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Everything posted by 43st

  1. This is like bragging about who has more herpes on there junk... both fail to live up to OFP.
  2. True true.. There is a ton of that already here, probably largely rooted in frustration. I'm sorry to have contributed to the FUD without first checking it out on Vista/7. Bleh.. :(
  3. Yeah.. doesn't work at all in this OS. There used to be this d3doverride utility that worked amazingly well in the past, oh well. :blush: That's what's great about the internet.. a million people there to correct you, in the nicest way possible. :D
  4. Bohemia Interactive does not need to do this, you just need to know how to use Triple buffering properly. :) You can also drop 'max pre-rendered frames' to 0 to further smooth out the mouse lag. But test this last part with your hardware, you may want it slightly higher.
  5. 43st

    Illegal Copies Ma Degrade

    If legit copies perform like they do I'd hate to see a degraded copy! Goodness, it's probably a text adventure at that point.
  6. What seems very odd about optimizing Arma2 is that once in a while one seems to get a large performance boost, but it just doesn't stick beyond one session?!?! I've now had 2 or 3 different moments when I think I've found the holy grail of FPS, in a matter of speaking, only to re-launch my ill-fated Razor Two mission to get between 10-20 FPS?!?! And maybe I'm just being more sensitive to it than before but this low FPS make me feel sick. After I shut down the game I can't even look at a PC screen without my head spinning. The constant low FPS is just killing me. :(
  7. No performance difference here between Vista and 7.. in fact I was surprised how similar it was, almost seemed like a Vista theme or re-skin, but certainly not the night and day difference being reported on the net.
  8. Mydefrag (formally JkDefrag) has a similar script that optimizes the outer band of the hard drive platter area. It works well, but doesn't have as many options as UltimateDefrag. UltimateDefrag did a good job when I tried it, but I didn't like that it moves archive files into the center of the disk. I see no reason why they all can't be at the edge, just with a preference toward the Windows and Games folders. (maybe there is an option for this that I may have missed)
  9. I found that using 8 added to much lag into the game, it's much smoother but there is a noticeable delay.
  10. Should work fine straight up.. if you do use the -winxp command line switch be sure to also match it with compatibility mode in the shortcut. This reduced my crashes when using -winxp mode.
  11. I wanted to get him as well, and had to full out run to that area before getting the "you're too late, thanks a lot Razor team" message. Once I got to the area and saved the sniper was always taken out by another team before I could locate him.
  12. Very strange.. I wonder if it was something else that I did. :confused: This was late last night as my last test.. I actually changed it in the Arma2.exe Nvidia profile, not in the main CP. My test is the barracks in the Razor 2 mission, which had performance so bad I couldn't continue the game. Well thanks for your comment MJK-Ranger, I'll keep poking around.
  13. First off, hello everyone! :D Perhaps some other people can confirm this, and it can be added to the OP.. but I was banging my head against the wall trying to get the 'Razor 2' mission to get over 10 FPS in the city. I have the 190.38 drivers and on a whim decided to disabled 'power management mode' in the Nvidia CP. That one thing has done more to improve my FPS than pretty much anything else I've tried so far.