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Posts posted by iwilldie

  1. Is it? it happens sometimes when the game loads up so after about 3 seconds.

    There have been no problems with overheating before.

    ---------- Post added at 01:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ----------

    I have found a video that shows exactly what I mean. Also he is using the same Graphics card. Any help would be great ty.

  2. Hi all my friend is having some problems with the game. When he loads up a game (any kind really, boot camp, multiplayer, campaign etc) everything runs fine for a few minutes. Then all of a sudden the screen is full of green square kind of things, then he gets the blue screen of death and the computer shuts itself down, all in the space of a few seconds.

    Is this wat artifacts are? if so how is it fixed?

    If not what could it be and how could it be fixed?

    Thanks for any help that can be offered.

  3. Hi all

    I love the game.

    Most of all I love the tactical teamworking aspect of it. I can happily stalk around for 2 hours without pulling the trigger as part of a team.

    What I find is that on multiplayer all the PVP servers end up being capture the flag or just run and shoot.

    Where can I find a great game played over large distance involving team working and tactics?

    Im in UK if that makes a difference.

    Thanks for any help you can give.


  4. Hello all. I have a decent spec machine and usually can run games on highest video settings. The only problem I get with Arma2 is when i look around it sometimes becomes blurry as I look around. Then when I keep the mouse steady everything sharpens and can see perfectly.

    Basically I was wondering if there is a specific video setting I can tweak that will solve this.

