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About The-Neurocyber

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  1. I think it's merly doable , but one have to do 3 steps: 1- Modify the composition spawner script (either objectmapper.sqf or createcomposition.sqf) so it can handle one more argument passed to it. (Which is the Init line as a string) 2 - Get the string with a private variable 3 - And on the very bottom of the script in the "creation" procedure loop, there you use the variable that has taken the argument and assing it to each unit processed in the loop. This should do the trick. I haven't tested it but I was thinking of doing something alike there to name each of the object individually. Hum thinking of it... make that so it takes the new argument from the same script which has the composition, so if done properly, it should only give the Init argument to predefined element in the composition script. Otherwise you may get all of the element with the same init command.
  2. Holy crap! It's speak itself litteraly... ---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ---------- Hum ...negative it does clear out the trees but grass isn't deleted. Actually faltten the grass is the only option we got since BIS bring us a new command or bring back the grasscutter used in Arma 1 ---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 PM ---------- Hum even worse is that if I use that command, I found that the objects deleted (bushes, trees, fences, wrecks and rocks) would not reappears on restart. They will all remains vanished UNTIL I did reload the Chernarus map. (Still vanished if I load another mission on the same island, in that case Chernarus) So its a very bad grasscutter plan B
  3. Hum .. also the bounce effect was amplified by the Z-axis negative value I did put on the 2S6M_Tunguska. After reset that value to 0 the bounce on 2S6M_Tunguska... and other tanks (which was almost unnoticable) is even reduced. But now you can clearly notice that (Only) the 2S6M_Tunguska is falling from above the ground (and now even higher) which still causes the CamoNet to collapse. ---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ---------- Hum this is funny, I've used the 2S6M_Tunguska Z-Axis coord : -1.82141 in my composition. The 2S6M_Tunguska do not bounce anymore, indeed. But try it with an M1A1... Now the other tanks seems to bounce a little more, but indeed the bouncing is now acceptable. I think this is due to: 1- the relative pos is get from the logic object that is set to an heigh of 424.4769 and 2- the object's model center is definitely irregular depending on the objects. ---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ---------- Also I didn't use the objectgrabber in the player's init since I rather build my composition in the 3d editor using Dyno grabber function. Maybe I should then re-use it afterwards base upon player's position. Thanks for your help buddy. ---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 PM ---------- I forgot to ask you : Im actually looking for a way to flatten grass around created composition without using the invisible H object (which interfere with AI on Chopper landing) By any chance did you have any idea ?
  4. actually I got it with the original anti-air_ru1.sqf but it somewhat random depending on the surface (on the first spawn). However when I delete and respawn the set, the collapse of CamoNet happen almost every time. As an exemple here is the modded AA camp setup I use : private ["_objs"]; _objs = [ ["Land_Antenna",[6,17,0],45,1,0], ["Pile_of_wood",[4,14,0],140,1,0], ["Land_CamoNetB_EAST",[4.7,3.2,1],47.5,1,0], ["RUVehicleBox",[9,7,0],40,1,0], ["2S6M_Tunguska",[1,1,-0.3],225,1,0], ["Barrel1",[6.5,8.5,0],40,1,0], ["Barrel4",[7,9,0],40,1,0], ["Land_Fire_barrel",[6.5,9.5,0],40,1,0], ["Land_Fire_barrel",[6,9,0],40,1,0], ["Land_Toilet",[4,9.5,0],0,1,0], ["Paleta2",[0,8,0],40,1,0], ["Misc_cargo_cont_tiny",[11,3,0],40,1,0], ["SmallTable",[9,0,0],130,1,0], ["SatPhone",[8.9,0.1,0.6],130,1,0], ["Satelit",[9,-1.7,0.01],130,1,0], ["PowerGenerator",[7,-3,0],40,1,0], ["Igla_AA_pod_East",[3,-9,0],195,1,0], ["Land_fort_bagfence_round",[2.5,-11,0],195,1,0], ["Land_fort_rampart",[-4.3,-5,0],40,1,0], ["RULaunchersBox",[-4.3,-3.8,0],40,1,0], ["RUBasicAmmunitionBox",[-2.6,-5.4,0],40,1,0], ["Land_A_tent",[-6,19,0],0,1,0], ["Land_A_tent",[-9,18,0],320,1,0], ["Land_A_tent",[-10.7,15.3,0],290,1,0], ["Land_Fire",[-6,14,0],0,1,0], ["Park_bench1",[-4.5,14,0],270,1,0], ["Park_bench1",[-6.5,12.5,0],20,1,0], ["Fort_EnvelopeBig",[-10.1,8.4,0],280,1,0], ["KORD",[-10,8,0],280,1,0], ["RUBasicAmmunitionBox",[-9.5,9.6,0],100,1,0], ["Land_fort_bagfence_corner",[-10,3.5,0],90,1,0], ["SearchLight_RUS",[-9,2,0],270,1,0], ["Fort_Crate_wood",[-9.5,0,0],270,1,0], ["RUBasicAmmunitionBox",[-8.7,0,0],90,1,0], ["Land_fort_bagfence_corner",[-9.5,-0.4,0],0,1,0] ]; _objs I've try with your composition, the M1A1's CamoNet looks fine the first time and collapse on all further respawn Maybe it does differ based upond one's HW config, if that so I'll keep using a sleep command to be sure of greater compatibility. Maybe, also its because Im using rather createcomposition.sqf than objectMapper.sqf. I'll try it immediately with your Custom_compositions mission file. ---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ---------- Did few tests, act the same with both objectMapper.sqf and createcomposition.sqf But, upon further tests I found that ONLY (as far as Ive tested) the tanks did "bounce" on spawn. And all of them have a minor bounce effect except for the 2S6M_Tunguska which was actually the one I use for my composition. Dunno why but that 2S6M_Tunguska react as paperweight and bounce noticablely more than other tracked vehicules.
  5. The-Neurocyber

