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Posts posted by keimosabe

  1. there seems to be a problem with unpacking the .7z file. The original size for file

    sar_ru_architect.pbo is supposed to be around 129 meg but so far I cannot get ANY program to extract the files beyond this file and then it only gets to between 87 and 89 meg before kicking out. Any ideas or what unzip program do you recommend?

  2. hey rawhide.... excellent find man. I was wondering if in that trigger, where you have "crew" could you also put in a "cargo" line for the people in the back as well?

    and for the players getting out the line:

    expCond="player in (crew rusTruck)";

    would you change that to read "player out" in conjunction with setcaptive=FALSE to put them back to BLUFOR?

    I'll try it and see but I wondered if anyone knew up front that it worked like that.

    thanks in advance guys:yay:

  3. I have an airport that when players approach it, I want an A-10 to take off down the runway, sort of am ambient life kind of thing.

    I have a trigger just inside where players will pass and I have that trigger SYNCED to the first waypoint right in front of the A-10. So theoretically, the A-10 should hold right there until the trigger is set off right?

    Well, it's not. As soon as th emission loads, it just goes right on ahead and takes off. What am I missing here? Thanks guys

  4. you could set a trigger around the vehicle so that when an OPFOR enters the trigger area, certain player names are set as captives. You have to give each of your players names and then in the ACTIVATION line of the trigger put in:

    {_x setcaptive true} foreach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10]

    the P1-P10 are just the names I use to name my playable people. Change it to whatever you use.

    I don't know about how the cargo check works, but if they are going to a distinct location, simply make another trigger big enough that they will enter before they get out and put:

    {_x setcaptive false} foreach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10]

    in the trigger's ACTIVATION line

    basically it's just 2 trigger areas and once they enter them, it sets the variable for every player no matter who enters it first:D

    that help you out any?

  5. Hey guys, this is just what I've been looking for and I have it set up to use Bon's coding with the two triggers and it works great.

    I'm trying to adapt it to use in a mission with a nuclear bomb. Short story, the nuke is randomly placed in 1 of about 6 locations and the group is searching for it. My trigger so START the timer is attached to the nuke itself so that no matter where it goes the trigger to START a timer goes with it.

    There is the second trigger that sits right on top of it so that when they reach it and deactivate it, the timer gives them the time and stops.

    can anyone give me the coding for a couple of things:

    1) coding to use on a trigger that if Bon's timer EXCEEDS a certain time limit, the nuke will explode (I can make it explode, I just need the coding for it to do so after a time limit)

    2) This one isn't as critical, but I'd like for the timer to SHOW UP onscreen for my players. Using Bon's code, above, what is the syntax to get the timer to show up on screen as it counts.

    Basically I have it set up so that when players find the right town with the nuke, using a script, I have a bunch of OPFOR show up to defend the nuke and players have to fight their way through them all to disarm it in time.

    Thanks in advance for the help guys....:D

  6. Mr. Fenix

    I am attempting to use this script in a trigger. I have done exactly like you explained in the post above with the activate line in my trigger and the first three steps done as well.

    From what I can tell, it should be working, but whenever a player enters the trigger area, the timer won't show up. Has anyone else tried this and had it work or am I missing something?

    As usual thanks in advance for the help guys:rolleyes:

  7. I know how to script a single person "unitname setcaptive false", but how would that work if I wanted a trigger to set ALL the players back to false?

    I use a standard p1-p10 naming scheme and my players all start out in a prison camp with no weapons and set as captives. Once one (or several) of them approaches a weapons rack to steal weapons, I want ALL of them to set back as FALSE so OPFOR will treat them all as escaping.

    I just don't know how that line of code looks. Thanks guys....

  8. I'm working with tcp's IED script and I've noticed a couple of things that you coder geniuses can help me with...

    The IED scripts use a SIDE variable to determine which side activates the IED and in my case it is WEST. No problem. But when I start out and set a unit with "setcaptive true", apparently it removes the SIDE variable of that unit, which only makes sense.

