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Posts posted by Lucky44

  1. It would be amazing if someone could give us an example of how to make them work, i'm new to editing so my questions are these;


    do i just place the rails connected with end rails either side and the target sat snug on top?



    I can tell you this: you don't need the rails; they're just for the visuals, to look realistic for the players. But the targets will work without them.


    I've searched in other forums and I'm not finding current info on getting targets to move right on a dedicated server.

  2. I'm using the great new Eden editor to put a shoot house together. I want to have moving targets, and I'm using some stuff I found a while back, and it doesn't seem to work on a dedi server. I think this is new, with the new editor and its changes, but I don't know.


    I'm using this function to do the moving:

    fn_MovingTargetOnce =
    	private ["_target","_distance","_speed","_dir"];
    	if (!isServer) exitWith {};//added to prevent MP unpredictable effects
    	_target = _this select 0;
    	_dir = _this select 1; // direction of travel (and opposite)
    	_distance = _this select 2; // how far to travel in each direction
    	_speed = _this select 3; // speed of movement
    	_pause = _this select 4; // pause at either end
    	sleep _pause;
    	for "_i" from 0 to _distance/_speed do
    		_target setPos
    			(position _target select 0) + ((sin (_dir)))*_speed,
    			(position _target select 1) + ((cos (_dir)))*_speed,
    		sleep 0.01;
    	sleep 0.05;

    And then I'm calling it from a script, with something like this:

        [tar1,((direction tar1) -90),10,0.06,.3] spawn fn_MovingTargetOnce;


    Works fine in SP, but in the dedicated server, the target waits then jumps to the end position. Not sure what's wrong.


    Any ideas on how to do this right on a dedi (MP) server, with the current editor?


  3. Thanks for kind words :)

    To select build tool press 1 (above WASD) for select tool press 2. Press those  buttons to go back and forth between tools.

    Build mode is green arrow. Select is yellow sphere.


    Thanks for the quick reply. 


    When I open the CT Composition Tool, I get an error saying "Script ct_libraries.sqf not found". -When I press the 1 key (above the WASD keys), nothing happens. Is this related to the error?

  4. Great work on the CompoT ! So far, I love it. The visual library of objects alone is a great start. But I'm stuck trying to get the compositions started. You said "use shift-f", I think to get it going, in Build Mode, but I'm not sure how to get into Build Mode. I've started the CompoT tool and can use the visual object selector, but nothing happens when I hit shift-f. How can I start creating compositions?

  5. One note from my initial tests.


    (First, it's definitely working as expected, so thanks! And while I'm only an amateur coder, from what I see, this is really nicely done.)


    Just for kicks, I tried putting two different blacklisted crates down (using two different versions of the myBox.sqf). I found that it would not make two different crates. Don't know if that is a limitation of the code, and it's not a big deal to me at all. But someone might want a version of the crate for one group and a different version for others. -Does that seem consistent with your expectation, Larrow?

  6. Well, I tried using that ammo crate and no change. I'm still seeing all 6 Titans and the Autonomous GMG backpacks, etc. Nothing is getting blacklisted. 


    I understand what you're saying about the "if you're carrying it, it will show up in Arsenal" thing, yeah. I'm using a guy with no backpack and no weapons at all.


    A little more detail: I'm using a brand new, "clean" mission with nothing else in it but a NATO soldier and the crate (on Altis). I have no init.sqf, no description.ext, etc. in the mission folder.  And I'm Previewing this out of the Editor (so not a compiled PBO - but I have tried that too, and the results are the same).


    There must be something we're not considering...hmm...

  7. First, thanks, Twak, for this help. I really appreciate it. 


    I'm stumped! I am using this code, with the same thing to initiate it in the box's init box, and I can't stop the Titan's from showing up (I can't stop ANYTHING from showing up). I tried launching without our usual mods, but no change. I tried creating a clean mission with nothing else in it, but no dice. 


    So I'm guessing that you and I, Twak, are making some different assumption about what we're doing. Let me go step by step and see if we can find it.