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Something simple : an invisible plane such as the invisible H for grasscutting effects Since no Grasscutter object is present in Arma 2 and putting invisible H everywhere would result in having Ai chopper pilot trying to land on those. Just an object always clip to ground, like invisible H, without whatever the thing that interract with AI landing. And in various size like 1x1 3x1 5x5 20x20 etc... shouldn't be hard to do, I'm unfortunately not aware into addon making at this time otherwise I'll do it myself. Also I'd like to have some stuff like : - some units (Talibans or whatever) with explosive belts - WMDs such as chimical/biohazard dispositives - Metal detector dispositive - Truck loaded with explosives - throwable molotov cocktails - Civilian riot control weapon did I mention terrorists? I tired of fightings commies, we're in 21th century now! I want to kick some extremists ass. (could be also North Korean, Somalian or even Mothers of the MAD, I don't care.)
  6. You did simplify the way it works. Nice job dude! Note :I have found that the vehicules "spawn" using either objectMapper.sqf or Armatech's createcompositions.sqf seem to be droped from 1 or 2 meters above the ground. Even when Z coordinates are set to negative values. This results in making the vehicules bouncing a little once they hit the floor. On the SAP_render it would not do much trouble. BUT on an irregular terrain such as in Chernarus, it may gives some problems. By exemple: let's say a tank with a Land_CamoNetB_EAST placed above it. If you spawn both on the same time, the CamoNet would be created at the very same time as the Tank is in mid-air and the CamoNet would be damaged and somewhat fall down on the tank, overlapsing it. This looks pretty ugly. So the fix I use is: 1-I split the composition in 3 parts: A-The Tank first. B-The rest except for the CamoNet, and C-The CamoNet. 2-Instead of calling the objectMapper.sqf/createcomposition.sqf directly from the gamelogic, I rather call an init script and place the command null = [getpos this,getdir this, "test_comp"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "objectMapper.sqf")); for each 3 parts within it using a sleep command to let the tank "land" on the ground. This works perfectly. Also the objectMapper.sqf has an optionnal parameter that would randomize by the chosen value, the chance each object has of being created. Splicing the whole composition into "sub-compositions" would be usefull if you want to randomize some elements without affecting other ones.
  7. Yeah it is possible to get custom made or edited compositions sets I've made a post about that on : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74767&highlight=composition And also is it possible to delete them or implement their creation with an interractive menu or using sorta construction vehicle. Thanks to DTM2801 for giving me the how-to : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85478&highlight=composition I'm gonna workaround for an even simplier way to do ... I'll post that soon.
  8. The-Neurocyber


    How hell yeah! SOOOOOOOOOooooo Great! I was actually trying to find a way to delete my own customs compositions set once they're not needed anymore and Voila! You bring me the answer on a golden plate! Thanks buddy! By the way if you wonder I've put a post on how to create the custom made compositions sets since many are formely miss designed. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74767&highlight=composition But I'll work around with the way you use directly objectMapper.sqf Looks as a simplier way to work. Thanks again!
  9. The-Neurocyber

    Placing compositions?

    Actually you can edit those compositions, I did search for a while to find the answer but finally found how. The only thing is that it's gonna change the way how you'll spawn them a bit. First you got create a script (let's say: my_own_compo.sqf) which look like this : ------------------------------------------- private ["_objs"]; _objs = [ ["Land_Barrel_empty",[0,0,0],0,1,0], ]; _objs ------------------------------------(without those ---- of course!) Note : The syntax used in the script is : ["object classname",[x (coord relative to object used),y,z], angle, fuel, dommages]; - You can spawn EVERY Object/Weapon/Character enlisted in ArmAII_library ! Now instead of calling the composition set using : nul = ["bunkerMedium02", 335, getpos this] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf" syntax You'll use that one (NOTICE : I've put the script in a folder name Custom_compo): nul = ["Land_Barrel_empty", 0, getpos this,"Custom_compo\"] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; NOTE : The syntax used in the script is : ["script name WITHOUT .sqf", WHOLE set angle, getpos (player or any object used as reference Im actually using a game logic Location),"path to the custom compo script from Createcomposition"] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; Also note : the angle defined in the execVm sentence is for the whole set (if you use multiples objects) and the angle defined in the script is for each objects individually. Simple as that! I also found that the original Createcomposition.sqf do not use the z coordinates of the object/player reference. It will only use the z coordinates defined in each officials compositions. So that's mean if you plan on putting an official composition set on a roof, It will only place it on the ground. Using custom compositions would fix that. Also I noticed that MANY of the officials compositions set have some elements, such as ammo boxes, with a Z coordinates defined with negative values. This would result in having those ammo boxes "sunk" into the ground. Here again using custom composition set would fix that too. If you wonder where are the original compositions sets scripts, here they are : First you got to Unpbo the modules.pbo file found in Arma 2 / Addons directory Then its in \modules\dyno\data\scripts\compositions All the 81 sets available are there! I hope this would help any mission designer. One more thing : I highly reccomand on using the sap_render_1.0 island addon to test and build your own sets. Now Im on trying to find how to delete the spawned compositions sets once there not needed anymore.