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Posts posted by Lucky44

  1. OK, I assume you mean to put that in the initPlayerLocal, so that's what I tried.


    In SP, it worked (both moved into plane and gave gear), but it also threw an error. I was in the p1 slot, and it had "unknown variable" for p2. -Would you put a if (!isNil {_x}) on that??


    In a dedi server, it was as before: it gives the BOC gear as desired, but it doesn't move the player into the plane.


    EDIT: I tried something. I put a trigger on the ground to detect BluFor Present (for 2 seconds). And in the On Act, I put 

    if (!isNil "plane1") then {player moveInCargo plane1}
    The players start outside it and must walk into it. And it works on the dedi server. -Is this a bad approach to take? It's not the same as just starting the players in there, but I could change the time to zero (or 1?) and start the players in it??

  2. Wow, I appreciate your taking the time to help like this. Thanks.


    p1, p2,...p12 are the player units, placed on the map and named in their var name boxes. Yes, I'm running ACE3 and the ACE respawn module. Is that enough info?


    I don't see why we'd need to pvar them if they're units placed in the editor; knowing that's what they are, do you still think we need the loop to pvar them? I'll try it anyway.



    ----OK, I found the issue! at the end of your switch, you have }: and it needs to be };


    I tested it on SP and it works right.


    But on the dedi server it now does the gear properly, but it isn't moving the player into the plane (plane1). This seems like a simple issue. Could it be something about the condition? The if (!isNil "plane1") ?

    (FWIW, when I tried executing this code

    if (!isNil "plane1") then {
    	player moveInCargo plane1};

    just in the debugging console, it worked and moved me into the plane. Hmm.

  3. Thanks, JWL, for taking the time to do that. 


    I appreciate the explanation. I *thought* that it was getting executed every time a client joined, so it would move everyone to the plane and do their loadouts 1x/client. I was excited to see your revisions.


    So I tried your code, and it didn't work on a dedi server, to my surprise!  (In SP, it loaded me into the plane, but it didn't give me the gear.)


    My only guess is that the _gear variable isn't set to private at the start of the script, but I don't think that would have this effect, would it? Any ideas why this wouldn't work?


    --Running in SP for more testing, with Show Script Errors, I found this error on start: 

    undefined variable in expression: _gear


    Could there be something wrong with the syntax?

  4. You don't need remoteExec or BIS_fnc_MP for any of that.  Just put it all in initPlayerLocal.sqf


    Thanks, Kylania, for your insight and experience. I tried that, and part of it works and part didn't. Here's what I did: I moved the following into the initPlayerLocal.sqf:

    //Move players into the aircraft: =====================================================================================
    if (!isNil "plane1") then {
    		if (!isNil {_x} ) then {
    			_x moveInCargo plane1;
    	} forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12];
    else {hint "PLANE IS GONE!"};
    //Give each unit a custom backpack -ON CHEST- based on role ================================================================================
    //Squad Leader
    if (!isNil "p1") then {
    	[p1,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Fire Team Leader
    if (!isNil "p2") then {
    	[p2,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Fire Team Leader
    if (!isNil "p3") then {
    	[p3,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Corpsman (medic)
    if (!isNil "p4") then {
    	[p4,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Corpsman (medic)
    if (!isNil "p5") then {
    	[p5,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Electronics Specialist
    if (!isNil "p6") then {
    	[p6,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","ACE_wirecutter","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //SAW Gunner
    if (!isNil "p7") then {
    	[p7,"B_TacticalPack_blk",["itemMap","RHSUSF_200Rnd_556x45_soft_pouch","RHSUSF_200Rnd_556x45_soft_pouch","RHSUSF_200Rnd_556x45_soft_pouch","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Designated Marksman
    if (!isNil "p8") then {
    	[p8,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","RHSUSF_20Rnd_762x51_m993_mag","RHSUSF_20Rnd_762x51_m993_mag","RHSUSF_20Rnd_762x51_m993_mag","RHSUSF_20Rnd_762x51_m993_mag","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","ACE_EntrenchingTool","optic_nightstalker","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Demo Specialist
    if (!isNil "p9") then {
    	[p9,"B_TacticalPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag","SatchelCharge_Remote_mag","ACE_wirecutter","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Operator (MP5)
    if (!isNil "p10") then {
    	[p10,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Operator (HK416)
    if (!isNil "p11") then {
    	[p11,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Operator (HK416)
    if (!isNil "p12") then {
    	[p12,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_FieldDressing","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_morphine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;

     And the Zade_BOC stuff worked (it put custom backpacks on units chests, as expected). But the moveInCargo to plane1 didn't work. Is my check to make sure the plane still exists bad? (I am doing that so that if players JIP in, and the plane is gone, they don't get errors.) Is the syntax right for the !isNil check on {_x} in the forEach?


