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Everything posted by riffleman

  1. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    Soory for double posting,ALL TERRIN VECHICLE/WEAPON is there any available for download.
  2. riffleman

    How to make config file

    Thanks helpful sanctuary. I will try this when i done BRDM feature i will response you. whats about the side(like east BRDM is already there for east) of brdm sanctuary
  3. riffleman

    Cursor movement?

    When i start ofp in my pc there is 2 cursor on screen.one of ofp and 2nd one of pc.i press Alt+Ctrl+Del and come out of ofp window,than i again click on ofp in pc screen than ofp run ok.
  4. riffleman

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Window xp is good for ofp as i playing it from 2005.
  5. riffleman

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    In my Window vista there is a problem of ofp not working well.but in xp it work ok.is there any reason for it.
  6. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    Is there any Australian infantry or armor addon is avalable.
  7. riffleman

    How to make config file

    i want to make a config file.my made soldier name is rambo1(i want that he have G36),but now i did't know to work in config file.please help.what is config file of it should be.
  8. riffleman


    Hey game is 8 year old.try to find a walkthrough,it will help you. Try to place a charger where bmp unload infantry you can than easliy get rid of bmp with infantry , place remaining two charger at near your destroy convoy waypoint.try to call alpha team later.use bravo team wisely.ok
  9. riffleman

    Self-propelled-artillery setting SU-76M

    Continue your good work for community.
  10. riffleman

    zombies questions

    I found zombie website but where the zombie full mod available with all addons.yoh
  11. riffleman

    Recession effects on global economy

    Here educational institutes(like managemen,tecnology etc) also suffer recession.
  12. riffleman

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Ofp2 show screeshots looks nice,but i think reality we can find in playing game or from reviews.yoh
  13. riffleman

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Ofp is great.ofp2 review can i use to make my mind.
  14. riffleman

    Damn FRAPS

    FRAPS make my PC speed very low and video is quite low quality,i play it as 1024*768 resolution.anyone know about a program like fraps which is free.
  15. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thanks VBCI,is there any Silent sniper riffle like M21,Dragunov.but not scope riffle like Ak74,G36 etc.
  16. riffleman

    Ofp in notebook

    I can't afford to purchase a new laptop.as above i mention my laptop function,i need advice what to do. Help
  17. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    Is there a truck which have macinegun or with resistant body.
  18. riffleman

    Hey Everybody

    What your spoiler mean ARMA3 in india.
  19. riffleman

    The ORIGINAL milsim games and what made them great!

    My first game is Delta force(all parts) and Desert storm(both parts).i think desert storm both parts are very hard and cool.as delta force.it has also big community.delta force is a rambo type game,you have to do all work on your own.desert storm is my 2nd choice after ofp.yoh
  20. riffleman

    Ofp in notebook

    I need help,if anybody know about what we must(h/w,s/w) have in laptop or what setting must be set.help me i want to play ofp in laptop is it possible or not.
  21. riffleman


    T-800 addon is great.one man army.
  22. riffleman

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    can you give me link of Llauma head model link than i will try.
  23. riffleman

    CWC: battlefields

    is it from CWC.read the radio message and follow it.
  24. riffleman

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    Sanctuary i mean to say that civlian milita addon is made by someone using civlian (which come in game as civlian side=civlian) .In your mode civlian faces is incomplete,or what.
  25. riffleman

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    Sanctuary what about the faces of civilian in this mod.i download civil milita(resistance) addon,but can't find difference in watching them from some distance.