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About oOAzraelOo

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  1. I am very much a novice when it comes to scripting. I can manage usually to figure out simple things, but I am at a loss as to what exactly needs to be changed and added. All attempts so far have made the script not respawn anything at all rather than respawning at my marker "vw1" upon testing. Any help with getting this to function would be much appreciated, as it goes well beyond my knowledge. Update: I seemed to have figured it out. After fiddling around with the _position = setPosASL _unit; section I managed to get the vehicle to respawn at the marker, but it kept disappearing (underground I assume). I had to change setPosASL to setPosATL for _unit setPosASL _position;. _position = setPosASL _unit _unit setPosASL _position Changed to _position = getMarkerPos "vw1"; _unit setPosATL _position; Only issue I have now is when I move said marker "vw1" with a trigger "vw1" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "vw2"; The marker moves but vehicle still spawns at original marker position. I am not sure if I need to change more of your script to fix this or if I am just missing something else.
  2. Is it possible to use this script but have the vehicle respawn at a marker on map rather than where it was originally placed or destroyed?
  3. oOAzraelOo

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    what would I edit to remove the problem sidemissions like Tulga flag capture? till the new patch, and version of this are out.