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Everything posted by cyop

  1. cyop

    Chopper Ai stays on the spot

    [LOL]clan Killer Bee, I made something for you yesterday. Sorry I did not post it for you sooner. If you want the helo flying at start, just set it to fly, and move in the pilot and player. Anyway, when I read your thread, I was not sure what you were doing, so I threw this together. EDIT: (I tried your mission.) [LOL]clan Killer Bee, you are not going to get it to start from where you placed the helo. The game world has 'boundaries'. You are out of them, apparently. Now, you can keep it far out if you move it higher. If you want it way far out (for some reason), just play around with the start spot, to see where it will move from. I got it to start from way far out, I just moved it higher. But, yes, as mentioned, you are 'off the grid'.
  2. cyop

    Chopper Ai stays on the spot

    [LOL]clan Killer Bee, Not being mean, but you made me laugh. :) (But, then, you have LOL in your name.) ... OK... is this right? You want: empty helo (flying) put pilot in helo pilot to pick up troop ? Is that it? Is this suppose to be a pickup and return? Pick up, then insertion? Evac? What are you trying to accomplish?
  3. Anyone want to jump in for me? I cannot get the arty shell to be smoke. If I could, I would like the option to call smoke or flares. I just want 1 or 2 ammo boxes. For 1, just the basic ammo box. I gave up trying to figure out custom ammo boxes, too, 'cus I cannot even get the basic to work. Also, when I changed the ammo drop to C130, the request units brought the troops to me in guess what? Yep. And the ammo drop vehicle stayed a helo. Funny stuff there, BIS. :p On the good side, I got the custom unit drop, arty and mortar shell round number to work. Unfortunately, that's it. TIA
  4. Has anyone been able to, in a simple manner, keep an AI from ejecting from a helo (vehicle). My prob is, I need an UNLOAD waypoint to get the chopper to hover, so I can load my squad. The only way to do that was to add a copilot to have 'something' to unload. No matter what I have tried, with or without a copilot, I cannot either get the chopper to hover, or I cannot keep the copilot from ejecting. I have tried, heloname land "GET IN", commandStop, doStop, disableAI, everything I could find, including the trigger method mentioned above. I finally had to give up and come in the forum to ask. TIA EDIT: private ["_wp1","_wp2","_wp3"]; if (HeloTransport_start == 1) then { //created = 0; HeloTransport_start = 0; HeloTransport_ready = 0; hint 'Helicopter Transport EN ROUTE'; helo_group = createGroup west; copilot_group = createGroup west; // HeloTransport = createVehicle ["UH60M_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "FLY"]; HeloTransport addEventHandler ["killed", "terminate scrip; hint 'Helicopter Transport is DOWN'; terminate null0; HeloTransport_start = 1"]; HeloTransport_pilot = helo_group createUnit ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "NONE"]; // create pilot HeloTransport_pilot moveInDriver HeloTransport; HeloTransport_pilot setBehaviour "CARELESS"; HeloTransport_copilot = helo_group createUnit ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "NONE"]; // create copilot HeloTransport_copilot moveInCargo [HeloTransport,12]; HeloTransport_copilot setBehaviour "CARELESS"; HeloTransport_crew1 = helo_group createUnit ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "NONE"]; // create gunner HeloTransport_crew1 moveInTurret [HeloTransport,[0]]; HeloTransport_crew1 setCombatMode "RED"; HeloTransport_crew1 setBehaviour "COMBAT"; HeloTransport_crew2 = helo_group createUnit ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "NONE"]; // create gunner HeloTransport_crew2 moveInTurret [HeloTransport,[1]]; HeloTransport_crew2 setCombatMode "RED"; HeloTransport_crew2 setBehaviour "COMBAT"; // HeloTransport flyInHeight 95; // _wp1 = helo_group addWaypoint [position player,0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp1 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; HeloTransport_pilot doMove (position player); _wp2 = helo_group addWaypoint [position player,0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "UNLOAD"; _wp2 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp2 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; //waitUntil{(getPosATL HeloTransport_copilot) select 2 < 4}; //sleep 4; //deleteVehicle HeloTransport_copilot; waitUntil{(getPosATL HeloTransport_pilot) select 2 < 0.5}; // // // waitUntil{player in (crew HeloTransport)}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join player; waitUntil{(getPosATL player) select 2 < 0.5}; waitUntil{!(player in HeloTransport)}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join helo_group; HeloTransport flyInHeight 95; _wp3 = helo_group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker",0]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointCombatMode "YELLOW"; _wp3 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp3 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle HeloTransport; deleteVehicle HeloTransport_pilot; deleteVehicle HeloTransport_copilot; deleteVehicle HeloTransport_crew1; deleteVehicle HeloTransport_crew2; HeloTransport_start = 1", hint "Helicopter Transport ON CALL"]; // waitUntil{HeloTransport_start == 1}; // sleep 2; // hint "Helicopter Transport ON CALL"; } else { hint "Helicopter Transport ACTIVE"; }; The script, is, of course, WIP, so there are things not right (more in the middle of the scripting area). Also, should I be using dif variable names and such, that are more 'standard'?
