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10 Good

About rgallant

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  1. rgallant

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    Good game by me, and lots of fun breaking stuff with the editor :)
  2. rgallant

    Tactics beat Technology

    I think you missed the irony in there aimed at the other guy, but then maybe it just my sense of what is funny. I did not intend to imply the Americans were a better army but rather for all those who hammer the Russian/Eastern forces as useless should shut up and look at the state of the US army in WW II and see the possible comparison, to modern situation. It is entirely possible the Russian army does not have as good a training and motivational system as the US, it is equally possible the T90 and T80 are lessor AFV's. But they have a lot of them and have been proven to be willing to spend the lives to win the war. The US on the other hand tends to wilt in face of higher losses due to political pressure.
  3. rgallant

    Patience is a virtue

    So far I have had exactly 1 crash, due to an unrelated program faulting out. Fortunately it was not a program I cared about so I trashed it. I have a good time with the single player missions and the campaign. Is the game perfect nope, but it is both fun and challenging. Now just for naysayers and whiners, I do not have a top of the line system. P4 E6600 dual core stock Nvidia 9800 512 Stock Really old Audigy 2 3 gig dual channel DDR2 I have not done a complete system reload since Windows 98 - I am one of those over 50 guys and lazy. I have no noticeable lag, I have no idea what the FPS are and they do not matter as the game runs smooth and clean.
  4. rgallant

    Tactics beat Technology

    Let's see you need to turn this on it's head for people to understand. So let's take a nice war that has been talk and analyzed to death. WW II Wermacht Better trained Better tanks - Pzkw IV and Panther Far more Combat experience US army Not as well trained Lots of Sherman's - A more reliable tank but not as good a combat tank Little combat experience Now who won that one. And just for a cheap shot :) no one has won in the Afghanistan/Iraq/Iran area ever. Russia, Britain, or the US. Have worked with and against the US army 10X better not even close. They are no better or worse than any other well trained and equipped army. But on topic, any modern tank with a decently trained crew and up to date ammunition can pretty much take out any similar vehicle. It always comes down to tactics and luck. 1st to shoot will tend to come out on top all things being equal. As for armour and penetrator, no modern tank uses a single armour system, and all modern tanks are well protected against HEAT rounds. Fairly well protected against KE rounds (SABOT for you other old guys.). In fact they are least well protected against HESH rounds, but Kevlar liners and spaced armour protects against these quite well.
  5. rgallant

    Ai and Driving - curious

    Yup that is it, it also explains why my sniper control freak feels the need to be the driver in sedans. He simply will not get into a car unless he can drive. But in the grand scheme of things it is not too bad. I mostly play single player, so the AI bugs are annoying but not the end of the world.
  6. Has anyone else noticed the AI seems to drive better if you are not in the vehicle. I was doing an escort mission and could not find a big enough vehicle for 5. So I put my squad in a car and took a pickup myself. I would drive ahead then direct them to drive to that point. In 10 minutes of driving they stayed on the road and did not hit a single thing. I have tried this 3 times now always the same result. Put them in as my driver in anything and they hit everything and have problems with the simplest of turns.
  7. rgallant

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    Hello all patch has worked well for me. My guys still follow orders, the enemy is far less all seeing and the campaign is still working. Actually improved one aspect the friendly squad now takes crouch, prone or standing orders, they did not prior to the patch. Enemy is far less superhuman, still annoying but workable. AI still can not drive, but in any game close to a sim this seems to be an issue, worse here. I found it somewhat hit or miss sometimes great, more often demolition derby. Helos (campaign) are not a problem for me other than they fly too high, not crashing into trees or other strange behavior. BUT I am very careful when choosing my LZ's, I keep away form buildings, trees and wires. Overall my performance has stayed the same, no difference for better or worse.