    I've got a Land_CargoBox_V1_F object with this in its init box: 

    null = [this] execVM "scripts\blacklistTest.sqf";

    And blacklistTest.sqf looks like this:

    LARs_fnc_addAllVirtualCargo = {
        if !( params [
            [ "_box", objNull, [ objNull ] ]
        ] ) exitWith {};
        _isGlobal = param[ 1, false, [ false ] ];
        if ( _isGlobal ) exitWith {
            [ _box ] remoteExec [ "LARs_fnc_addAllVirtualCargo", 0, true ];
        _fnc_linkedItems = {
                if ( isText( _x >> 'Item' ) ) then {
                    [ _box, getText( _x >> 'Item' ), false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
            "configClasses _this;
                if ( getNumber( _x >> 'scope' ) isEqualTo 2 ) then {
                    _configName = configName _x;
                    _itemType = _configName call BIS_fnc_itemType;
                    if !( ( _itemType select 0 ) isEqualTo '' ) then {
                        switch ( _itemType select 0 ) do {
                            case 'Item' : {
                                [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
                            case 'Weapon' : {
                                if !( ( _itemType select 1 ) isEqualTo 'VehicleWeapon' ) then {
                                    if ( ( _configName call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon ) isEqualTo _configName ) then {
                                        [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;
                                        ( _x >> 'LinkedItems' ) call _fnc_linkedItems;
                            case 'Magazine' : {
                                [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
                            case 'Mine' : {
                                [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
                            case 'Equipment' : {
                                if ( ( _itemType select 1 ) isEqualTo 'Backpack' ) then {
                                    [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo;
                                    [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
            "configClasses _x;
        }forEach [
            ( configFile >> "CfgWeapons" ),
            ( configFile >> "CfgMagazines" ),
            ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" ),
            ( configFile >> "CfgGlasses" )
    //BEGIN MAIN SECTION//////////////////////////////////////
    _ammoBox = _this select 0;
    _blacklistWeapons = ["launch_B_Titan_short_F", "launch_I_Titan_short_F", "launch_O_Titan_short_F"];
    _blacklistBackpacks = [
    /*_blacklistMagazines = [
         ]; */
    //_blacklistItems = [ ];
    ["AmmoboxInit",[_ammoBox,false]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
    [_ammoBox,true] call LARs_fnc_addAllVirtualCargo;
    [_ammoBox,_blacklistWeapons,false] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; // removes weapons from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox
    //[_ammoBox,_blacklistMagazines,false] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualMagazineCargo; // removes magazines from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox
    [_ammoBox,_blacklistBackpacks,false] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo; // removes backpacks from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox
    //[_ammoBox,_blacklistItems,false] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo; // removes items from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox

    When I get in game, I give it 15 seconds for all the initialization to get settled. Then I try to use the Arsenal action on the crate. ...and everything is there, including the Titans.


    Is there anything else, anywhere, that you're doing? In the init box? In the script? In the init.sqf or description.ext??


    This is making me crazy!

  8. OK, I don't get it. I have a feeling there are 1 or 2 small problems that are keeping this from working. I'd be very grateful to the person who can find the issue(s)!


    Here's my version of what Twak posted. -BTW, what's the point of the first (commented out) line?

