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About -15thMEU-Blunt

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  1. -15thMEU-Blunt

    New ArmA 2 Trailer

    PFC Ramirez over at the 15thMEU Realism Unit put up an incredible trailer for a ArmA 2 film he is working on. It's hard to belive that with a little scripting, some video editing and awesome audio tracks that you can make this kind of quality video. What do you guys think of the trailer? Cheers, Blunt
  2. -15thMEU-Blunt

    Video memory, very high or default?

    Mr Fenix what "Video Memory" setting in-game were you using when you got 30-40fps? When you used the default "Video Memory" setting what value is shown in you .cfg file under "localVRAM=VALUE;"? Was this the only setting you changed when you experienced the change in FPS? Cheers, Blunt
  3. -15thMEU-Blunt

    Video memory, very high or default?

    Set the value in-game to default then edit the memoryVRAM value in the config file. This value should be in bytes. If you have 2gigs it should be "2147483648" Let me know if it works.
  4. -15thMEU-Blunt

    Video memory, very high or default?

    MJK - Range where did you get your values from? "LOW = 256-320MB MED = for 512MB HIGH = 1024MB (1GB) V.HIGH = 2048MB (2GB)" I just found this on the BI wiki: Texture detail Very low Low Normal - for graphics card with 256 MB physical memory High - Very High - for graphics card with 512 MB physical memory Default - this setting is designed to fully utilize graphics card with over 512 MB and any other card with unusual size of installed memory.
  5. -15thMEU-Blunt

    Video memory, very high or default?

    I am compiling a guide at the moment covering all tweaks for ArmA2. On this topic I have the following information: localVRAM=VALUE; If you have SLI cards or Crossfire set the value of ‘localvram’ to HALF of the total video memory if you’re running SLI or Crossfire. Example: 2x4890 1GBs should have ‘localvram’ set to 1Gb. This setting should be done in bytes. To use the value set in the config file you need to set video memory in-game to “defaultâ€. “Very High†setting will only allocate 512 video memory, normal will only allocate 256. To calculate how many bytes: http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/calculate/ If I was to setup my system I would make the cfg file read only. Then set the in-game video memory option to default, then in the cfg file set the localVRAM value in bytes to my graphics cards size. I would then leave the setting video memory setting alone and only play with the Texture Details setting. The texture details setting affects the size of the textures that are used in the game world. Obviously the larger the texture i.e. 512x512 or 1024x1024 the more resources required to display the texture. This information seems to be rather different then what is written in this thread so far. If anyone else has any corrections of additional information on the topic I would like to know! Cheers, M.Blunt 15thMEU
  6. -15thMEU-Blunt

    FLIR v1.0

    Can we please get a server key included with this addon. Much appreciated, Blunt