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Posts posted by 43st

  1. What seems very odd about optimizing Arma2 is that once in a while one seems to get a large performance boost, but it just doesn't stick beyond one session?!?! I've now had 2 or 3 different moments when I think I've found the holy grail of FPS, in a matter of speaking, only to re-launch my ill-fated Razor Two mission to get between 10-20 FPS?!?!

    And maybe I'm just being more sensitive to it than before but this low FPS make me feel sick. After I shut down the game I can't even look at a PC screen without my head spinning. The constant low FPS is just killing me. :(

  2. Mydefrag (formally JkDefrag) has a similar script that optimizes the outer band of the hard drive platter area. It works well, but doesn't have as many options as UltimateDefrag.

    UltimateDefrag did a good job when I tried it, but I didn't like that it moves archive files into the center of the disk. I see no reason why they all can't be at the edge, just with a preference toward the Windows and Games folders. (maybe there is an option for this that I may have missed)

  3. Very strange.. I wonder if it was something else that I did. :confused:

    This was late last night as my last test.. I actually changed it in the Arma2.exe Nvidia profile, not in the main CP. My test is the barracks in the Razor 2 mission, which had performance so bad I couldn't continue the game.

    Well thanks for your comment MJK-Ranger, I'll keep poking around.

  4. First off, hello everyone! :D

    Perhaps some other people can confirm this, and it can be added to the OP.. but I was banging my head against the wall trying to get the 'Razor 2' mission to get over 10 FPS in the city. I have the 190.38 drivers and on a whim decided to disabled 'power management mode' in the Nvidia CP. That one thing has done more to improve my FPS than pretty much anything else I've tried so far.