    //[ myBox, isGlobal ] call LARs_fnc_addAllVirtualCargo;
    LARs_fnc_addAllVirtualCargo = {
        if !( params [
            [ "_box", objNull, [ objNull ] ]
        ] ) exitWith {};
        _isGlobal = param[ 1, false, [ false ] ];
        if ( _isGlobal ) exitWith {
            [ _box ] remoteExec [ "LARs_fnc_addAllVirtualCargo", 0, true ];
        _fnc_linkedItems = {
                if ( isText( _x >> 'Item' ) ) then {
                    [ _box, getText( _x >> 'Item' ), false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
            "configClasses _this;
                if ( getNumber( _x >> 'scope' ) isEqualTo 2 ) then {
                    _configName = configName _x;
                    _itemType = _configName call BIS_fnc_itemType;
                    if !( ( _itemType select 0 ) isEqualTo '' ) then {
                        switch ( _itemType select 0 ) do {
                            case 'Item' : {
                                [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
                            case 'Weapon' : {
                                if !( ( _itemType select 1 ) isEqualTo 'VehicleWeapon' ) then {
                                    if ( ( _configName call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon ) isEqualTo _configName ) then {
                                        [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;
                                        ( _x >> 'LinkedItems' ) call _fnc_linkedItems;
                            case 'Magazine' : {
                                [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
                            case 'Mine' : {
                                [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
                            case 'Equipment' : {
                                if ( ( _itemType select 1 ) isEqualTo 'Backpack' ) then {
                                    [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo;
                                    [ _box, _configName, false ] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
            "configClasses _x;
        }forEach [
            ( configFile >> "CfgWeapons" ),
            ( configFile >> "CfgMagazines" ),
            ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" ),
            ( configFile >> "CfgGlasses" )
    _ammoBox = _this select 0;
    _blacklistWeapons = ["launch_B_Titan_short_F", "launch_I_Titan_short_F", "launch_O_Titan_short_F"];
    _blacklistBackpacks = [
    _blacklistMagazines = [
    _blacklistItems = [
    ["AmmoboxInit",[_ammoBox,false]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
    [_ammoBox,true] call LARs_fnc_addAllVirtualCargo;
    [_ammoBox,_blacklistWeapons,false] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; // removes weapons from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox
    [_ammoBox,_blacklistMagazines,true] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualMagazineCargo; // removes magazines from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox
    [_ammoBox,_blacklistBackpacks,true] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo; // removes backpacks from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox
    [_ammoBox,_blacklistItems,true] spawn BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo; // removes items from the virtualArsenal of the object _ammoBox

  9. Larrow (or anyone who has figured this out!), do you know how to get a "blacklist" of things that you don't want to appear in a VA crate? The wiki entry doesn't seem to work right.


    What I want to do is create a VA crate and restrict a few particular things from appearing in the crate, but I want the crate to have roughly 99.9% of the possible gear that a "full" VA crate has.


    These don't seem to be working on a normally-created crate (i.e., one spawned via  0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; )






    If anyone has got this working as described, please explain the process you're using to spawn the crate and the code/method for blacklisting a few gear things.



  10. I've come to love VA, but now I'm trying to use "blacklisting" and getting nowhere.


    I've tried various combinations with BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo, and I get get it to work with a limited VA (where only specified things are in the crate to start, I think), but I can't get it to do an "keep everything but A,B,C.." sort of setup.



    And this is not helping: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arsenal#Remove


    Anyone know the best way to blacklist certain items/weapons?


    EDIT: I'm assuming this is just broken since no one has replied here or elsewhere where I've posted. If that changes, I'd love to know.

  11. Compliments to the creator, Ruthberg. It's a great mod.


    I recently ran into a problem: I clicked something dumb/wrong, and I ended up deleting my favorite gun from the ATrag. How do I get it back in, with all the right data associated?



    EDIT: a friend helped solve this.


    1) get the data for the deleted gun. (Friend sent me screen shot of his .408, here: http://i.imgur.com/r9YeAaG.png)

    2) go into ATragMX, and click on Gun List, then Add New Gun. Give it a name (in my case, I lost the Chey Tac .408). Then click Done.

    3) Click on Gun, which takes you to the screen shown in the screen shot above. Then just type in the data from someone else who still has that gun.



  12. Are these functional currently? If not, is there any way to get control of wind (direction, variability and speed) by scripts?

    Yes, I've seen the wiki listings for setWindStr, setWindDir, setWindForce, setWind, but they don't appear to work.

    I've seen some posts about only long change times working and some about multi-player issues. (I'm only concerned with MP play.)

    Any insight/updates will be appreciated!

  13. Are these functional currently? If not, is there any way to get control of wind (direction, variability and speed) by scripts?

    Yes, I've seen the wiki listings for setWindStr, setWindDir, setWindForce, setWind, but they don't appear to work.

    I've seen some posts about only long change times working and some about multi-player issues. (I'm only concerned with MP play.)

    Any insight/updates will be appreciated!

  14. At first I was skeptical about the lack of feedback about when I'm getting WR and not. But after about 5 minutes of testing, I love it. It's very immersive. When I can walk up to a small Hesko barrier and my Intervention is at the same level and I get a great deal of stabilization without doing anything special, I assume that I'm using the Hesko to rest the barrel, and it's great.

    One note: when I crouch by a concrete barrier (small) I get nice stabilization. But when I go to a low stone wall, either placed on part of the map, there is no similar stabilization. Is this intentional? Is it being worked on?
