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Everything posted by RomanLord

  1. Hello everybody. I hope this is the right place to ask support on a very sad question that is affecting our server. We are a clan and we are organizing a big campaign involving 50vs50 players. We created custom missions on Chernarus map with some scripts. The game run quite smoothly but the problem is that very often the server crashes after 1 hour or 1 hour and half of playing (the mission total time is 2 hours). This happened already two times. One time we experienced also another problem. The server seemed to crash (red chain than disconnection) always after 1 hour and some time, but after some minutes we noticed that the server was still up and running, the game was continuning (players stats, kills, sectors) and finished exactly after the two hours programmed. Anyway, could we receive an help to see if there is something wrong in the server log? I dont know.. a script that goes in loop, a problem with the game... please help us because we really dont know how to solve this. Here you can download the server logs. http://www.alphaweb.it/ArmA2Server.rar Thanks :j: p.s. Just in case you need, this is our server specifications: Processor: Intel Xeon Quad 4x 2.83+ GHz 12 Mo L2 - FSB 1333 MHz 45nm 64bit Memory: 8GB DDR2 Disk: 2x 750 Go - SATA2 Connection: 1Gbps OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 64bit - Service Pack 2
  2. Hello I know there are many threads on how to use HALO Jump, but what I found until now is just to "change" the behaviour of the "Eject" action. I just want that every player get in a plane or heli, will have the "normal" eject and also the HALO option. How this is possible? Thanks
  3. Hello all I'm using the following script to spawn enemy AI infantry, then passing them to UPSMON script for patrolling an area. The script works fine, called by a trigger. the problem is that it works only ONCE. If I call it again, there are no AI spawning also if UPSMON script debug shows me that is creating new istances and new waypoints, but no AI are created. I want to call it different times based on advancing of my squad. Instead of putting 100 eney AI on the island at the same time, I will spawn them only when my group is in the area, then delete the old ones... Where I'm wrong? if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _infTypes = ["MOL_Rifleman","MOL_Rifleman","MOL_Soldier_MG","MOL_Medic"]; _infType = count _infTypes; _numOfGrps = ceil(random 4); for "_i" from 1 to _numOfGrps do { _grp = createGroup East; _numInGrp = ceil(random 6); for "_i" from 1 to _numInGrp do { _infTypes select ceil(random _infType) createUnit [(getMarkerPos "areanew"), _grp, "",0.4,"PRIVATE"]; sleep 1; }; "MOL_Officer" createUnit [(getMarkerPos "areanew"), _grp, "nul=[this,'areanew','nofollow','nowait'] execVM 'scripts\upsmon.sqf'",0.4,"SERGEANT"]; sleep 1; _unit = leader _grp; _unit setFormation "VEE"; _unit setBehaviour "CARELESS"; sleep 1; { _x allowFleeing 0; _x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.4]; _x setskill ["aimingShake",0.4]; _x setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.4]; _x setskill ["Endurance",1]; _x setskill ["spotDistance",0.4]; _x setskill ["spotTime",0.4]; _x setskill ["courage",1]; _x setskill ["reloadSpeed",0.4]; _x setskill ["commanding",0.4]; _x setskill ["general",0.4]; _x allowFleeing 0; } forEach units _grp; };
  4. Hello all finnaly I got to create my first mission. Basically I have 4 mandatory tasks to complete before ending the mission. The 5th is not mandatory. I used some triggers to have, when all the tasks are completed, a radio chat with custom sound, a nuke explosion, a camera script and then the end with debriefing. The problem is that in SP or hosted in MP on my computer, it works fine. As soon I put the mission on a dedicated server, every time it ends after about 60 seconds, showing the debriefing. I suppose is a problem of global/public variables but I cannot figure how to solve this. I put here the triggers that I have in theri "execution" order, hope you can help. First trigger: Activation: None - One time - Present Type: None Condition: obj_0 && obj_1 && obj_2 && obj_3 && obj_4; On Activation: logicaradio globalChat "HQ: Victor, this is HQ. Good job you accomplished your mission, but our satellites just spotted what can be a missile launch directed on our outpost. You have to evacuate immediately. Out"; playSound "Dialogo10"; finale_music = true; publicVariable "finale_music"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second trigger: Activation: None - One time - Present Type: None Condition: finale_music; On Activation: playMusic "Harvest_Red"; 1 fadeMusic 1; nukelaunch1 = true; publicVariable "nukelaunch1"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Third trigger: Activation: None - One time - Present Type: None Timer: 10 seconds (elapsed time) Condition: obj_0 && obj_1 && obj_2 && obj_3 && obj_4 && nukelaunch1; On Activation: [] exec "nuke\nukelaunch.sqs"; player say "incoming";finale_camera = true; publicVariable "finale_camera"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forth trigger: Activation: None - One time - Present Type: None Timer: 10 seconds (elapsed time) Condition: finale_camera; On Activation: finemissione = true; publicVariable "finemissione"; []exec "outro.sqs"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fifth trigger: Activation: None - One time - Present Type: END1 Timer: 20 seconds (elapsed time) Condition: obj_0 && obj_1 && obj_2 && obj_3 && obj_4 && finemissione; On Activation: endMission "END1"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My init.sqf waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; sleep 0.5; "area1" setMarkerAlpha 0; "area3" setMarkerAlpha 0; "area4" setMarkerAlpha 0; "Kinsella" setMarkerAlpha 0; ACE_NoStaminaEffects = true; [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; sleep 0.1; //Initialise revive script (this next line is needed for revive script) server execVM "revive_init.sqf"; sleep 0.5; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; Where I'm wrong? Hope you can solve this out... I'm really disappointed to have invested so much time in this mission and now it works really fine in SP or on my hosted server, but not on dedicated one... If you want here is the downloadable PBO... http://www.alphaweb.it/Priceless%20Life.isladuala.zip
  5. I did what you said, (parenthesis and require_cba gamelogic) and now seems to work would be nice to know "WHY"... Thanks for all! After completing it and testing it with my team mates, I will give this mission out to anyone wants to play it :D
  6. First of all, thanks for your reply About intializing the obj_0 and others: no. There is a way I have to do it or I simply wrote obj_0=false and so on in the init.sqf? (as I said is my first mission) What you means? What I have to check? This is the call to the Norrin's Revive Script. In this case "Server" is the name of a GameLogic on the map, as specified in the norrin script.
  7. RomanLord

