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Everything posted by Heigou

  1. So I searched around and I can't seem to find out how to make something as simple as patrols, I figured it was simple so that it'd be easy to find out how but apparently I suck at this. So basically I want to know how can make waypoints that repeats kinda, so that certain groups will be doing the same route over and over again until they're interrupted/attacked/spot someone. I'd also like to do the same with jets if possible and maybe a minimum radius before they actually engage spotted targets or something.
  2. So, basically, I made custom scripts to fill boxes and crates with various shits. Only problem here is, once I host it online, my friends don't see anything that's in the crate. I can see everything in the crates fine but all my friends see is like a few basic snipers and nothing else in all of the crates. Basically, it's like the .sqf files I have included in the map don't sync up to anybody except for me.
  3. Not using ACE, that doesn't help me though, it doesn't change the fact that I'm always missing a shitload of stuff in the ammobox.
  4. Ugh, still having difficulties with the ammo box. Anyone has a x_weaponcargo_oa.sqf filled with all the guns that I could have? I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it work out, there's always guns and ammunition missing or guns in the wrong category altogether and all that.
  5. Aghh, how do I disable this 30 minutes before being qualified stuff.
  6. Thank you infinitely for your help, I'll finally be able to play without one of my friend (Who's rage is infinite) raging constantly about absolutely everything. And it was just an exemple, if there's a way to do it LIKE the editor, not IN the editor. I should be set after you find these codes, it's all I need and after I'm good and thank you again. Oops, Quoting didn't work, that was to Hawk.
  7. Thank you, this is absolutely amazing. In the parameters though, the Sabotage doesn't seem to work, even when turned off, our base still gets sabotaged. Also, does that only remove the Artillery for us or also for the enemy AI? I kind of hate it when I blow up out of nowhere because instead of Artillery being physically there, there's just kind of explosions spawning around you and you're dead. I assume it's impossible to edit the generated AI like in the editor? I'd like to tweak them a bit like let's say setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",0.6] since I like playing on Expert but the AI's Accuracy is really crazy (Pretty sure it's around 0.9 on Expert) and since we're not a big group of players, we get lit up like crazy because of how overwhelmed we have and how skilled the AI is.
  8. Thank you both Collin and Hawk. 3 More questions, sorry if they were already answered but it's hard to tell when it's scattered through so much pages unfortunately. I play with small groups of friends, so we're very far from filling domi servers, how would I reduce the amount of Armor at side missions and AOs? Like 2 per side missions and 4 for AOs. How would I go about adding physical backpacks to the map? How would I go about filling the ammo box with respawning every weapons and ammunitions in the game? And the unanswered question from my last post, is it possible to mess around with the AI that spawns when Side and Main missions are generated? I'd like to give them my own setSkill Array to customize the AI to our liking. I feel bad asking so much questions. Edit: Right, how to disable sabotage? I absolutely hate it. I do it in parameters but they still Sabotage us with troops and jets. Edit: Agghh, just piling questions up, I also want to disable artillery completely because AI doesn't even react to it, breaking immersion and when they use it, you just blow up, artillery doesn't physically exists, it just makes stuff blow up.
  9. Is there anywhere where I can see some of the more basic questions without having to go through 155 worth of pages? I'd like to know how to add new respawning vehicles, jets, choppers and stuff at the Main Base, like adding a Little Bird and some Attack Chopper with Fighter Jets and A-10s, some med/heavy armor that always respawns when destroyed. Another thing I'd like to know is if it's possible that the AI that spawns when Side missions and Main Missions are generated have custom init that I can add myself a bit like the ingame editor. I'd like to mess around with the setSkill array on them so that I can have the AI be to me and my friend's liking.
  10. Basically, my question is, is there a way to change the AI? Like how accurate they are and stuff? I like the AI alot, but their "stats" are just really hard to deal with, whenever I engage, unless we're all behind hard cover and intend to stay there until we die of old age, after 5 seconds, all we'll hear is a loud crack or a burst then one of us drops dead, repeat until we're all dead in under a minute. I've also had occasions where I got pinned down by almost pinpoint accurate MGs shooting at me full auto from 500m and the only reason I wasn't dying was because of hard cover, but the cover itself was turning into swiss cheese. Or the AI that sees you through bushes. Even at night time when the enemy has no NVs or even day time when we're got a good jump on them with a good position, they somehow spot us and instantly zero in to our distance and accurately pick us off all within 5 seconds. As a human, when I have no rangefinder, I have to eyeball the distance, zero in then adjust my shots, the AI (Which are often outnumbering you easily 10:1 in most scenarios) just instantly knows your distance and location and kill you. So, I was just wondering, is there a way to change the AI? I'd really like to either make the AI's accuracy really bad or their accuracy gradually getting better to mimick humans that actually have to adjust their shot until they're properly adjusted and can shoot us more accurately, would make getting up and running way to another cover a much better option than just getting up and dying to the accurate gunfire of everyone within a 2 km radius.
  11. Both, I play missions that are already made aswell as make my own custom scenarios for me and friends.
  12. Mission scripting I suppose, it happens to me on all difficulties except the lower one where the AIs are just sitting bricks which is really boring. I just want AI to be smart without having superhuman accuracy the instant they spot you. @Strikor, thank you, that looks awesome, looks like what I might be looking for.
  13. So, I have a few question. I just did a co-op game with my friends, but all I could do is tell them in the chat that there's a dude at 3 o'clock and from there they had to blindly search for him. So, I was squad leader and I was wondering if there was any way to MARK them for my friends to see them, instead of blindly telling them their where abouts. Also, what are laser markers for exactly, if I point my laser at a building and my friend is riding an AH-1 or something does this mean he'll be able to press TAB and lock on to the laser? Can laser markers be used to mark targets for your infantry friends to see too?
  14. Heigou

    How to mark targets?