    Does "setcaptive false" return the unit to its original SIDE? The problem I am running into is that the "setcaptive true" units do not activate the scripts that are looking for a WEST side unit.

    And in the script itself for TCP's IED, you can setup the class types that never fail to disarm an IED they are close to. Click the spoiler button to see the code as I am using it. "USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","ACE_usarmy_sapper","ACE_SF_FR_Sapper" are the three class types I have set up that SHOULD BE able to always detect and disarm them, but in my testing, no matter what class I use, the bomb always blows up, taking out my guy with it (unless he has been set to captive)

    I have looked around but cannot find... Am I missing something with the script or do I have to just approach the vehicle a lot slower for a unit to detect the IED? I have never seen the IED successfully detected, so I don't know what to look for in my testing.

    // The class types able to disarm the IEDs

    _eod = switch (_side) do {

    case west: {



    case east: {



    default {




    // Engineer/Demo Expert class types that never fail disarming

    _engi = switch (_side) do {

    case west: {



    case east: {



    default {




    if (!isnil "_trg") then {


    while {alive _ied && _wait} do {

    sleep _time;

    if(triggerActivated _trg) then {_wait=false;};




    if(count _dtec > 0) then {_detect=true;};




    while {alive _ied && _wait} do {

    sleep _tim;


    _near = (getPos _ied) nearObjects 500;

    if(_side countSide _near > 0) then {



    while {(alive _ied) && (_wait2) && (_tmo > 0)} do {

    sleep 0.5;

    _near = (getPos _ied) nearObjects (_rad+40);

    _nrsd = [];

    {if(side _x == _side) then {_nrsd = _nrsd + [_x]}} forEach _near;

    _count=count _nrsd;

    for [{_x=0},{_x<_count},{_x=_x+1}] do {

    _sel = _nrsd select _x;

    _luck = random 1;

    {if((_sel isKindOf _x) && ((_sel distance _ied) <= _rad)) exitWith {_wait=false; _wait2=false; if(_luck < 0.33 && speed _sel < 10 && !(_ied isKindOf "CAManBase")) then{_armed=false;};}} forEach _targ;

    {if((_sel isKindOf _x) && ((_sel distance _ied) <= 5)) exitWith {_wait=false; _wait2=false; {if(_sel isKindOf _x) then {_armed=false; hint "Disarmed";};} forEach _engi; if(_armed && _luck > 0.1) then {_armed=false; hint "Disarmed";};}} forEach _eod;

    if(_detect) then {


    if(_sel isKindOf _x) then {

    if (_luck > 0.80) then {




    if (_luck < 0.03) then {

    hint "Detected IED";



    } forEach _dtec;







    as usual, thanks in advance for the help and props to TCP and POTS for their scripts. :)

  9. I know how to set a BLUFOR guy with "setcaptive" and remove all his weapons. My question is how do I set him back to "blufor" mode when he picks up a weapon.

    I'm working on a mission on Duala where we start in the prison as captives and I want players to be able to walk around UNTIL we pick up a weapon and try to escape. Does picking up a weapon and killing an OPFOR guy automatically make us enemies of OPFOR guys or do I need to script a trigger near a weapons cache for setcaptive=FALSE?

    As usual thanks for the help guys

  10. Is there some special way to script the mission briefing now if you use CBA?

    I've noticed not on two seperate missions that the notes are there, but as soon as the CBA Initializing message come up, they disappear. If you use CBA do you have to script the init.sqf differently?

    ** I know this has to do with CBA but I posted it here because I thought the solution might have to do with SCRIPTING:cool:

    I've looked all over the place and cannot find anything on this, but this is twice now, two seperate missions on two different islands....

    ---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

    never mind guys.... delete this thread please. I'm an idiot. It was in the briefing itself.

  11. I know how to unlock a single vehicle with trigger: "name" lock false;

    but I'm wanting 5 different vehicles to unlock via the same trigger. Do I have to go in and put the "name" lock false; in for EACH vehicle or is ther some way to put ALL of the vehicle names inside of brackets or quotes followed by "lock false" that will get them all at once?