    EDIT: it seems to be putting 1 backpack on each player's chest PER CLIENT. What's the best way to fix that?


    I'd also like to ask how to simply call a .sqf script using remoteExec via a trigger or on an object's init box, but first things first.

  5. Thanks, Benargee and mdcclxxvi.


    Ben, you said use:  ["scripts\prepPlayers.sqf", "BIS_fnc_execVM", false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;


    But shouldn't it be wrapped differently? I have seen something like

    [[[], "scripts\prepPlayers.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_execVM", false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; 



    mdcclxxvi, how would you write it using remoteExec, then?

  6. (Honestly, I've spent the better part of an hour searching posts for help on this, and I've worked on this issue for a couple years, but I can't find anything clear enough for my thick head...)


    I understand the general ideas of locality. And I get the concept of BIS_fnc_MP (and remoteExec), but I'm still not really understanding the syntax in different situations. It's my understanding that BIS_fnc_MP and remoteExec are both viable still; if it's a big deal to use remoteExec over BIS_fnc_MP, let me know!


    If I want to addAction to an object at mission start, on a Dedi, I can run this, right?

    NameOfObjectToGetAction addAction ["Text displayed for scroll action", { [[[_this select 0], "scriptCalledByAction.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_ExecVM", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP}];

    Now I'm stuck trying to get some .sqf scripts to run at start and have them work for all clients. Here are some examples.


    Example 1: prepPlayers.sqf

    This script should do two things: move all players into an aircraft, and give them each a custom backpack using Zade_BOC to get the backpacks on their chests. 

    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    //Move players into the aircraft: =====================================================================================
    	//to avoid this happening for JIPs, check to see if the plane is still around
    	if (!isNull _x) then {
    		_x moveInCargo Plane1;
    } forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12];
    //Give each unit a custom backpack -ON CHEST- based on role ================================================================================
    //Squad Leader
    if (!isNull p1) then {
    	[p1,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","HLC_30rnd_556x45_SPR","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_optic_MRCO_2D","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    //Fire Team Leader
    if (!isNull p2) then {
    	[p2,"B_AssaultPack_blk",["itemMap","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","HLC_30Rnd_9x19_SD_MP5","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_EntrenchingTool","rhsusf_opscore_bk","NVGoggles_OPFOR"]] call Zade_BOC_FNC_AddChestBackpack;
    ---etc. for more units

    Here's what I'm trying in the init.sqf: 

    [{execVM "scripts\prepPlayers.sqf"}, "BIS_fnc_execVM", false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

    But it's not working. It's putting the backpacks on players' chests, but they're not filled and they're not accessible like they should be. -This does work fine in SP.


    Any help with how to best implement/script these to work on a Dedicated server will be GREATly appreciated!

  7. but it works if both players r on foot?

    edit: ensure that there is no ; sign at the end of the condition. thats a mistake.


    i cant believe that players in a vehicle r not c0ntent of thisList. i think it would be noticed in the wiki already if that is the case. i didnt find a wiki entry confirming this. so i doubt that gc8s script is neccessary.

    but if im wrong then this should be enough:

    {alive _x && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allPlayers == {alive _x} count allPlayers


    Test the first version for yourself if you doubt me. (BISwiki is far from perfect...) 


    But I tried this:

    {alive _x && _x inArea thisTrigger} count allPlayers == {alive _x} count allPlayers 

    and it works great. It works if I have two players in one boat or two players in two boats. And it didn't fire if only one player entered and the other was not in the trigger.


    Thanks very much for the help!

  8. fires if all living players reached:

    {isPlayer _x && alive _x} count thisList == {alive _x}count (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F");

    or if u dont support headless clients:

    {isPlayer _x && alive _x} count thisList == {alive _x} count allPlayers;


    Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate seeing both approaches (HC and non-HC).  I tried the non-HC one, but it doesn't work when I have two players, both in the same boat, enter the trigger zone.


