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Everything posted by Melissia

  1. Melissia

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    In response to the most recent post and all others like it: None of which matters to me in any way shape or form. This is a game, and it's never going to be realistic as long as you look at a computer screen and move a mouse around and use a keyboard. You're not running through the jungle, having to remove leeches and avoid tripping over vines. You're not sweating your ass off in a desert. You're not feeling actual pain when you're shot. And you respawn when you die. Yes, I do in fact enjoy games more when there is a female protagonist. Yes, I do in fact enjoy games more when I can make my avatar into an extension of myself. No, I have no intention of purchasing this game anymore because of its lacking a model for female soldiers. Not having the models makes the game inferior compared to if it did have them. Games are luxury items, and after playing the demo for a bit, I came to the conclusion that this game really has nothing special about it-- it's fairly generic really. If it had female models of some sort, I might have seen it as more worthy of being bought. As it is, other games are better choices for my hard-earned and limited supply of money. And now, unsubscribing. No clue why I left this thread subscribed for too long, not like there's anything really worth reading. Flame away I guess.
  2. Melissia

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Big Dawg KS: And in this case realism gets in the way of fun, so the game suffers for it and thus is less than it could be.
  3. Melissia

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    So no female models... that sucks. Was hoping this game might have actually had something that made it stick out above the various male-dominated modern-based FPS games. Might have actually purchased it... Seems the only modern-based FPS I can find that actually has female models as a base is the Korean-made Combat Arms... whose player base has been by far the most obnoxious of any FPS game I've ever played (including Q2/Q3/Q4/ET:QW, TF2, UT3, amongst others)...