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Everything posted by Chromium

  1. Chromium

    Aiming the zsu

    This happens for me too, and as far as I can tell it's not an addon that causes it, but for some reason the ZU-23 has a 40-round magazine with 9 magazines in reserve, meaning it goes through all of its shots in just about a second. I know for a fact it's supposed to have a 1000 round magazine with one or two in reserve. This bug makes ZU-23s completely pointless.
  2. Chromium

    Evolution for Duala

    This is excellent, mate! I've modded around the old Chernarus GITS and I have to say I was missing it in Duala. Top-notch work!
  3. Chromium

    isNil Woes

    Thanks guys! Hard to believe I packed that many problems into like 10 lines. :P Sorry for wasting time, but thanks for all the help!
  4. Well, after hammering away at script for a while, I've pinned down a problem I'm having with isNil. The following code does not return, ever: if (isNil _tmr) then { _tmr = (-120);} Take out the "if... {" and the "}" and _tmr gets a value set of -120. I have to assume I'm coding the if statement wrong, but I can't for the life of me see anything off. I've tried a few variations on the condition, but no use there. (isNil ("_tmr")) doesn't work either. The only method for testing this is a simple hint format ["%1",_tmr] but I don't think that it's the testing method that is flawed. Any help?
  5. Chromium

    isNil Woes

    Well, while that gets my tests to return (:o) I still have an issue: they return as "any", indicating the variable is still nil. Full code of the SQF: private ["_tmr"]; if (isNil _tmr) then { _tmr = -120; }; if ((time - _tmr) >= 120) then { _tmr = time; player setCaptive 1; hint "Stealthed"; sleep 10; player setCaptive 0; hint "Exposed"; } else { hint format ["Cooldown not expired, %1 seconds left",(120-(time - _tmr))]; }; Thanks for your help so far!