    AI Convoy Script

    Yeah, same for me... I made a convoy from 2 BMPs escorting a SCUD launcher :D but the convoy stops at WP 1 If I use only BMPs or only SCUDs it works fine
  8. I cannot believe to my eyes The problem is sorted out..... I saved the "init.sqf" as "int.sqf" I really dont know what was in my eyes that cause me not see this in about 4 days... :eek: Sorry for your time, excuse me :o
  9. Yes, of course.. I also tried to delete the "side" division and create a one valid for all, but with same results... ---------- Post added at 12:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 PM ---------- I also "started" the game, walked around in the map for at least 2-3 mins, but no briefing/tasks list showed up.
  10. Tried both things (sleep and briefing.html)... Not working :( p.s. I dont see NOTHING No tasks, no briefing, no objectives...
  11. Hello all I'm becoming really crazy and desperate to let my briefing works from this morning. I read hundreds of posts, threads... did searches on google, tried a lot of things.. but nothing worked.... my briefing is not showing!!!! Ok This is the init.sqf execVM "briefing.sqf"; :D This is the briefing.sqf waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; waitUntil {player==player}; switch (side player) do { case WEST: { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Friendly Forces", "Thanks to UN support we were able to move two infantry squads, setting up a fast camp on Moltia Intl Airport. We had not time to move big assets, so we can count only on some HMMWVVs and two LAV. Also available two BlackHawk and two Apache Longbow, anyway we cannot use them until any AA threats is cleared"]]; tskobj_1=player createSimpleTask ["Destroy AA Radar"]; tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["The island is patroled from numerous tunguskas. We dont have the assets to destroy all of them, and so we cannot use helicopters for transport or attacking objectives. we can solve the situation destroying the AA radar. This is the first task you will have to complete to reach your objectives", "Destroy AA Radar", "Destroy AA Radar"]; player setCurrentTask tskobj_1; }; case EAST: { }; case RESISTANCE: { }; case CIVILIAN: { }; }; // run this file again when respawning (only setup the killed EH once though) if ( isNil {player getVariable "mk_briefingEH"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; // waitUntil player has respawned execVM "briefing.sqf"; // make sure this path is correct }; }]; player setVariable ["mk_briefingEH", true]; I've tried to show it inside the editor (pressing Shift), hosting the game on my PC and also on dedi server. It NEVER shows up Please, help me... :(
  12. Hello I hope this is the right place to discuss this topic. I try to explain my problem: On my dedicated server I installed the following addons: ACE 2 (folders: @CBA, @ACE, @ACEX, @ACE_SM, @ACE_PLA) CAA1 (folders: x\caa1, x\oac\oac_core) AVGANI (folders: AVGANI) I installed exactly the same mod folders on my local pc. Loading any MP mission with only ACE works without problems. As soon I load any mission including CAA1 and/or AVGANI and/or ANY OTHER ADDON i tried, the mission doesn't start, and I have "missing addons" reported in arma2.rpt file. Just to be clear, I also tried to create (example) a mission in the editor on Saharani with just one unit, without ace. On local works with no problem. As soon I put it on the server, it not starts and I have the rpt like the following: Missing addons detected: oac_core but I currently have it loaded. I tried also other addons, other maps, changing the order I load addons in the Arma2server link, but nothing worked. I always have missing addons that says me every addons is not present, but this is not true. I can confirm I tried everything, also checking that the "Execute to" parameter in the Arma2server.exe link is correct and pointing to Arma2 folder... Some one have ideas? I'm really becoming crazy... :( Thank you
