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Everything posted by Trilton

  1. Could the team confirm whether ACRE is compatible with TS3 Client version 3.0.0-beta32? Also, would it be possible for the latest TS3 compatible version to be displayed some where, initial thread post / wiki. Currently it's only on changelogs to my knowledge. Thanks, and on a side note, this is the best mod for ArmA since ACE.
  2. #387 and #388 sound like the camp is auto destructing on respawn depletion. Optional respawn camp destruction once no more respawns are available: 0 = Camp objects will stay, >0 = seconds until self destruction starts You're probably still at 360 seconds. Check the end of page 34 in the manual under DAC_AI_Respawn and set the array time as desired.
  3. Trilton

    Gun BUG

    http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13476#change-64889 ?
  4. Trilton

    insert cd?

    You need to use the patch supplied by Direct 2 Drive. http://www.direct2drive.com/patches/
  5. The SUS has nothing to do with ACE. Please use the project space for support. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/six-arma-updater Also, the FAQ will help you. Specifically on Custom ArmA installations.
  6. Squad name - 6th Sense Timezone/location - European Based (CET) Squad gamemode preference - Coop Contact Email - trilton[@]gmail.com Website address - http://6thsense.eu/