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About Tw33kR

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  1. Tw33kR


    Thanks for all the comments - and yes, the wolfclaw is great for gaming, especially since it uses 'normal' keys rather than a gampad so it will work even in games that struggle to recognise non-keyboard binds - although that is less of a problem nowadays than it used to be. Cheers MPBR - I forgot about that great little autohotkeys app which I last used for Company of Heroes which didn't allow for re-binds. That should do the trick, although its still lame we have to use the console to finish buggy missions.
  2. I had high hopes for this but it has really let me down and I will definitely not be investing in future BIS products when newly released. So far I have spent at least 5x more time tweaking, adjusting graphics settings, testing and reading these damn forums for bug workarounds than I have actually playing the game. And that's not even counting the restarts because some ingame trigger hasn't gone off or the AI has run someone over. She may be pretty and have potential, but there is only one thing to do with a dis-functional relationship that doesn't respond to counseling.:mad:
  3. ...I'll second this motion.
  4. Tw33kR

    Badlands Incompletable

    Well, after my 3rd playthrough of this mission it finally ends (only to start with the next mission, dogs of war bugged - but thats another thread). If it helps, the only thing I did differently on the final playthrough was: 1. not to touch the HQ BMP you receive, i.e. don't unlock it or get in or anything, just go into construction and construct your HQ directly ontop of where it is parked on the grass. 2. When taking the 'save vishnoye' sidemission, I did NOT destroy the enemy HQ that you find parked there.
  5. Tw33kR


    Wolfclaw gaming keyboard - it has a gaming pad in a circular array instead of a numpad http://www.overclockers.com.au/article.php?id=489041
  6. Tw33kR

    Dogs of War bug

    For F*&ks sake - CAN WE PLEASE HAVE SOME COMMENT FROM SOMEONE AT BIS???? I've just played Badlands through 3 times in order to get it to 'end' (I have a gaming keyboard with no numpad so no endmission console command possible) and now I have all the same problems as posted on this thread. Dogs of War won't 'start' as the commander doesn't finish his dialogue + team razor are all stuck (I played NAPA in Badlands and Joined NAPA and CDF by killing the priest) It's frustrating as the game has great potential but really!!? All these comments from customers and not a word back from BIS, suggested workaround from BIS or patch ETA? C'Mon!
  7. Tw33kR


    Yeah - but how about us people that have keyboards without numpads?
  8. Tw33kR

    'shift' + '-' endmission

    Is there a way of remapping the command to enter the console for those with keyboards that do not have a numpad???
  9. Likewise, latest patch version and mission won't end after conquering all the towns and sidequests - radio chat of a reunion but no cutscene or end.