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About ZuppR

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  1. Hey sbsmac. Thanks for your reply. However, your solution did not make any difference whatsoever. It still spawns the helicopter once, per player connected. (which is 2 times with two players, 3 with three, etc.)
  2. Hey guys. Through my init, I have executed a script which creates a vehicle. It works as supposed in singleplayer, however if other people joins, it'll create the vehicle one time per player that is online. Here's a snippet of my init, and sqf. My init: [] exec "script\heli.sqf" My heli.sqf: _heli = createVehicle ["UH1Y", _heli, [], 0, "None"]; _heli setPosASL [getposASL _heli select 0, getposASL _heli select 1, 15.9]; _heli setdir 180; _heli engineon false; _pilot = createGroup (west); "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createUnit [_heli, _pilot]; (units _pilot select 0) assignAsDriver _heli; (units _pilot select 0) moveInDriver _heli; hint "Your Helicopter starts in one minute." _heli engineon true; ~60 Now, sure he doesn't fly anywhere, I'm aware of that, but that is not the problem. If i start the mode, and go join myself, it all works as supposed, but due to (i guess) the whole locality thing, if other people join me, it will spawn the chopper and the pilots for every player that is in. Meaning, that if I and another guy would be online, it would spawn two, if I another guy, and a third guy, it would spawn it three times. What I'm trying to accomplish is prevent it from spawning multiple times. Any help, or a good hint in the right direction would be more than appreciated.