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About Meltbrain

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    Music, Video Games, Computer Games, Films etc...
  1. Meltbrain

    Mission help for a newbie.

    Oh man, is he the older dude with the straw hat on? I did see an old guy there but it gave me no option to talk to him. I think I might have figured out what happened. My guys opened fire on some chedaki in the distance and I think because of that some of the locals now won't talk to me? If that's the case that kinda stinks, but I'll get there in the end.
  2. Hmm, that's some messed up artifacting you've got there. I just bought a Radeon 4870 Dark Knight edition the other day and I don't seem to be having any of these issues, just the usual weird texture popping and such that seems to plague ArmA II in general. Man, it sure does look nice with everything turned up all the way, though. In general though, that level of artifacting, like others have said, could be your GPU or the graphics memory getting too hot or freaking out completely. The last time I had bad artifacting like that my card soon fell apart.
  3. Meltbrain

    Mission help for a newbie.

    Ah thankyou kindly, sir. I did notice that when Coops heals teammates they only regain a slight bit of health, usually retaining the red colour on their icon if they are badly wounded, whereas the Corpsman seems to restore them to full health? I'll definitely check that guide out. As for that mission, I still can't find out anything from the people. I'll try again later on, though. :confused:
  4. Hey guys, So... I was almost completely new to ArmA II and this kind of style of game for a long time. I only ever played a demo of Op Flashpoint many years ago with terrible hardware that wouldn't run it very well. After trying out the ArmA II demo I figured there really isn't much else quite like this game that is out there (other than Op Flashpoint and the first ArmA) and so I picked it up. The game definitely has it's fair share of problems. The voice acting... Dude... seriously? I appreciate these guys are on a tight budget and considering they're not native speakers the english is mostly excellent, but they can't act for beans. The amount of bugs is pretty disappointing, too, but hey. For all it's problems I still enjoy the game and I hope I'll get into the online community with a bit more practice. I also just bought a Radeon 4870 yesterday and I can pretty much nearly run ArmA II maxed out with relatively good FPS. Sweeeet. So anyway, after getting my head around most of the game's mechanics and how to play.. I've been having fun. I just have a few general questions and some more specific mission ones. 1. Is there any way to tell who, on my team, is the best to heal wounded soldiers? So far all I've been able to figure out is that Corpsmen seem to be the best at healing dudes. Also is it possible for NPC US marines who aren't in my squad to heal me or my guys without me being in command and just ordering them? 2. Could anybody recommend me a good walkthrough or general strategy guide? (nothing too deep, I'm not pretending I'm in the military. I just enjoy shooting dudes in the face with a bit more intelligence than is required in most other games). 3. I'm doing the campaign mission Razor Two and before I went looking for Lopotev and such I went to Vyshnoye, after being told I should check it out. I went there, spoke to most of the villagers and couldn't find anything. The guy next to the water pipe told me about Malek's farm to the south, but I went there and found nothing. I figured there would be something here if I was told to scout it out, but I can't find a single thing. Is there something I'm missing? I also checked out the weird castle to the south of the village but found nothing there either, 'cept for an enemy machinegunner and sniper. Anyways, apologies for ranting on. Help would be much appreciated! :)