  5. Here is 'the stuff'. :D EDIT: Fixed. - EDIT: Fixed again. - EDIT: And, whipped again. EDIT: WIP (Playable)
  6. cobra4v320, Yeah, I did not think the semi-colon mattered, since when I added the 'N', the script started. About... [player] join _helo_group; ...I will have to make an array to have my troops (squad) join, too? (I will try your update in a few minutes.) And about spawning the pilot and crew with function, I did not know how to do that. I am not even close to that in knowledge. OK, I never made an outline, but I will do so now (without giving my sob story). Basically: 1. (Quick) SP (and hopefully COOP/MP compatible) mission, that I can just jump in and start shooting stuff. 2. ACM (custom) 3. SSM (Which I cannot get to work the way I want.) 4. My patrol squad (that) 5. Helicopter transport can get me around in quickly, instead of hoofing it or driving. (I want it to be able to 'respawn' if it gets too damaged or destroyed.) 6. Assorted enemy troops and vehicles strewn around the map, using Urban Patrol Script, or whatever works best. (I need to figure out how to respawn them, with a timer, also.) 7. I have a total of 3 lives. There are two Team Leaders at base, that I can have join, no matter what squad member I am, and I can switch to the joined TL, and inherit my original assets. (All my squad is playable, and I upped the head count to 10, BTW.) 8. I also have an AirMEV ( which I also could not get to work the way I wanted when using the actual MEV). 9. There are about 12 (I forget) troops to replace any of my men that are KIA. (I could not get respawn to work the way I wanted, so, I did 'that'.) (Heh. lot of no worky, huh?) I think that about covers it. As of now, I have quit working on the SSM settings, because I was trying to get my l'il scripts working before I lose my Internet (and lose my mind). In regards to the SSM, I wanted: 1. The ammo drop vehicle to be a C130J. (Failed) 2. The ammo drop box to be just a US Basic Ammo box, loaded with very few infantry necessities, like magazines 'we' use, maybe grenades, 203, the basic stuff to maintain patrol ability. (Failed) 3. SSM mortar rounds reduced to 10. (Succeeded) 4. SSM arty rounds to be smoke. (Failed) 5. The unit request array to just be 1 SF Medic. (Failed) There was something else, but I cannot remember, and it's not in my notes. cobra4v320, (or kylania) if you want me to email 'the stuff' to you, I will. I don't have anywhere to upload files. (I wonder where the best free site is for that?) Anyway, I am sure I will amaze you with my crude scripts and mission. If you do get them, try not to laugh too darn hard! :p And thanks for the help so far, guys. :)
  7. Well. kylania, you would have to see my mission to understand (I guess), but I gave up on SOM. This is being done to use with the Simple Support Module, which, I also cannot get to work the way I want. I have this now, which works fine, and has no errors: private ["_wp1","_wp2"]; if (HeloTransport_start == 1) then { HeloTransport_start = 0; HeloTransport_ready = 0; hint 'Helicopter Transport EN ROUTE'; helo_group = createGroup west; // HeloTransport = createVehicle ["UH60M_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "FLY"]; HeloTransport addEventHandler ["killed", "terminate script; hint 'Helicopter Transport is DOWN'; terminate null0; HeloTransport_start = 1"]; HeloTransport_pilot = helo_group createUnit ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "NONE"]; HeloTransport_pilot moveInDriver HeloTransport; HeloTransport_crew1 = helo_group createUnit ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "NONE"]; HeloTransport_crew1 moveInTurret [HeloTransport,[0]]; HeloTransport_crew2 = helo_group createUnit ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1", getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker", [], 0, "NONE"]; HeloTransport_crew2 moveInTurret [HeloTransport,[1]]; // helo_group setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; // HeloTransport flyInHeight 95; // _wp1 = helo_group addWaypoint [position player,25]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "HeloTransport land ""GET IN"""]; // waitUntil{player in (crew HeloTransport)}; // [HeloTransport_pilot] join player; waitUntil{!(player in HeloTransport)}; // [HeloTransport_pilot] join helo_group; // HeloTransport flyInHeight 95; // _wp2 = helo_group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "HeloTransport_Marker",0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _x} foreach (crew HeloTransport)+[HeloTransport]; hint 'Transport Helicopter ON CALL'"]; } else { hint "Helicopter Transport ACTIVE"; }; Now, I just need an elegant addAction after my embark, to disembark all but the pilot. EDIT: cobra4v320, your helo would spawn, but then just stay there and not move. I only played with it for a little bit, but just went back to what I knew was already working. Also, is your second to last simi-colon necessary? In the delete waypoint line... ...(crew _HeloTransport)+[_HeloTransport];"]; EDIT: cobra4v320, I got the helo to come to me. You left out the N in UNLOAD, but the pilot did not join. If you want to load up your script and try it out? Right now, I am trying to make the addAction for squad disembark. Also, I took out that semi-colon.