    I think this is the central challenge: that when you have players in vehicles, it doesn't count them right in thisList. Any ideas??

  9. This is something that I've always fudged around in the past. But I know there's a way to do it; the scripting is just beyond me.


    What I want to do is end a mission when ALL THE PLAYERS have reached a trigger zone, if they are in vehicles or not.


    I was trying to use this in the trigger's Condition Box:

    {vehicle _x != player} count thislist >= (west countside allunits); 

    But I think that's counting vehicles, not players. ??


    I also tried making an array of all the vehicles in the trigger zone, then counting players in the crew of the vehicles, but I think I didn't code it right.


    Any suggestions?

  10. Thanks, AZCoder. 


    I was able to take what they said in that thread and put this together.


    Step A: Create a name for the bridge I want to check for damage. (Could be a building too.)


    1. Get in game near the bridge/building/etc. you want to work with.
    2. Look at the bridge.
    3. Open the Debug Console (via ESC). In the bottom half, there's a box under the word Watch:  and in that box, type: typeof nearestObject screenToWorld getMousePosition
    4. That will start immediate reporting of the object your cursor is on to the screen. It's a little wonky, but play with it and it'll work.
    5. Copy down that className. In my case, the bridge was "Land_rails_bridge_40"

    Step B: Create a name for the bridge and create a trigger to watch for damage to it.

    1. Place a Game Logic object and in the Variable Name block, give it a name (e.g., logic1 or BridgeLogic or whatever)
    2. In the init box of the Game Logic, put this: bridge1 = nearestObject [getPos logic1, "Land_rails_bridge_40"]; but broken down as follows:
      1. bridge1 is the name I'm going to use for the nearest bridge to the Game Logic. You can use whatever name you want, but remember it for the trigger coming up.
      2. logic1 is the name I gave to the Game Logic. You can use something else (from Step A above).
      3. "Land_rails_bridge_40" is the className of the bridge in my case. Yours could be a building, a different bridge type, etc.
    3. Close that and create a new Trigger.
    4. The only fields to touch are Condition and On Activation. 
    5. In Condition, put this: (damage bridge1) >= 1   (That will check the damage on the bridge, and if it's 100%, the condition will fire the trigger)
    6. For the On Activation, you can put whatever you want to happen when the trigger fires, and it can be multiple things. To test it, I just put Hint "Bridge is down!";  You can have Task objectives be completed, etc., etc.

    That's all there is to it.

  11. I'm trying to figure out how to detect if a bridge (on a map) has been destroyed (getting the damage level of the bridge). 


    In Arma 2, you could toggle on the objects ID#s in the editor. I don't see a way to do that in the Eden editor; am I missing it? 


    I'd like to be able to do this on BIS Arma 3 maps, BIS Arma 2 maps (using CUP), and 3rd party maps, if possible.


    What are the options for detecting the damage level of a bridge or building object that is part of the map? 

  12. I'm looking for scripting advice from those who know (and understand) more about sqf than I do.


    I'm trying to have map triggers initialize the movement of moving targets, like the "Target_Popup_Moving_F". The problem I'm having is getting the movement to work properly on each client on a dedicated server. The code works fine on SP, but on dedi or hosted, clients don't see the proper movement of the targets. Usually, it seems like the target doesn't move at all, then when the movement should be ended, the target teleports to the end position (on the clients).


    Here's what I'm doing. I have a function, fn_MovingTargetOnce, in a script called movTarOnce1.sqf, (in a folder called scripts) which looks like this:

    This function can be used by putting the following in moving target's Init:
       handle = [tar2,((direction tar2) + 0),10,0.1,.3] spawn fn_MovingTargetOnce;
       where tar2 is the name of the moving target. Other parameters below.
    ---->Note: target animationPhase 1 is down, and animationPhase 0 is up.
    fn_MovingTargetOnce =
    	private ["_target","_distance","_speed","_dir"];
    	if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    	_target = _this select 0;
    	_dir = _this select 1; // direction of travel (and opposite)
    	_distance = _this select 2; // how far to travel in each direction
    	_speed = _this select 3; // speed of movement
    	_pause = _this select 4; // pause at either end
    	sleep _pause;
    	for "_i" from 0 to _distance/_speed do
    		_target setPos
    			(position _target select 0) + ((sin (_dir)))*_speed,
    			(position _target select 1) + ((cos (_dir)))*_speed,
    		sleep 0.01;
    	sleep 0.05;

