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Everything posted by Zepboy

  1. HI All, Recent rig.....Core i7 920 on an ASUS P6T mobo, 3Gb RAM, with a pair of GTX275s in SLI. SLI works really nicely in most games (literally doubles the performance in Crysis). INstalled ARMA2 and updated to 1.02. I regaulary monitor all temps (CPU, GFX cards etc) via the LCD screen on my keyboard. The GFX cards idle at 43-48C and most games push the GFX cards to 70-80C. And they're stable. With ARMA2, neither card rises above 55C. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?? Is most of the processing in ARMA2 being performed by the CPU?? I've also noticed significant Harddrive thrashing (textures loading??). Can anyone definitively say that ARMA2 makes much use of modern GFX cards?? I find thi baffling.......................
  2. Having read the 3 pages of this thread, it seems that noone really wants to get down to the basic issue.........dropping the resolution results in no differene whatsoever to the rate. Whilst a few people think its a CPU bottleneck (and that's a hell of a bottleneck, let me just add a "me too". I'm running an OCed E6600 (3.4Ghz, granted not the fastest or most recent processor out there) with a GTX275 in Vista x64. I can set solution at 1680*1050 with all settings on High or Very high and get exactly the same FPS as when I choose 800*600 and all settings on Low. Seriously, never budges off the 21-22 FPS (drops to 15-16 intermittently). View distance set to 400-500. I have never seen anything like that. By all means, tell me my CPU is a bottleneck, but I should be able to *SOME* difference at the very low resoution and settings. Its frustrating as hell, and unplayable at this FPS......