  8. neokika, thanks. That's what I was looking for. Originally, I did not use the GET IN as a waypoint statement. I tried making the GET IN command work on an individual 'line', which might have worked, had I not been missing the, "true". cobra4v320, heh, talk about cleaning up! Thanks. BTW, I had arrays and even the delet line, but took them out. I was having some trouble and tried to make things simpler 'to see', for me, and never did put them back in. You want to clean up a couple of other small scipts of mine? :) (Especially since I may not have Internet in two days. ACK!) I still have some stuff to figure out for this little script. For one, I need to make a 'damaged' event handler. Anyway, I guess that can wait until 'I come back'. EDIT: cobra4v320, for some reason, I cannot get your code to work. NOTE: Also, to be clear, this helo will come to me, wait for me to board, go where I send it, wait for me to disembark, then go 'reset' its self.
  9. sbsmac, Thank you very much for Squint (and to those that helped, and are helping you). I like it. Although, I am not 'good enough' with scripting to be able to use it fully. I loaded two files that I have been working on and was surprised to discover I had no mistakes (except it helping me set private variables). However, I loaded a file I am using from someone else, and it had multiple 'problems', and I just could not figure out how to fix them. Bummer. Sooo, are we able to use this thread to post and get help with 'stuff'? Thanks again, 'you guys', and keep up the great work. :)
  10. Color me not clear on what you are doing, but, if everything is working exactly as you want except for the unit disappearing 1 meter too soon, then have you tried moving the marker 1 meter further back away from where you want him to disappear? I am assuming you are using the maker as his point to disappear? Also, have you tried a trigger, too, or, a trigger instead of a marker?
  11. Originally, I was using triggers, but now I am trying to clear my radio. - The chopper is called from an addAction, which executes an sqf. No prob, does what it is suppose to. But now, I cannot get the chopper to RTB. I have been searching and gone through the Wiki. The best example I found was from 2005, by Ghost, but it did not clear anything up for me. (I would not be surprised if I did not use the right search word, since all the dif things are not known to me, even looking through the commands in the Wiki. Heck, I am still trying to figure out the complete dif between variables, values, commands, etc.) Here is my RTB trigger: _trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[0,0,0]]; _trg setTriggerArea[0,0,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["India","PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "AH64D1_ready = 1", ""]; _trg setTriggerText "Attack Helicopter RTB"; waitUntil{AH64D1_ready == 1}; hint "Attack Helicopter RTB"; // // // // Number = unitName addAction [title, filename, (arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition)] action_AH64D1_rtb = player addAction ["Attack Helicopter RTB", "AH64D1_rtb\AH64D1_rtb.sqf"]; (WHAT to put in the AH64D1_rtb.sqf? I have tried a great number of things and combinations, but just cannot get it.) player removeAction action_AH64D1_rtb; hint "Attack Helicopter RTB"; Now, as 'you' can see, I am using an addAction to call a script to RTB, but, also, what about my very first addAction, (which, BTW, is in my init.sqf), is there something I have to do to end that first? Don't the addAction's stay 'stored', or something? player addAction ["Request Attack Helicopter", "AH64D1\AH64D1.sqf"]; And, speaking of the chopper returning to base, is there a way to 'force' the chopper to ignore enemy, at the same time, so that it will RTB? I know setCaptive will make the enemy leave the chopper alone, but I want the chopper to ignore enemy and RTB, when the rtb sqf is executed. In SP, I only play as infantry, with a small squad. I just want the chopper to help me out when I am surrounded by armor, and then get the heck out of there. (I have not really researched that much, since I am still trying to figure out the former.) TIA ---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ---------- EDIT: Hmmm... I guess, for the chopper, I can just find the command to remove the ammo, and setCaptive, also?
  12. cyop

