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Everything posted by GroundControl

  1. GroundControl

    Interactive barrier ?

    Group the vehicle with the trigger and you will see a new option on the trigger drop down menu when you double click it.
  2. GroundControl

    More Missiles for F35

    Since no one thanked you Mr. J Dog, thanks!
  3. GroundControl

    Tracking flag in CTF?

    Thank you so much! You guys really take care of your own.
  4. I've been searching all over this forum for tracking a flag in CTF and all I found was this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1391443#post1391443 That doesn't work and I am unsure on what I am doing wrong. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
  5. GroundControl

    Tracking Flag Location

    Thanks Pimpin! This helps a lot my friend!
  6. GroundControl

    Tracking flag in CTF?

    Neither of these work perhaps I am doing it wrong. Any luck on getting a clearer explanation?
  7. GroundControl

    boat chase

    I feel your pain JDog. Is there a way to make the group not fire at all and simply give doFire commands to the gunner?
  8. GroundControl

    boat chase

    No doc, the driver of the boat wants to fight too so he goes to shore so he can disembark and fire.
  9. GroundControl

    boat chase

    I can make them follow me around if I group the driver with me but you are correct, the other soldiers hate him and want to murder him.
  10. GroundControl

    boat chase

    That's still a hot idea! I've done something similar in the sense that I disabled the AI from ever attacking me. The USMC AAV has that ride on top script to which I had the idea for getting driven into an enemy base via the enemy's own carelessness. By setting the AI to Careless and disabling autotarget, target and the ability for the squad leader to order attack, the AI simply boarded the AVV without ever acknowledging my 4 man team lying on top of the APC and drove me to whatever way point I set after that. I know you said you grouped the captain of the boat separately but perhaps adding all of these commands to his init will make him never fire. Also, how are you making him follow them? Maybe, just maybe, if you instead group the driver of the enemy boat with the allied team he will simply try to stay in toe while the enemy occupants of the boat will fire. Seems ghetto but if it works, it works. I'll go give those ideas a shot right now. Oh, and thanks for the Chinook water extract mission, I love it!
  11. Hello fellow Arma enthusiasts, In terms of the francise I guess I'm rather new but I feel equally addicted. I've been screwing around in the mission editor every night and perusing these forums for all kinds of tips and scripts that have added a lot of excitment and depth to my missions. For that I would like to thank this community for it's generous support. Currently I've only been creating missions to occupy the time of my close friends every evening, so the lack of functionality and errors have been forgiven but my ideas sometimes cannot get off the ground due to my lack of knowledge. What I'm trying to accomplish now is having a Chinook hover practically in the water with its ramp open to allow the small landing craft to ride inside of it. It then needs an attachTo command to take off which I've pulled off with a radio command so that I can time it myself but it seems rather amateur. I know that it can be done with various height commands and triggers but I have only accomplished this with me flying. Also, how would make this helicopter appear in a given position at the afformentioned height when I get within range to minimize the amount of error i.e. the helicopter getting attacked and peacing out like it does during extraction attempts. Anyway, like I said I have tons of ideas but I can't always make them work so I appreciate everyone's help. Thanks again.
  12. Yeah, I can't even recall how much I've lost through my own error. You should see what a mess my Arma folder is. Since we are here talking, are there any interesting mission ideas you've shared? I'm almost positive there is a section for just ideas but I'm on my iPhone avoiding my fiancé's angry eyes.
  13. How embarrasing. Thanks for the support and being gentle. <3