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Everything posted by Atomouss

  1. Atomouss

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    I tried this too, without success, I really hope it will be fixed with the next patch ;(
  2. Atomouss

    Crash on Receiving screen

    You're right :/ Et c'est peu de le dire en fait ! Bon courage pour la suite, un peu de patience, genre 15 patchs, et peut être, ça ne se produira plus.
  3. Atomouss

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I'm tired to post specs, tired to try every single tweak during hours, tired to believe BIS is working one the "receiving screen"... Still no answer from BIS, no way to fix it ! Useless patches, useless hope. I played thousands hours to OFP and Arma I, this one doesn't deserve even to be called "beta"... I can play this kind of game with 20fps, happy as a child. But the video memory management is absolutely crappy (this **** "receiving screen"), and nothing is done to improve it, after many patches, great support guys :O Simple, the work performed by ACE team on Arma I is more precise and more professional than this joke. How satisfied am I with Arma 2 ? Easy to guess.
  4. Atomouss

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Thank you Aelin, nice to read you \o/ @JW Custom : you'd better read the forum before posting such "epic posts". I can't count the times I posted all kind of specs related to this major bug, still no answer from BIS, that's epic ! All kind of computer, with all kind of components have this bug, so why should I post my specs 10 times more ?
  5. Atomouss

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Still no fix for receiving screen, that's epic !
  6. Yup, why not, but how should I explain the good overall performance ? 25/75 fps With real poor performance, I would agree with you, but with quiet good ones, I won't give a dollar... I'm still pretty sure a lot of things are not optimised, but I paid the game. All bios and driver are up to date. BIS, pleaaaaaase...
  7. Atomouss

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Still can't play, "receiving stuff" inside... So, "a bit" disapointed :/
  8. May I "up" this "receiving" related post ? YEEEEEEEES ! :cool:
  9. The biggest ISP in my country, with quiet good pings (20ms/50ms) ADSL Yep, and this is my job irl to set them Yes too, and even when this softwares are closed, same pb. Actually, I have this reception screen even in SP missions, so, nice to ask, but it won't help us, as every time I posted something related to that bug :/
  10. More than 25 hours of tweaking, every single potential solution tested, no way to fix the receiving bug. NO WAY !!! I'm tired to repeat that all my system is up to date, with no temperature problems, etc etc... So please, don't tell us this is an hardware or an OS related problem, it can't be ! I'm really concerned about that issue, because BIS worked a lot to fix really minor bugs, not major ones, such as this one. Some could fix this issue by their side, by tweaking textures quality for exemple, but only ones with high end systems. Moreover, we have no answer about it, and we deserve an answer, as customers. Maybe should we join our forces to be considered ? That's a shame, and if it still goes like that, we will do something to receive the support we deserve... That kind of unprecise and unofficial answers are good for private forums, not official one...
  11. I agree. Third time I ask, as so many other customers. We need official answers about it ! We would accept an hotfix as an official answer...
  12. So : " Cannot create video memory surface DXT5,16x16 (size 336 B), Error 8007000e Error: Failed to create surface texture (ca\uifonts\data\fonts\etelkanarrowmediumpro46-04.paa:4) Cannot create video memory surface DXT5,32x8 (size 320 B), Error 8007000e Error: Failed to create surface texture (ca\ui\data\ui_button_main_disabled_ca.paa:3) Cannot create video memory surface DXT5,64x32 (size 2720 B), Error 8007000e Error: Failed to create surface texture (ca\uifonts\data\fonts\etelkanarrowmediumpro46-01.paa:4) Cannot create video memory surface DXT5,16x8 (size 160 B), Error 8007000e Error: Failed to create surface texture (ca\uifonts\data\fonts\etelkanarrowmediumpro46-02.paa:6) Cannot create video memory surface DXT5,16x16 (size 336 B), Error 8007000e Error: Failed to create surface texture (ca\uifonts\data\fonts\etelkanarrowmediumpro46-03.paa:5) Cannot create video memory surface DXT5,16x16 (size 336 B), Error 8007000e Error: Failed to create surface texture (ca\uifonts\data\fonts\etelkanarrowmediumpro46-04.paa:4) Cannot create video memory surface DXT5,32x8 (size 320 B), Error 8007000e" Etc, etc...
  13. Not over 83°C (36°c in the room), with fan at 100%, 15°C less than the same test with Arma I, and with the first, no problem at all :/ Pretty sure that's not a temp problem... I can't find any arma2.rtp file ...
  14. Same reception screens. I'm really disapointed that BIS took time to fix so much minor bugs, letting this big one down... My specs : e6400 2Go HD3850 512Mo XP SP3 FPS : 20/60
  15. Atomouss

    1.03 frustrations

    Same reception screens as before with 1.03, as soon as I shoot a building from a plane for too long in a big city, or in many other cases. But now, moreover, I have sometimes huge fps falls (0.05fps), and I have to kill arma2.exe process manually to get out. That is not an hardware pb, all bios and drivers are up to date, and fps when no bug is occuring are 20/60fps. No temp pbs, hdd runs fine, and needs no defrag. Also tried every tweak for hours, no way to fix the "reception" screens. I'm really disapointed that BIS took time to fix so much minor bugs, letting this big one down... My specs : e6400 2Go HD3850 512Mo XP SP3
  16. Same reception screens, as soon as I shoot a building from a plane for too long in a big city, or in many other cases. But now, moreover, I have sometimes huge fps falls (0.05fps), and I have to kill arma2.exe process manually to get out. That is not an hardware pb, all bios and drivers are up to date, and fps when no bug is occuring are 20/60fps. I'm really disapointed that BIS took time to fix so much minor bugs, letting this big one down... My specs : e6400 2Go HD3850 512Mo XP SP3
  17. Still permanent receiving screen, despite a good overall performance. But thanx to 1.03, I have now new bugs, huge freezes (0.05fps), only way to stop that is to kill the process manually... Do I trust BIS support anymore ? Try and guess.
  18. Atomouss

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I have a CRT screen, without native resolution. No particular tweak, post process on low, terrain detail on low, other stuffs on normal.
  19. Yup, what communication ? "Mr "X" told Mr "Y" that maybe Mr "W" heared from his neighboor that they seem to be working on the case ?" :j: I guess this alphabetic familly didn't pay the game...
  20. That's the main problem, not the bug by itself, but the silence... Should we fear the meaning of this silence ?
  21. The only fix I found is : Actually, it doesn't fix anything, but I really feel better :bounce3: Just good to know i'm not alone....
  22. Is this bug really about the "sound of silence" ? Any info ? Or maybe should we write another song about it ? Allez les amis, all together : "hello darkness my old friend"... ploum ploum ploum :bounce3:
  23. You mean, for us ? Or BIS ? ^^ Sorry, was a joke, yes sir, it is a big problem. You're not alone in this case. I have the receiving screen also in sp game, but in mp, it is worst.
  24. Right, but I hope at least they are working on it !
  25. Here a post really useful : no solution for me, even with the lowest video settings (back to OFP \o/ ), receiving... So, bad sp experience, and no way to play mp. That's a bit frustrating as BIS games are for me the best multiplayer games ever !