    And I'm initializing that in the init.sqf like this:

    execVM "scripts\movTarOnce1.sqf"; // set up the function for moving targets once

    I've tried using BIS_fnc_MP in the trigger's onActivation, like this:

    [[tar2,((direction tar2) + 0),10,0.1,.01],"fn_MovingTargetOnce"] call BIS_fnc_MP;

    And I've tried using remoteExec in the trigger's onActivation like this:

    [tar2,((direction tar2) + 0),10,0.1,.01] remoteExec ["fn_MovingTargetOnce"] ;

    But neither work on the clients. -I'm probably just not understanding remoteExec completely, so any insight will be VERY welcome.

  13. Okay solution is found by openening a specific topic for it here:



    And here is KKs given solution:

    [_target, {player reveal _this}] remoteExec ["call", 0];
    I hope that helps to solve ur problem.



    EDIT: I'm starting a new thread in Mission Editing and Scripting because I think it will help others once this is straightened out.



    Thanks for the effort, all.


    If I understand right, reveal is no help, though. That's for giving information about a uni/object to another unit. I'm talking about targets like "target_popup_moving_90deg_f" and "target_popup2_moving_f", for rifle ranges and shoot houses.


    The "odd results" I described is that the moving target doesn't move or instead of moving smoothly it "snaps" to the end point, in MP, while it does fine in SP. That's why I am guessing that remoteExec is going to help.


    I'm a noob with remoteExec, though. Here's a guess at what I would think it should be. Using the function defined in my first post, this:

    [tar2,((direction tar2) + 0),10,0.1,.3] remoteExec ["fn_MovingTargetOnce"];

    But that doesn't work in MP either.


    Let me clarify a few things. In the init.sqf, I'm running this to initialize the function fn_MovingTargetOnce:

    execVM "scripts\movTarOnce1.sqf"; // set up the function for moving targets (1x)

    And, to put it all in once place, that function looks like this:

    fn_MovingTargetOnce =
    	private ["_target","_distance","_speed","_dir"];
    	if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    	_target = _this select 0;
    	_dir = _this select 1; // direction of travel (and opposite)
    	_distance = _this select 2; // how far to travel in each direction (meters)
    	_speed = _this select 3; // target movement speed
    	_pause = _this select 4; // seconds to pause at either end
    	sleep _pause;
    	for "_i" from 0 to _distance/_speed do
    		_target setPos
    			(position _target select 0) + ((sin (_dir)))*_speed,
    			(position _target select 1) + ((cos (_dir)))*_speed,
    		sleep 0.01;
    	sleep 0.05;

     I've been up and down in remoteExec, but I can't see a way to fix this so it works for properly for all clients. That's what the issue is that I'm looking for help with.

  14. I can't seem to find the threads I used months ago, so I'm picking up here...


    I found this nice little function (I can't recall who posted it) way back:

    fn_MovingTargetOnce =
    	private ["_target","_distance","_speed","_dir"];
    	if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    	_target = _this select 0;
    	_dir = _this select 1; // direction of travel (and opposite)
    	_distance = _this select 2; // how far to travel in each direction (meters)
    	_speed = _this select 3; // target movement speed
    	_pause = _this select 4; // seconds to pause at either end
    	sleep _pause;
    	for "_i" from 0 to _distance/_speed do
    		_target setPos
    			(position _target select 0) + ((sin (_dir)))*_speed,
    			(position _target select 1) + ((cos (_dir)))*_speed,
    		sleep 0.01;
    	sleep 0.05;

    I'm calling it from a script like this:

    [tar2,((direction tar2) + 0),10,0.1,.3] spawn fn_MovingTargetOnce;

    Where tar2 is the name of the moving target.


    This works fine in single player, but it gives odd results in MP. I'm guessing something along the lines of remoteExec needs to be used, but I'm not sure how to do it. It would be awesome if one of the better coders in the community could make a simple explanation of how to make this work on a dedicated box!
