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About Patou

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    Private First Class
  1. I forgot about jip. This init should work with jip. No? obj0=false; obj1=false; obj2=false; obj3=false; obj4=false; obj5=false; if ( isServer ) then { PublicVariable "obj0"; PublicVariable "obj1"; PublicVariable "obj2"; PublicVariable "obj3"; PublicVariable "obj4"; PublicVariable "obj5"; }; if (isServer) then { onPlayerConnected "[] execVM "update.sqf""; }; [] execVm "briefing.sqf"; with update.sqf being if ( isServer ) then { PublicVariable "obj0"; PublicVariable "obj1"; PublicVariable "obj2"; PublicVariable "obj3"; PublicVariable "obj4"; PublicVariable "obj5"; };
  2. Thank you for the explanation. I tried setVehicleVarname in an alternative script and it wasn't working. After your answer i checked the script and i saw i made the damn typo error i often make, writing vehicule (as in french) instead of vehicle. :(
  3. Finally solved my problem by using the excellent respawn script by Tophe http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6082
  4. Always better to declare public variable at start to avoid errors. My self for ojectives i use boolean variables so i can just put the variable as condition in some triggers or waypoints for AI.
  5. I'm still stuck on this. If anyone have an idea he would be welcome ;)
  6. My goal is to detect a player driving a specific vehicle he doesn't own at start. I made a empty vehicle nammed "tanka" that respawn with this script I use triggers activated by side and with condition: I works fine if the tank doesn't respawn but once it has respawn the triggers doesn't work. Any solutions? What i want is: -It triggers only with this vehicle and not other vehicles. -It detects side of player driving or it puts side of player driving in a variable.
  7. resolved all problem. So it was that.
  8. I will try this and report if it works fine. thank you for the answer.
  9. I made a mp mission with three side: At the beginning players have to choose to enter a sedan or a motorcycle. The problem that happens in multiplayer is some vehicles seem lock at the beginning and after few seconde to 2 minutes they randomly unlock. When i try the mission in the editor this problem never happen. All vehicle are unlock. Someone have a idea why it is happening ? Should i try to force the unlocking by puting in the init: vehicle_name lock false; ? Or should i made an intro to be sure all vehicules are unlock?
  10. Now it works fine. Thank you very much. for the briefing i just copied what i found in tutorial. it works so i didn't search further.
  11. Hello, i try to make a rally's mpmission. I made a script that calculate the time done and get the player name. Now i want this script to insert the time of the player in a public list when he cross the line. So i made a publicVariable i called _classement. I declare it in the init.sqf My problem is when i want to use this _classement it show only a list of "any" If i change my scripts to use _classement as a local variable it works fine and show what it should. Do i do wrong to declare the publicvariable?