    Small Script

    Well, heck. waitUntil {player (in HeloTransport)}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join player; waitUntil {!(player in HeloTransport)}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join helo_group; That ^ does not work. The helo does not even spawn now. I am messing with it. EDIT: Ooops! I forgot I added the perentheses to the code while here in the forum, and I copy and pasted into the sqm. Sooo, this, waitUntil {player (in HeloTransport)}; does not work, but the bottom does, waitUntil {player in HeloTransport}; So, now I am more confused about the use of perentheses.
  13. cyop

    Small Script

    kylania, thank you, but, you know, ;), I am going to ask you to explain that. I tried so much stuff I cannot remember it all, like: waitUntil {player !=in HeloTransport}; waitUntil {player not in HeloTransport}; (heh) anyway, then, this would be better... waitUntil {player [color="Red"]([/color]in HeloTransport[color="Red"])[/color]}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join player; waitUntil {!(player in HeloTransport)}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join helo_group; Sheeesh, that one !, and the parentheses? The prentheses are really needed? :confused:
  14. cyop

    Small Script

    Since there are a lot of 'waitUntil's in the script, can someone tell me what the 'opposite' of this is... waitUntil {player in HeloTransport}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join player; (Now, of course, I then tell the pilot to go somewhere, but that should not matter.) waitUntil {player action "eject"}; [HeloTransport_pilot] join helo_group; I have been working on that red line for hours. I cannot get it. I have the pilot waiting for me to get in, how do I have him wait till I get out (after we move). I have tried all kinds of waitUntil lines. Of course, I still have to get him to hover and set another waypoint, and some more stuff, but hell, I cannot even get this line to work. TIA
  15. I'll check it out soon. (I'm still trying to get my mission sorted out. I'm about to give up.) EDIT: HEY! What happened? :)
  16. I have two 'extra' Team Leaders hiding away, so if I die (as TL), I can get back to base (as Troop 2, or whomever) and have one join, switch to the newly joined TL, and supposedly have everything I originally started with. Buuut, I cannot get it work. I have a SOM with CAS and Transport (I just added artillery), and a custom transport. My main question is... can I set up an array in the SOM for units? I have tried: [["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; [["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], TL2] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; [["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], TL3] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", Helo_Transport_1]; [["tactical_airstrike", "artillery_barrage", "transport"], [player, TL2, TL3]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", Helo_Transport_1]; and a few other variations. No worky. :confused: Yes, every unit is linked. Yes, when the newly joined TL becomes leader, he is actually the leader. Sooo, what's up? BTW, I have used extra triggers, to, but still no joy. Also, I am not using the Simple Support Module. I really need help with this. It would be embarrasing to say how long I have worked on this one goofy little mission.
  17. (Thanks Acelondoner!) I did that and had it working. I also did it with a trigger when I would go to have the new TL join. But, I thought there was a 'cleaner' way to do everything, like with arrays. EDIT: Oh, wait, I think that did not work, and that is why I set up the trigger. I think the above will work only of all three were players joining at mission start (using the GAME LOGIC). EDIT: I originally asked in here because I was trying to get an array to work, but I am going to move my question to the SOM thread. Thanks for any help I received. :)
  18. Sorry, I thought he was done. I did not mean to thread hi-jack. I will not ask any more questions. :(
  19. I tried a similar array last night and could not get it to work. Let me see if I can duplicate it. I'll be back. EDIT: Hmmm, no code button? [[["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], [player, TL2, TL3]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", Helo_Transport_1]; I tried as player, and as TL1.
  20. Would something like this apply for me? Acelondoner, Since you had you question answered, I am going to ask one in here that is similar, instead of searching anymore. I have two 'extra' Team Leaders hiding away, so if I die (as TL), I can get back to base and have one join, switch to the newly joined TL, and supposedly have everything I originally started with. Buuut, I cannot seem to get everything to work. I have an ACM, SOM with CAS and Transport, Predator (not for attacking, more or less for the heck of it, so I am not worried about it), and a mortar script. What do I use in all to activate assets with out having multiple things, like the SOM? Currently, I start as TL1, the other two are TL2 and TL3. I was so tired (and frustrated) when I quit working on it this morning that I really cannot remember what combination of things was working, or not. I'm going 'back in' now. Egads! :eek: EDIT: Yes, the newly joined TL actually becomes the new TL when he joins.
  21. cyop

    Stop The AI

    enablesimulation true/false ?
  22. cyop

    Stop The AI

    No, sorry, I did not research that 'line'. :o I am all searched out, and, since this is still on the first page, would you be so kind as to break that down. I am still trying to figure out old code from new, and what the variables are, etc. For instance, 'anim' would be all animations? (I like the wiki, but, for me, anyway, it's often confusing, and not always newbie friendly.)
  23. Thanks. So, that was the key word... switchable. Let me play with that. EDIT: kylania, thanks again. I got it. I searched playable till I was blue in the face. I looked through commands in the wiki, but 'switchable' did not catch my eye. Kind of hard to find things some times when a person does not even know what to look for to begin with. :(
  24. EDIT: OMG... I just found a couple of more threads. - I tried setPlayable and the 'play CDG', and something else or another. EDIT: Well, on second thought, the other two threads did not have an answer. (And they are from months ago.) Soooo... how do I take this: private ["_obj","_caller","_id"]; _npc = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _npc removeAction _id; [_npc] joinSilent _caller; and add to it to make the unit playable?
  25. Did you actually select the red smoke to throw?