origanal and i think they have cracked it, people are starting to do maps, campains and started tweaking AI in it and just those few things have made a great difference just in a couple of weeks. I dont see many threads from I9,I7 AMD quad core, duel core saying they can't run it, All they seem to moan about is there's not enough stuff in it ....just a simple download sorts that i suppose!

    Put it this way Arma is like frank bruno big and slow!

    Ofpdr is like hollyfield slick and fast and can bulk up a bit

    Who would you bet on? :yay:

  4. How many Flashpoint fans here believe that Arma (and Arma2, and the future versions to come out) is the real Flashpoint sequel? Dragon Rising doesn't even come close to Arma, Dragon Rising doesn't even feel like a Flashpoint game! Bohemia has kept the Flashpoint look and feel to both Arma and Arma2, but whoever developed Dragon Rising can't even come close to Bohemia's work.

    So, what do you guys think?

    Come on guys lets see things for what they are, The only reason ARMA 1&2 feel like the origanal Flashpoint is they are all buggy as hell lets face it the only thing the saves arma 1/2 is the modding comunity, if you never had any modds this game would have been finished long ago, OFP has got a very stable engine underneath and on there forums you don't see the headaches people have here just trying to get it run HALF decent. I love the origanal OFP and i love the Models in arma 1/2, Sure ofp has got teething problems like all new releases but they have got a very solid foundation to start building on, when they start adding new vechiles/weapons/maps/missions maybe different country's etc this is going to start kicking some arse! Arma 2 is still not running right after the 4 patch and now there pushing on with Arrow it dose'nt look good, lets see what the future brings a! :yay:
