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Posts posted by Melchior

  1. In another thread from a few days ago I posted a comparison of all the big ofp, cwa, arma maps I could find. I could not use ingame screenshots of every overview map since I only have the current alpha installed so I had to use what I could find online. I tried to use official looking images and was kinda lucky to find most of them even with scale bars. How accurate those scales are, I cannot say.

    Also I'm not entirely sure, if the grids that are used have a common scale. Is one sqaure always 1km² in every game? Some maps suggest so others don't. So I used an official looking mock travel map of Chernarus that has a grid. The image is cropped at the top a little bit I guess, but 5 squares line up to the 5km scale bars of the other images. And that's what I did, I resized the different images so that they use one identical 5km scale bar.

    The Post/Thread:


    The Image:


    And the Takistan map is only a very rough guess based on some pictures showing the borders and cities of Chernarus and Takistan next to each other.

  2. I've forgot about how large Everon and Malden is, how would those compare to with stratis?
    I don't think you can compare with Everon and Malden.

    This website shows all of the old maps: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=jdw13579&logNo=140177513329

    The old ArmA CWA Maps seem to have 13kmx13km ( 169km² ) with half of it water. The reason why you can't directly compare their landmass is that they are much less populated then the newer maps. Huge areas are just countryside / empty fields without anything.

    Btw.: Why is the BIS WIki not containing all these maps inside the wiki entries of the maps? There are only pictures of specific spots on the island but no real map.

    Weird, that link did not work for me. For once I can't read the text and in addition to that I can't seem to find those maps. :/ Anyway, I found a few offical looking Maps for the old islands and could not resist. I decided to create a comparison of the main island based on the most official stuff I could find. I prefered to use those little scale markers in the corner to match up the maps.


    Nogova does not get its own map, but I found a few maps that placed it's size in the same ballpark as that red map. That also gave me a good reason to use that map of Sahrani. There is another one out there which claims for the island to be a lot smaller, and that did not look right.

    Also Skira. Because I actually liked Dragon Rising, bite me:p

  3. I would like to second this...

    I just redid my PC and finally came around to playing this game.

    I got the ArmA2 Black Edition and also bought the Expansion Pack OA. Got both as a DVD in a store.

    Now I installed both and in the lower right corner it either says 1.06.xxxx or 1.51.xxxxx depending on which game I start.

    Seeing as how the linked patches somewhat include my version numbers (1.00 to 1.08 and 1.50 to 1.55) and I can't find any other patches on the website I probably just have to download both patches, apply them and be done.

    But since this means downloading 450+ MB I'm kind of reluctant to just do that without any kind of confirmation. Maybe there is a smaller download somewhere or I just need one of both.

    So yeah just some kind of nodding me through would be cool, giving me the green light you know ;)

    thx in advance :)
