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About 21chip

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  1. 21chip

    3D Editor

    RTE 4. if i have the right version. I cant get it to load a map or view anything in the window. Do i use the RTE Capture? I gave it the dir. but i can get it to do much else.. Grrrr. I get a (armed assault not found.Please start arma and try agian.) This is for arma 2 right?
  2. All i want to make is a death match game and be able to change the size of the map. (Not just one city block.) I found the ALT E editor that looks cool but when i go to save the map it says ( You must have at least one playable unit before you can save the mission.) How do i make a playable unit? When i go to unit, the box does not have anything in the drop down menu to choose from. Can some one fill me in Please? Thanks..