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About lgbainbridge

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  1. The following works for VBS2, not sure if it works for others... There is a command that you can use inside a VBS2 scenerio. It is on the wiki here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/exportEMF_%28VBS2%29 If not that then try opening up a mission that you want the map for and then hitting SHIFT + - [left shift and the minus sign] when you are in the map view with the mission started. Then type in "topography" and this should dump in a ".emf" file into the root directory.
  2. Is there a way to create a custom sound source from a .wav or other file and have it available in the sound source option panel? Currently I have to play the sound using a trigger, I would like to make it a sound source. I realize there is a createSoundSource. I am trying to use it in the with a "present" trigger activated by "BLUEFOR" in following way: mosque_1_sound = createSoundSource ["prayercall_02", position mosque_1, [], 100] there is a mosque on my map named "mosque_1" and I defined "prayercall_02" in the description.ext file in the following way: description.ext: class cfgSounds { sounds[]={}; class prayercall_02 { name = "prayercall_02"; sound[] = {\sounds\call_to_prayer_02.wav", 2, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; I get the following error on mission load: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles.prayercall_02'. I know the sound works, I have used it with the playSound command in a trigger. If anyone could let me know what file to put this in to create a sound source that is NOT based on a trigger I would appreciate it. Should it be in the mission.sqf file? of some other one?lgbainbridge