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Everything posted by (GP)Echo

  1. Gents, I need help with a simple scripting command that will display the current throttle value on my screen. I'm currently rebinding my joystick (Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS) for flying in ArmA2 after a long break, and I need to see the throttle value the game is reporting in order to tweak my joystick. Specifically, I am attempting to ensure my joystick's throttle range is tuned to ensure a robust response across the full range of motion. I'm aware of the many threads regarding GlovePIE (e.g. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?108410-A-fix-for-Full-Axis-throttle-mapping), but the programming software for my stick is more than capable of handling the task. I just need to know what value the game is reporting in order to tune the response of my hardware. I know this is possible, as I used the command ages ago to accomplish the same thing. I just can't remember it, and numerous forum searches here and on Google have failed to turn up the results I'm looking for. Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. I haven't posted in this thread in a while, but I thought today would be an appropriate time to throw a hearty Bravo Zulu out to Gossamer, Morgan, Xeno, and the rest of the TGW crew who contributed to the latest iteration of Gossamer's Warfare. It's also fitting to recognize Mandoble for his hard work and continued support of MMA. As a flight sim enthusiast who uses a G940 HOTAS and , I can attest to the value it adds to the flight experience in ArmA 2 and Gossamer's Warfare.There are some great updates included in this beta, and I'm looking forward to all of the other exciting features, tasks, and bug fixes version 3.03 has to offer. Keep up the great work gents!
  3. Based on last night's games, I can confidently say there are many great changes coming down the pipe. I particularly enjoyed the new interface options (i.e. units, commander, team leader, etc.) and increased town spawn range. Thanks again for your hard work TGW!
  4. Hey gents, I mentioned this suggestion/request a couple of nights ago, but I figured I could formalize it here. Any chance you could add a helicopters only option within the server parameters?
  5. Quick question: did you add support for version 1.0 or 1.1 of Fallujah? I'm having some difficulty getting our server to run the Fallujah map, and I think this may be a candidate. The other likely possibility is my own user error. :confused: Thanks again for the update and all the support! Update: issue resolved...thanks for the help Xeno.
  6. Great news! Will the updated file be posted in this thread? Also, did you mean 2.02.b3? From your roadmap, it looks like version 3.03 is some time away.
  7. I can understand it was difficult and time consuming to balance all air assets and their availability. The current mixture is a good solution, and one that is certainly sustainable. My suggestion for the supply cost tweak is simply meant to extend the useful life of helos; that is, to make them more tactically relevant before the heavier air power arrives. Sounds great! I'll be happy to help when the time comes. Sure - the basic premise for my suggestion is that the generalized logistics and resources required, in both manpower and materials, to support fixed-wing and STOVL/VTOL aircraft is higher than that of rotary aircraft. Don't get me wrong - I'm not knocking the helos; they have tremendous utility in combat. Some of the weapons and controls systems even rival their fixed-wing counterparts. It's just that it's harder and more complicated to support the fast movers. To this end, I recommend making Logistics Level 1 a prerequisite for unlocking fixed-wing aircraft. This will gave the effect of adding a price tag of 6000S to the current research cost of 2400. It will also delay the arrival of these heavier aircraft a bit longer into the mid and late portions of the game. It's also plausible from a meta-game perspective, which should resonate with the simulation types who like ARMA 2. From a technical standpoint, I'm guessing it would also be easier to add a PREREQ than going in and tweaking existing SVs. Thoughts?
  8. Thanks for the quick feedback guys! It's a valid point, but I didn't mean to imply that I supported eliminating the town requirement all together. Rather, I'm suggesting a change that would allow helos to take a more prominent role in the mid-game. IMHO, fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft become available too soon; many of our games feel like they leap-frog over the helos. Perhaps it would be possible to leave the town threshold the same (or a very slight reduction to, say, 6 towns for basic helos), but simply increase the supplies need for the CO to unlock the more powerful aircraft? On a separate note, I can't wait for your new web site to go live. We've had to learn many things by simple trial and error; a full online guide would be tremendously helpful. If you ever need assistance with testing, technical writing, or just an outside perspective for constructive feedback, just let me know.
  9. Gossamer et. al: To begin, I want to thank you and your project team for developing such a great MP mode for ARMA 2. My small group now exclusively runs your missions on our public server (Ground Pounders - Gossamer's Warfare - Takistan Combined Operations; By far, the Takistan map is the most immersive and enjoyable to play. After a couple of weeks of really getting to know your mode and the wonderful Mando Missile modification, I have a couple of requests for consideration in future updates. 1) Any plans to integrate support for ACRE? (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103472) 2) Is it possible to edit and or change the town threshold for aircraft construction? It currently takes 8 towns before the Helipad may be built on the Takistan map (despite the 10 directed by the online FAQ). At this point, all aircraft may be built, provided the CO has unlocked the appropriate upgrades. In our experience, fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft become available too soon in the game, thus limiting the utility and effectiveness of many of the helos. I think the flow of the game would be improved by tweaking the requirements to unlock the various types of aircraft, so that transport and attack helos become available noticeably sooner (i.e. only 6 towns for helos, perhaps 10 for fixed wing, etc.). Alternatively, the town threshold for aircraft construction could be lowered to 4 or 6, for example, but balanced by the caveat that the supply cost for the CO to unlock more powerful aviation upgrades would be raised. Thus, transport and support helos would be available earlier in the match, adding a wonderful dynamic to the early struggle for supplies and map control. With attack helos and fixed wing/STOVL/VTOL aircraft effectively unavailable at this point, due to much higher supply upgrade costs for the CO, the match would not de-volve into an aviation free-for-all until much later in the game. 3) Could we have a version of the Takistan map (and others) that start at a different time (i.e. not noon)? It would be great to use NVGs without having to run the server for 8 hours running continuously. Again, your maps/mode are great. We look forward to future updates and appreciate all your hard work. V/r, Echo
  10. (GP)Echo

    ArmA2; Windows 7 64x bit. Failure.

    I have the Steam version of ArmA 2 running on 64-bit Windows 7. So far I have had no problems. In fact, the game runs smoother now than it ever did on my Vista 64 OS.