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Everything posted by JackandBlood

  1. Well its a suggestion thread, so hopefully Bohemia will be reading and considering my ideas. Making something for the 360 would be profitable, shooters are the way to go on that platform, so extract that shooter portion from ARMA2. Then figure out how to transfer the deep shooting experience BIS has developed to work with a gamepad (thats where my ideas hopefully will help) and BIS will have made some good money and done something unprecedented for the console market. Their expanded team and financial resources can then aid in fixing some of the outstanding issues with ARMA 2. Its a win for all.
  2. I thought by now this wouldva been done (if its possible). But i searched "camera, armory, scene" in ARMA files to no avail. I think the armory scenes are really cool to watch when you sometimes want an ARMA experience, but are too fatigued or not in the mood for the intensity of a mission. I suggest a free look camera for the scenes, because the stock camera is uncanny at switching to a bad view right when combat starts. It would also be awesome if you could increase enemy respawns. Make for like machine gunners engaging a mob of rushing enemies.
  3. People are hating it for ARMA 2. But I dont hate it, I like the cinematic, like you are really there camera feel of it. Its like the chaotically shaking war correspondent footage. Now obviously #2 took it too far, but a small amount of motion blur is a good thing, I mean it looks great in Crysis when used at a reasonable level. Since its a post processing effect and ARMA 1s engine does some great post processing, i figure it can be done. So how about a mod adding light motion blur to ARMA 1?
  4. To Vandrel: I agree 100 %, BIS' work is its own unique genre. Its an amazing accomplishment that has no equal, and it certainly could not be transferred to the 360 in its entirety. Remember this point of this topic is a purely academic think-tank of how the infantry and gunplay portion of the ARMA experience could be implemented for the 360 in a way that does not diminish the simulation and depth of a BIS product. Look, as far as whether or not they should do this, I think BIS could create an excellent, squad level infantry game for the Xbox360, that, with proper implementation of a control scheme for the 360 controller would blow every other console shooter out of the water. The depth and challenge introduced by having BIS' projectile ballistics gunplay as opposed to hit-scan gunplay would alone raise the title far above anything an xbox360 gamer has ever experienced. Instead of the full sandbox nature of ARMA2, BIS' 360 release can be a single player campaign, again squad level infantry. Use the same engine so you get the same freedom of choice in accomplishing objectives and you get the same unpredictable nature of the enemy movement and behavior. Iron out the bugs, bring back the scale (view distance, map size, mission boundaries within the map) to something doable on the 360. We have had the pleasure and sense of accomplishment of making a clutch lead off shot on a target running full speed 500 m away right before he successfully finds cover, but xbox 360 gamers have not, and for many of them such an experience would be an epiphany. The game would sell very well and may win some very prestigious awards. BIS owns this genre, they will not get corrupted into making something generic. They have a pride in what they do because only they can do it, and because only they can do it, business sense will have them stay true to their monopolized genre and continue to advance it to our benefit.
  5. Hi I'm been searching, trying to find a map of any major city in sahrani where modders have created an active population of pedestrian civilians, cars, traffic, buses, police, etc. making for a bustling busy town. I'd like the traffic and civilians and whatnot to be on loops so the city is always active. I think Paradiso would be good for this. I just think it would be really cool to cruise around in the Black HMMWV then go outside city limits and make a nice firing range. Would be a great backdrop for some sort of Bourne Identity type espionage mission. Anyways if such an asset exists, someone please steer me towards it. ---------- Post added at 03:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 AM ---------- I just want like a mission file with no real mission, just highly populated, busy cities (alots of way points and AI rountines and what not. That I can then add single player elements too. Not really interested in the MP role playing mods like Sahraniville or Sahrani-Life. THanks for any leads
  6. JackandBlood

    Sahrani, active and bustling country

    Wow this community is awesome. It's going to take some time for me to wrap my head around these resources, thanks.
  7. JackandBlood

    Sahrani, active and bustling country

    well ya but I figure maybe someone has come up with a script that makes traffic behave like traffic should. Peds walking along and seemingly pursuing some goal. And stuff like that. Something I can blend into and have like an espionage feel. If i make this theres going to be an accident at every intersection, peds will stand there staring into space. Thats pretty much the extent of what im capable of at this point. I'm thinking a Jason Bourne escapade. Get into the city, meet with the ridiculous snake suit dressed arms dealer, buy a nice rifle, setup atop a high rise, take out a target through his car window (Wooo!). Peds start running around screaming. You got 2 minutes to exfil the city or something. Damn maybe someone has already made something like this, would be a good one. Thing about ARMA is all this stuff is possible and the assets are there too, I'm just not much of a programmer. But hey if something similar already exists, let me know!
  8. Its a long post I know, but I feel its worth reading in detail because it describes a complex and innovative style of gunplay that I proudly believe retains all the depth and challenge of BIS' projectile ballistics and simulation based gunfights WHILE elegently (IMO) making it accessible for the vastly different control mechanics of a console gamepad. The basic premise is to address the two weaknesses that a gamepad controller exhibits when applied to BIS' sim style of gunplay: 1. sluggishness and clumsyness inherent in a gamepad 2. The total ineptitude of a gamepad in providing timely precision required for real-time gunfights at simulation ranges (100m-400m) and with the added complexity of bullet physics, moving target, etc. The crux of my original post is a gameplay element I call Marksmen Mode. A kb/m of course requires no such mode since it transitions fine between regular movement, and precision shooting. A gamepad does not make this transition so well. My system addresses the time issue by conventional means (a variation on bullet time). It however has to be applied in a very exacting way to preserve our sim goals (the devil in the details as I said). To address the complexities of BIS' gunfighting I described the further execution details of the "Marksmen Mode"(orginally Markmen Focus, but I dont like the distracting abbreviation of that term:D). Just as a brainstorming session, I encourage anyone interested to read the full details of my idea and comment. I am confident that if you run the scenes of how the system plays out in your head a few times, it will become clear that my system allows effective use of a console gamepad while still retaining the challenging and rewarding aspects of BIS' complex gunplay. Look i'm not arguing either way whether an ARMA 2 port to the 360 is a good idea. I just enjoy thinking about how it could be done and in a way that sacrifices no depth. I'm just focusing purely on small arms shooting mechanics in this thread cuz I enjoy the infantry combat aspect of ARMA the most and from a conceptual standpoint I feel this may be the most difficult thing to accurately port over. So maybe if you're bored, chew on this idea a little bit. Let me know if the logic is sound, or just share your thoughts.
  9. Theres this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1037 it gives a nice over the shoulder view, similar to gears. It appears to only work with v1.08 so no go on my end.