    Well, on regular I still can't seem to target enemies for my friends to see, my guy does like "ATTACK RIFLEMAN 4 O'CLOCK" or "RIFLEMAN SPOTTED 5 O'CLOCK" and all that crap, but it doesn't show my friends ANYTHING at all, so they're just blindly looking around.
  15. Heigou

    How to mark targets?

    Well, thanks alot Walker and everyone else, that was all quite helpful. Though, I'm still wondering how I'm supposed to know what missiles does what and what jets/choppers have them in the editor. I have ACE2 if that changes anything but I've had Sidewinder locking on tanks even though it's supposed to be an air to air missile?
  16. Heigou

    How to mark targets?

    So, I tried different jets/choppers. From what I saw, I couldn't lock on to ANYTHING with the hellfires except laser designated targets, as for sidewinders I could lock on to choppers, and for some reason also to tanks. I tried other missiles and I couldn't lock on to choppers atleast it didn't seem to work, but I could lock to tank, except I had to be like within 200 meters and by the time I was waiting for the lock on to finish, I was already past the tank. Other missiles that just couldn't lock on to anything at ALL it seems, and the manual fire was difficult as shit, pretty useless. I'm pretty damn confused.
  17. I'm playing regular, and in the missions we do we can't seem to use any radio, but if it's the AI as a squad leader he can mark targets. and I tested with a friend with the laser designator and me in an AH-1, and it worked except it didn't lock on to anything. When I shot hellfire missiles it went right to his laser but it told me I couldn't lock on to anything and it was even telling me it didn't lock on to anything when I was firing it, and yet it went right for his laser marker everytime, no matter where he aimed. and yes I mean the laser designator. Also, what are sidewinders for? they didn't work with the laser designator like the hellfire did.
  18. Heigou

    How to mark targets?

    So, I tested a bit with my friend and if he was using the laser designator the hellfire missiles shoot to where he was pointing but there was no lock on indicator, it even told me there was nothing to lock on to when I shoot but yet it went to the laser marker. Also, what are sidewinders for? they didn't work with the laser designator like the hellfire did.
  19. So, I have a few question. I just did a co-op game with my friends, but all I could do is tell them in the chat that there's a dude at 3 o'clock and from there they had to blindly search for him. So, I was squad leader and I was wondering if there was any way to MARK them for my friends to see them, instead of blindly telling them their where abouts. I'm asking that because when me and my friends plays with an AI squad leader the AI always marks enemies with red reticles so we see them, we're always playing on regular too. Also, what are laser markers for exactly, if I point my laser at a building and my friend is riding an AH-1 or something does this mean he'll be able to press TAB and lock on to the laser? Can laser markers be used to mark targets for your infantry friends to see too?
  20. Heigou

    How to mark targets?

    I play on regular in co-op online with my friends, so if there's a way I'd like to know how. I'm asking that because when I play with AI squad leaders they can always mark targets with a red reticle thing, so my friends and I knows who to shoot. So, certain choppers and jets maybe can lock on to laser markers? So, if my friend marks a spot with one and I'm flying a jet/chopper I can lock on to it?
  21. Heigou

    Why am I so bad?

    Alright so basically, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but the game is way tough for me, I try to be sneaky and all then I stay in this spot to just scout for enemy position and, well I just see no one. Even if the city is filled with them I'll only get to see one once in a while and then I just drop dead cause some of their sniper shot me. I'm just wondering what I'm doing wrong because even if I take cover and try to be sneaky they just always find me and kill me before I get the chance to see one of them. Another thing is when I'm prone in the grass, I can't see anything due to the grass but the bots see me perfectly even when they're themselves prone in the grass. So I end up getting shot yet again without seen anything. I've died countless times without knowing what the hell happened even tho I was well hidden and far from enemy eyes, I've rarely had the chance to kill an enemy soldier. So I'm asking what the hell am I doing wrong? ---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 AM ---------- Holy crap douple post + wrong forum, I wanted to post it in general.
  22. yes I used them, it didn't fix my crazy sky.
  23. First of all my specs. Ati Radeon HD 3870 X2 Q9300 quad core 2.5 GHZ 4 GB of ram Alright, so my problem is when in daytime I can't look at the sky, wether looking directly at the sun or in the opposite direction if I look too much at the sky my screen flickers then becomes a huge white flash, some of the colors also becomes weird and become purples or something. And now at night time I have another problem, the lightning seems to change for no real reason when I use Nightvision and the intensity just seems to change, sometimes I can just see perfectly with the nightvision and then without looking somewhere else my nightvision just becomes dark and I can hardly see and I have to wait for my eyes (ingame) to get used to the lightning again. What could be the problem?
  24. I tried the mods you mentionned and it still didn't fix.
  25. Well, I tried everything that I could including checking my settings and reinstalling my drivers and it still happens.