    I can do it the other way but I figure there has got to be a way to group them all and just put the "lock false" in one time

    Thanks in advance guys....

  12. In my mission, I have a large city where the players are going into to kill bad guys, but they have to be careful not to kill civilians. I cannot find a script that checks for CIVILIANS being killed so I have decided to just name a bunch of them and then have a trigger check to see if the named ones are alive.

    I know how to code the "!alive" for a single entity, but how would you script that to check for SEVERAL entities being alive?

    Can you even do that with a single trigger of will I have to make a seperate trigger for each one?

    Lastly, is there a piece of code that if the above trigger's condition is met, in the ON ACTivation block, I can make the offending player LOSE a life (using Norrin's revive script) or if that is not possible, just KILL him?

    As usual thanks in advance guys.:rolleyes:

  13. yeah, that's what I figured and that's what I've been doing. What I was trying to accomplish is for the players to not see or know what is in store for them BEFORE time. I can make the tasks some "on the fly" but when they look at the briefing map and see a bunch of markers already showing up, it kinda blows the feel ya know.

    I guess I could hide the markers to begin with and then use a trigger to make them show up when the new task associated with them activates. Thanks for the help guys

  14. I want to create a task and have 5 marker positions set up to show in it. I know how to get a single marker position but what it is is that I have an objective that randomizes among 5 different locations each time a mission starts and when the trigger creates the next step in the mission that references those 5 possible locations, I want all 5 of them to show up on players maps.

    They still have to go search each location, but what is the syntax?

    setsimpletaskdestination (getmarkerpos "loc1");

    is what you use for a single location. How would I change it to show loc1-loc5? Thanks in advance guys.:D

  15. p1 addMagazine "7Rnd_45ACP_1911";p1 addWeapon "Colt1911"

    I have tried that in the initialization line as well as replacing the player name with "this" and every time he starts up with an M16 and NO pistol. I want him to just start with that pistol and magazines for it. What am I doing wrong? Thansk in advance guys.

    I know it's something stupid but cannot figure it out:mad:

  16. @SNKMAN...

    found the problem. It has something to do with the PANTHERA MAP. All other islands I am working with (UTES, CHERNARUS, and QUESH) the tags do NOT show up. Only the missions on Panthera.

    Have no idea what it IS, but something with that map, so in the future if anyone asks about it, ask them if they are using PANTHERA:D

    ---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

    Sorry SNKMAN if you've answered this before but I cannot find it...

    I and a friend of mine are working on missions with the AI JOINING GROUP feature and when we test it out, even with the example mission you give us, it works flawlessly.

    BUT, when we actually host as server with other PLAYERS (not AI), once the guy joins our group, he will not move. He shows and having joined the group, but he won't do anything. We cannot order him at all. We can ORDER him to move, he just stands there.

    Again, even in our missions, when we test it and it's just us or grouped with other AI players, he works fine, only when other real life players are playing along will he not work.

    Is that feature designed for SINGLE PLAYER only or am I just missing another step or something?

    Great mod man.....:yay:

    ---------- Post added at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------

    hey, we may have figured it out. We have the AI disabled for our group automatically. We're testing it now to see if that is ALSO disabling the AI when he joins our group. I'll get back in a sec....

    ---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

    OK, update:

    When we disable the AI, he still works just fine as long as it's just one PLAYER involved. Add just 1 HUMAN PLAYER to the mix and he doesn't work. He'll JOIN the group just fine and then he just stops and will not move.

    Any thoughts?:D

    ---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

    OK. OK... we got it working with HUMAN PLAYERS.

    We had to go in and set the Team Leader to PLAYER, not PLAYABLE and since we automatically DISABLE AI players, we had to go in and put "this enable AI "MOVE" at the end of his init line where you make him captive and all.

    He's now working perfectly with a full group of HUMAN players:bounce3:

    Might wanna store that somewhere in case it ever comes up again.

    YAY! I've contributed something positive to the coding guys....
