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About pepmoo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. pepmoo

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Thanks for the answer! The AI got much cleaner after I took those other OA files away.
  2. pepmoo

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Thank you for this link :). But do I just use these files in this archive or should I add the other files from zeus latest version as well for best compability and performance with ACE? (Mostly referring to OA files, like zeu_OA_c_ai_recognition.pbo and others.) Sorry if this has already been answered before, I just want to be sure. Thank you!
  3. Today I decided I would write in some of my favourite mods units in DAC_Config_Units.sqf to use with your DAC_Extern ! Here they are. I put "rifleman" in a few more times so they spawn more often than other units. If something doesn't work. Look for unnecessary spaces in the unit type-names that I might have missed and backspace them together! Enjoy: Swedish Forces Pack Woodland: Swedish Forces Pack Desert Bundeswehr Mod BDU: Bundeswehr Mod Desert Bundeswehr Mod ISAF BAF Woodland BAF Desert BAF Multicam [Why use desert camo anyway? ;)] And also: Three configs for DAC_Config_Camps.sqf that fits the bill for the above. I haven't tried them yet but here they are: Swedish Camp: German Camp: and BAF camp. Got this from another user in this thread and used it as a template for both other camps, but used MTP instead of desert camo. Anyway, thank you! Here it is: Enjoy!
  4. Hi! I know there is a eventhandler 'Fired'. I use this for one of my infantry groups. eg: {_x addEventHandler['Fired',{shotIsFired = true}]} forEach (units group this) ,and it will trigger shotIsFired when a shot is fired from any member of the group. But when I use that on any vehicle it won't trigger shotIsFired. How can I change the init to make it work when a vehicle/specific vehicle fires?
  5. pepmoo

    SLX Mod WIP

    I play a lot of SP, and the only one causing the game to crash totally is vehicleeffects. Altough it has some pretty neat effects if working, it makes the game unplayable. Neteffects (and perhaps SLX_GL3, SLX_GL3_GiveRadios, perhaps others aswell?) also has neat effects and causes maybe 30 sec hang ups once in a while. Which doesn't affect me very much as a SP player. I really hope a update will come to this awesome awesome mod.
  6. Thanks for the tip! I've read the readme but missed a few things apparently. It wouldn't look very realistic with pilots running around with regular units now would it? :p All right, good to know! I wouldn't have minded if they could be made a "default" case in the future but the extern logic possibilities or a extra init line in the intern logic is very simple anyway. Thank you guys!
  7. Haha! Well. That was easy. I just forgot to use the extern one. Thank you for your help! Edit: Can you configure the intern logic unit to allow BAF also? Is it is any different from mine except for the spaces that I have already fixed :D? Edit: I guess I'll never know. I'll use them anyway since they worked in my test. Thanks m8.
  8. Thank you for your reply. :) Yes if it would be that simple. I've looked through the config and it must be some kind of a forum bug when you paste? In the config all spaces are correct and look exactly like "vanilla DAC 3.0c" unit cases.
  9. Thank you. Done. Sorry. I wasn't sure where to put it :).
  10. Hi! I totally love DAC! It's brilliant! Works perfect, altough... I'm having some trouble getting BAF and UN configs to work with my DAC 3.0c. I copy pasted all of your configs to DAC_Config_Units.sqf and made them look like the original cases, took away the spaces and so on. Example: Altough whenever DAC starts initiation it says ""Error: DAC_Config_Units > No valid config number". My DAC zone looks like this: fun=["z3",[3,1,0],[6,3,10,15],[],[5,1,2,10],[],[1,18,1,1]] spawn DAC_Zone; I have DAC folder with DAC_Config_Units.sqf in it at D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\Missions\DAC Can any of you guys see why there is a error?
  11. This post was resolved in main DAC thread. :)