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Everything posted by riffleman

  1. riffleman

    Delta force game series

    Hard to play BHD and make proper use of avalable bullets.what you think about DF2, i think that is also very good.DF3 is ok.
  2. riffleman

    Delta force game series

    Same story of me.blackhawk down was very good.
  3. riffleman

    Delta force game series

    Whats about novalogic community,who join there forum.
  4. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    i try whole day and fail in finding.help
  5. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    I need links,i try but not find any. I read in paper about USA portable javelin ATGMs.is it available in ofp user addon.
  6. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    soory for double posting.is no one know about a silent riffle.
  7. riffleman

    Organ donation.

    People think that when someone there relative die,than they must have all organ.if they provide it to someone than there soul will heart them.
  8. Intresting command which i see in some missions cutescene.
  9. riffleman


    All know what nuke can do.
  10. riffleman

    Organ donation.

    People living with there old thinking,so they did't donate organs.
  11. riffleman

    Delta force game series

    Delta force are very old game,but good for new player.
  12. riffleman

    Organ donation.

    Good view,but implementation is hard.
  13. riffleman


    I passed this mission by killing the T72 crew. I think need of a weapon pool in this mission.
  14. riffleman

    Means of communication

    My future is depend on what i can speak in front of people. Written is best as i think.
  15. I start this thread to know about various operation flashpoint.as far i know filefront,ofpec,ofpr is this site dead opflashpoint.org i will update all slowly. Everyone should help in making knowledge of ofp relatedwebsite more.now game is old to all except some new babies. New site i found. Operation flashpoint forever-content www.ofpforever.com ThruYerSterNuMs website www.geocities.com/thruyersternum/index.hmt
  16. It did't run on very intel cheapset graphics.
  17. riffleman

    Delta force game series

    Its first and last game which i played in multiplayer.
  18. riffleman

    WW4 Modpack 1

    Is it possible to play WW4MODE1 with other mode?
  19. I have delta force blackhawk down game,but it did't run on my intel chipset.give message like H w. . .t l
  20. riffleman


    I also read in my history book that japan surrender after nuke attack.
  21. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    I read some where about Zombie mod.is there any available.
  22. riffleman

    Means of communication

    It is pittsburgh in USA.now iam right.
  23. riffleman

    WW4 Modpack 1

    I think i have to try this new things.
  24. riffleman

    Delta force game series

    awesome game no save obtion,like very much
  25. riffleman

    Logged out too fast

    I also follow all the steps like rahul