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About kasaubon

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  1. You do realize that your 32bit O/S can only address 4gb of your RAM, right? Go 64bit.
  2. I'm playing a pirate copy now, and I'm about to buy it on Steam (I even had to wait a week while i added funds to my paypal from bank). I'm wondering how i can backup my progress so I can continue on my legitimate version? I've tried AA3 through Steam while already having it otherwise installed, so I know it's probably going to use folders under the Steam group or something stupid.. are there save files or folders I can just copy over after installing? I've fought my way through all kinds of mission bugs so far, restarting missions again and again so it all executes properly. I really don't want to have to start over. (and no, i'm not having any Fade problems, I'm just going to want to play online).