  13. I'm here ready to press "UPDATE" key :D Thank you. A bug that we noticed in Domination (I'm reporting it now on devheaven): gas granades have no effects on AI :p
  14. BDR Clan Italia ACE Server, up and running
  15. I think the problem is that about 70% of people don't understand WHAT a "WIP" or "BETA" is. In their mind is "not fair" or "not possible" that there are bugs, problems, some people with 0 problems and some people that cannot do nothing for install all the stuff.... My think is: if you wanna try beta, wip.... you have to "accept" that there will be for SURE some problems. You cannot complain, you can just give advices to developers. If you are not able to do this, please don't download it and wait the final version... :rolleyes: ---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ---------- Yes Please! :) If you like I can host also in our clan dedicated public ACE server. Else.. I will play on yours :D Also a simple TDM or CTF would be great I think! Or a coop-style mission where instead of AI as opponets are humans
  16. Yeah, sorry.. I didnt explayned good. Sure I think SixUpdater/rSync is better beacause when you release the updates, they will update the clients in quite the same moment. AddonSync needs to be "syncronized" by the server/repo admin... so could be not updated for a whyle... Anyway in my repo I'm offering also included the rSynch folders. It means that first time all is about 1gb... but if you want you can use rsync to update it later... Anyway, you deserve a medal guy... impressive job and impressive support!
  17. RomanLord

    Huge Server Crashes during MP

    We set equalmod enabled, so no-one can enter with any mod. Only "vanilla" players are accepted. So this is not the case, unfortunately ;)
  18. You can also use AddonSync... same thing in an easyer way :D
  19. RomanLord

    Huge Server Crashes during MP

    Hello Mikcd Thanks for your reply. About your question I can say that there are no AI and just few script there but all the scripts are written to run client-side, no "server-sync" needed. I installed the patch in this link ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_Build_60718.zip But at this point I don't know if it is the last or not! I see 1.04.60718 but I see that arma2 beta patches arrived to 1.04.61032 Actually I'm launching my server with a command like this: "C:\program files\bohemia interactive\Arma2\beta\arma2server.exe" -mod=beta ...........and so on Now my question is: there is another "new" patch for dedicated server I can use, newer that 60718? Or I can simply install the arma2 beta patches for "clients"? Thanks
  20. I don't know if it is the right place to post here... I want to distribute also a mirror for the ACE 2 REPO to use it un YOMA Addon Sync. My question is: apart from @CBA, @ACE, @ACEX folders, I have to include also the c:\programs\bohemia interactive\arma2\userconfig\ace ???? Or the userconfig\ace have to be "extracted" from the user from the @ACE modfolder after the installation/update?
  21. 0.184 Out BDR Repo updated for AddonSync2009 :) [s]http://www.bdrclan.com/downloads/ACE2_repo/bdr_repo.7z[/s] Edit: sorry guys, there is a problem with the new repo. i will update it later. don't download it now
  22. I would be glad to offer on our website the repo for Addons Sync. We cannot host a rsync mirror, but we can host Addon Sync repo and the milestone files (we already do this) I have just a question on what folders to include in the repo... some one can help me? I think probably this is not the right place...
  23. LoL! Never saw it before!!! :eek: Anyway, I will make a MP mission where it will be the primary weapon for all the units :D sorry for the OT ;)